Pool pump: how to make the right choice

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When deciding to acquire a swimming pool on the plot worth thinking in advance to the process of its service. After all, normal functioning is possible only with regular purification and circulation of water. This requires special equipment, so it is worth knowing how to choose the right pump for the pool.

Pump equipment for pools

For maintenance of swimming pools, units with two main components are used. This is an asynchronous engine and a pumping part with a mounted coarse filter. At the same time, the system provides for protection against thermal overloads thanks to the laying filter, it also reduces the noise level when working.


Volumetric and dynamic pumps are used as the basins equipment. Each species is distinguished by its features that determine the need in a separate case.
Volumetric units are characteristic:

  • high cost;
  • qualitative performance of work;
  • suction principle of action;
  • ability to pump clean water;
  • the presence of rough filters.

The principle of operation is based on the absorption of fluid with the passage of the filtering system of the kit. The equipment is installed above the water level, while using units for various purposes, namely:

  • water supply on private and public facilities;
  • in the work of the cleaning equipment;
  • organizations;
  • for the functioning of hydro and aero massage installations;
  • in appraisy devices.

Dynamic devices are placed directly in water, the submersible pump is lowered to a certain depth. When the unit is turned on, the operation of the blades, which guarantee the circulation of the fluid is launched. There is a classification of dynamic devices depending on the structural elements:

  • blade;
  • vortex.

There is also a division of dynamic pumps on the principle of operation:

  1. direction of fluid movement;
  2. force action for water;
  3. the type of removal.

Criteria for choice qWSS-500X500.

Before purchasing a specific device, it is worth identifying the necessary parameters:

  1. pump type;
  2. used components;
  3. power and size of the pool;
  4. provided function of the apparatus and other features.

Materials for components

The consumer should pay attention to the material from which the pump is made. With low loads there will be a fairly plastic case, it is not subject to corrosion. For the equipment with a capacity of more than 30 m3 / hour, the use of the housing from more durable materials is mostly bronze. In this case, the internal elements must have additional protection.

Quality work with optimal power shop_Items_catalog_image276.

Picking up the capacity of the pump for the water you need to know that it affects the quality of the cleaning fluid in the pool. When optimally even smaller particles will remain in the bowl device. But in purified water is added fresh liquid, because the output is a high concentration of chemicals. They further result in deterioration of the pump elements.
Depending on the water volume and the pool size are chosen parameters, the pump for 5-6 hours should pass all of the liquid through the filter. Experts recommend spending a day in the clean water, depending on its temperature:

  • at least 2.5 times t up to 24 ° C;
  • 3 times at t 24-29 ° C;
  • 4 times at t 30 ° C and above.

The optimal mode of operation for the pool water pump 2 is considered hour same interruption, only 10-12 hours per day.

additional Features attrakciony-10

Important present filter system is dependent upon the quality of the composition of water in the future. Cleaning filters provide three levels - a mechanical, biological and chemical. Initially put a special fine mesh to remove large debris.
Among the additional functions of the pump is isolated:

  • heating the water;
  • disinfestation.

Some models include the use of devices to raise the temperature of the liquid at the outlet. This reduces the cost of maintenance of the swimming pool, it is not necessary to purchase an additional heater.

Heated units image2_zoom

Heat pump for swimming pools for extending the swimming season, it is able to heat the water to 40 ° C. Work done indoor unit which falls directly into the cup, the outer block is left at the top. He can further serve as the air heater in the room. Economically advantageous to use such equipment, is about 5 times as compared with gas heating. Stable operation of units is calculated for a period exceeding 20 years.

quality cleaning

To filter there are two basic solutions. When buying or inflatable frame in the pool equipment includes the device with exchangeable filters. They purified water from debris and require systematic cleaning and replacement of the filter elements. Units only removes suspended particles that do not have time to settle to the bottom. Therefore, for high-quality treatment it is important to pay attention to the power of the equipment.
The second service option for small pools is sand pumps, they are intended for mechanical cleaning. Safety quartz sand perfectly delays even small particles contained in water. Replacing the filter element is rarely required, just once every 5 years. resource.ashx.

Achieve additional effects

To ensure the work of the attractions, high-pressure devices with good performance indicators are used. When choosing such a pump, a specialist consultation is required to take into account all the nuances of operation.

Manufacturers and prices

Before buying a Pool Pump, you should familiarize yourself with the manufacturers on the market, many well-known companies offer proven products. To determine a good manufacturer, sufficiently checking the accompanying documentation. Before purchase, you view certificates, warranty coupons, instructions.
The price of the pool pumps differs depending on the characteristics and manufacturer, many high-quality products are produced both domestic and foreign companies.

  1. Intex sand pump filter provides high-quality cleaning from the smallest impurities in the water. Equipment performance is 0.95l / s, automatic timer work is provided. The pump is calculated for the maintenance of the pool volume of 17 thousand. The cost of such an aggregate is about 300ow.
  2. Bestway pumps are often used for frame and inflatable pools, often they come in the acquired kit. Separately, you can find the Bestway model with a capacity of 2,006l / h in just 50ow. At the same time, the price includes a filter cartridge, which can be replaced without assistance.
  3. Thermal units are distinguished by solid prices, on average, the range begins from 2000, and the emphasis is placed on long-term operation of devices. Chinese ACWELL CDWC 10-300 kW thermal pumps worth 2200ow are highly productive and low noise. Work at an outdoor temperature to -20 ° C. This is distinguished by practicality and efficiency.
  4. The Polish manufacturer of Hewalex produces a wide range of models of pumps designed for water heating and ambient air. The Hewalex WBR-5.6H-B1 unit costs about 2000th is able to heat the pools of up to 23m2, while the warranty period is 24 months.
  5. For hydromassage systems and attractions, the KRIPSOL KP Pump of the Spanish company with a capacity of 74 m3 / hour is suitable. Its value is about 1500u, characterized as a low noise and economical unit.

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