How to close the pipes in the kitchen

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Although pipes are an integral part of the kitchen, they look most often completely unattractive. Such designs can spoil the impression even from the best repair and carefully thought-out design. Fortunately, the pipes in the kitchen can be hidden, but about what ways it is done, we will tell in our article.

Pipes in the kitchen: species, basic masking methods

The kitchen is a functional room where many communications runs: sewer and heating pipes, cold and hot water pipes, as well as gas pipes. Hide them in many different ways:

  • create a special box of plasterboard, wood, plastic or other material;
  • pour pipes in the thickness of the wall, staging there a special furrow;
  • make a false wall from durable, but lightweight;
  • pipes can be hidden using mounted furniture;
  • gas pipes are easy to disguise with rails;
  • you can also pick up an attractive decor for pipes.

How to hide pipes in the thickness of the wall

Such a way to disguise communications is used for heating, plumbing and sewer pipes. You can resort to this method at the setting stage of communications. Such work consists of several stages:

  1. First of all, you need to draw up and draw on paper a scheme for installing pipes. In the process of this work, the diameter of the communications and the thickness of the layered layer should be taken into account. If we are talking about heating pipes, you also need to take into account the type of selected heat insulating material.
  2. Then in the selected place, where the pipes will run, in the wall of the furrow, which will correspond to the length and size of the pipe and take into account the small stock of the depth. This work is performed using a perforator or strokeware.
  3. Wraping, if necessary, the pipe with a layer of heat insulating material, it is hidden in the stuffed by a furrow, not forgetting to fix well. To do this, take brackets and mounted them on the dowels that are inserted into the pre-done holes.
  4. After that, it is necessary to check the condition of the pipes, and already close them in the wall with cement mortar.


Masking pipes using a box

How to hide the pipes in the kitchen, not a stroke wall? Very easy - create a box of a suitable material. With the help of such a design, the communication will be securely hidden, and the kitchen will look neat and gently. The material for the box can be taking a different, for example, plasterboard, plastic, metal, wood, slab wood materials, etc. The box is great not only for water supply or sewer pipes, it is also possible to hide the pipe for drawing in the kitchen.

The most simple in the work, as well as one of the cheapest materials is calculated by plasterboard. Its surface does not need additional alignment, as in the case of wooden boards. In addition, plasterboard has a small weight, it is easy to cut and even bend. The surface of plasterboard plates can be subsequently separated by almost any decorative material. In addition, a similar box can be given an unusual form, making it not only a means for masking pipes, but also the original design detail.

The drywall box is made in several stages:

  1. Initially, on the wall draws the contours of the future frame, using the level, plumb, pencil and ruler.
  2. Then, focusing on this markup, a metal profile is mounted on the wall, which is fixed using a dowel or a special shock-absorbing tape.
  3. The elements of the racks are inserted into the resulting profile. All parts are mounted on metal screws.
  4. The elements of the desired size and shape are cut from sheets of plasterboard, and then fasten them to the frame. Installation of drywall is carried out with screws, they are screwed into sheets to a depth of about 1 mm.
  5. The joints between individual fragments, as well as the recesses in the fields of screws close up with putty.
  6. The corners of the box are protected from damage with the help of an angular metal profile.
  7. The finished box before the finish finish is covered with a layer of primer.
  8. The last step is to decorate the box with the selected finishing material.

Instead of plasterboard, you can use plastic. This material is good in that it does not absorb moisture, dirt and fat, and in the case of pollution it is easy to clean it. Plastic does not need additional finish finish, it weighs little, it easily cuts into the necessary fragments and is simply mounted. Plastic box can be made in the following way:

  1. As in the previous case, on the wall where the box is mounted, first need to make markup.
  2. Then this markup creates a frame of metal products.
  3. From the plastic with the help of the knife, parts of the desired size are cut.
  4. These details are fixed on the frame of self-drawing, brackets or small nails.
  5. The jokes, internal and external corners of the box are close to decorative corners and other details that are used when working with plastic clapboard.

For the kitchen in the style of High-tech, the box can be made of stainless or chrome steel. It is not so easy to work with it, as with plastic or with plasterboard, but the metal design is more durable and reliable. However, the metal is not so easy to separate, it is suitable for decorating that the paint is suitable.


How to hide communications for a false wall

It also happens that the pipes in the kitchen are located along the wall completely chaotically, and not collected in one particular place. In this case, making a box for each pipe does not make sense, but the communication can be hidden using a false wall. It must be borne in mind that such a design will take some room space, so the owners of kitchens with a small square should be thought before creating a false wall.

As in the case of a box, such a wall can be made from different materials: plasterboard, chipboard, plywood, wooden boards, plastic. The process of mounting a false wall is not much different from the build assembly. Stages of work here are almost the same, only the frame must be built in the whole wall.

Instead of a false wall for masking pipes, you can resort to the help of a special screen. Fortunately, similar designs are sold in finished form and have a wide range. Screens can be made of glass, metal, wood, plastic and other materials. According to the form they are also different: made in the form of lattices, arches, columns, etc. Depending on the type of design, there are shields of attachments and flat types, as well as screens in the form of an appropriate box.


How to hide pipes in the kitchen with furniture

You can hide communication with furniture, such as cabinets or hinged lockers. This disguise method is most suitable for gas pipes. Cabinet furniture in this case will not only play a decorative role, but also to be a practical element of the kitchen, because the cabinets can always be filled with something useful.

Before hiding the gas pipe in the kitchen with furniture, we should consider the disadvantages of this method:

  1. Cabinets, masking pipes, will not close to the wall, instead between the wall and the rear wall of the furniture are formed significant gaps. Visually this can be completely unnoticed, but in the formed space, dust, fat, web, moisture, etc. will constantly accumulate. As a result, the walls in these places can be covered with mold and fungus, besides, a microbial seedler is formed behind the cabinets.
  2. If the upper part of such a cabinet will be used as a shelf, minor items can fall into the gap between furniture and a wall, which will be very problematic.
  3. For kitchens with a small area, this type of pipe disguise may be unjustified, because excess furniture is able to clutter and without that close space.


How to close the pipes in the kitchen with rails

Gas pipes are good in that they have a relatively small diameter, so they can easily be closed with rails. Realies are suspended structures on which hooks are placed. You can hang towels, tanks, halves and knives, cups and other small kitchen utensils on these hooks.

If the gas pipe passes in parallel with the floor and is not too high, the rails are a great way out of the situation. Of course, they will not hide the pipe completely, but for the very construction of the rails, as well as due to the subjects placed on them, the pipe will become much less noticeable.

To achieve a better effect, you can hang the shelves over the rails, equip dryers for dishes or mounted breadmen.

The modern building market offers a huge number of rails, various in length, color, shape, size. So such a design can also become a stylish detail of the interior.


How to reorganize the pipe in the kitchen with finishing

The least expensive, most simple and fastest in the performance of the pipe masking is their decoration. The easiest option is to paint the pipe into the wall decoration. To do this, you only need to get the paint of a suitable shade, brushes, and also have a little free time in stock. Such work does not require special skills and skills.

The gas pipe in the kitchen can be disguised with remedies, such as a rope. It looks like this finish is very interesting, originally and effectively. If the kitchen interior is made in the ethnic, hunting style or in the country style, this method of decoration will be quite appropriate.

Hide pipes can be used with bamboo. The bamboo stem of the suitable diameter is cut along half, and then mounted on the wall. It is worth noting that the bamboo wood is durable, does not absorb water, serves for many years, it is easily rubbed from dust and dirt.

Contrary to the opinion that it would be possible to hide the pipes with the help of living plants, I would like to say the opposite: plants only attract more attention. The living corner in the room is always striking against the background of other objects, therefore, together with the plants, households and their guests will constantly see the unattractive pipes.

There are a lot of ways to hide communications in the kitchen. We listed the main of them, but everyone can show fantasy and come up with something interesting.

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