How to make a roof on an extension

October 22. Roof, Construction Views 6798. Comments to record how to make a roof on an extension No

Ideally, the whole house should be built immediately, but it turns out not always and the main house is made an extension. Then the question of its shelter becomes relevant. Now we will consider in detail how to properly make a roof on an extension.


Choose the roof type of an extension to the house

The choice of the type of roof of the extension depends on the appointment of this additional area. According to constructive execution, they are:

  • single-sketched;
  • multi-stage.

Requirements taken into account when choosing a type of roof of an extension

To get the roof as it should and looked harmoniously, you need to follow the following:

  • the roof on the extension should go under the main. It is necessary that the moisture does not fall on the walls;
  • observe the matching of the roof of the house and an extension in the material and the general design;
  • when calculating the number of rafters and distances between them, take into account the weight of the roof.


We mount a single roof

This type of roof professionals are considered the easiest. It does not break the geometry and it will be good to look such an option of the roof and on the extension to the broken roof.


Its components are:

  • system rafters;
  • actually roof.

should decide before working with the material and assemble the necessary tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • very sharp knife;
  • axe;
  • stapler and staples stock to him.

Preliminary calculations material pent roof extension

In order not to buy too much, do some simple calculations:

  • We will take into account the point that the sheets are stacked overlap;
  • prikinte overlapping area of \u200b\u200bthe horizontal and vertical;
  • knowing the size, e.g., slate, corrugated, etc., you can easily determine the area that can conceal actual sheet 1 by subtracting from the total unit area covering material lining;
  • We count the number of square meters occupied by the roof. We add to this overlap in the square. m;
  • round off the amount in a big way.

Now we have to come to the building and a supermarket called the area, it is estimated you, and sellers will calculate the necessary number of sheets of the material chosen. But to know in advance, with some amount of money for the purchase, it is better to count themselves:

  • take, as computed by us, the actual area of \u200b\u200bthe roof;
  • divide this value by the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet and obtain the required quantity;
  • multiplied by the unit price, and we have the amount you need to carry.


  • in order to erect supporting structures, requires wooden beam with the dimensions 120x120 mm and above, up to 150x150 mm. The choice depends on the material, which is scheduled to put on the roof;
  • lathing board device;
  • nails 8-10 cm long at the rate of 8 units. 1 sq. m;
  • hydro and thermal insulation. When purchasing these materials, do not forget that a certain number of leaves on the joints. The packaging normally write area which covers one roll. At this value, we divide the area of \u200b\u200bour roof and add 10-12%.

Unable to perform the installation of a pent roof extensions, not to determine the angle of inclination. Selection it depends on the material and the topcoat load created snow:

  • for slate - from 20 to 35 degrees;
  • for metal - from 20 to 30;
  • for corrugated board - from 8 to 20;
  • for roofing material - from 5 to 10;
  • the choice of standing seam roof - from 18 to 30.

Important: when your extension is oriented so that it will lay a thick layer of snow, then throw a slope of at least 45 degrees. If the area where you live, the prevailing winds, constantly blown away by the snow, then be guided by the recommendations.

Erect truss system pent roof extension

Pent roof truss system extension will be based on the load-bearing walls. That's why:

  • we put on the carrier wall of the rubberoid layer;
  • mount Maurylalat, i.e. Dry timber. Its thickness is selected in accordance with the angle of the sling and the roof material. The greater the angle, the thicker Mauerlat. In the process of installation, the horizontal content is constantly monitored. Breeping its anchor bolts from 20 cm long at a distance of 10 cm from each other;
  • now it is necessary to make grooves to secure rafters. First we perform marking. The width of the grooves is slightly higher than the width of the rafal. The grooves are performed at an angle of equal roof slope angle. If we use metal tile or professional flooring as a passing material, then the distance between the grooves is 0.12 m, but in the case when the extension is wide, more than 6 m, then we reduce this interval to 1 m;
  • with the right and left side of the roof, insert the rafting boards in the prepared nests. Between them stretch the line or cord. This is necessary to control the uniformity of the slope. Now I fasten the rafted nails;
  • you feed the rest of the rafting boards, focusing on the strained line to keep the same slope;
  • if the span is long, then additional supports are needed;
  • it remains to make waterproofing, a crate, and a support for roofing pie is ready.


It is important to correctly connect the roof of the house and an extension. Two options for the fastening node device are described in detail in this video:


Welding waterproofing in the following sequence:

  • unlock the rubberoid or thick film roll (200 MK);
  • we laure the first strip of the required length across;
  • second strip and subsequent flooring with an overlap 100 mm;
  • we take a special tape and samples;
  • strips fix the stapler.


Conditions of a single-bed roof of the extension do this:

  • if we cover the sheet material, then we take the 5x5 cm timber and bring it nails to the rafters in the transverse direction;
  • the distance between the bars is calculated so that during the laying of the sheet, the neighboring 2 rails were blocked, and there was still a stock of 150 mm;
  • when the roof is planned soft, the doom is performed solid. For her, in this case, use OSB or boards plates.

Laying of roofing material

Frames we prepared. Now you can strengthen it, for example, slate:

  • first, put the lower row, then the next one;
  • Fresh slate nail 4 sheets at once.

Double Roof extension

It is organically looks as an extension to a two-tie roof canopy or a veranda with the same type of roof.


So, we built an extension wall from the wall blocks to a two-tie roof, it remains to hide them.

Consider gradually how to build a roof of an extension:

  • the roof of our extension, or rather one of her rods, will be somehow continued the main roof;
  • on the line of docking 2 roofs are possible, therefore the roof of the extension will be located slightly below the roof of the house. The difference is small, only about 8 cm;
  • on the perimeter of the annex walls, we arrange waterproofing from a film or runner;
  • waterproofing is placed on the insulation;
  • as a strapping on the insulation, lay a bar, cross section of 30x10 cm;
  • refrigerant bar Breeping self-drawing at the corners;
  • now this design is nailed to the walls of the extension of nails;
  • since we will use a 200 mm round log, then we make one side of it with a flat;
  • a smooth side of the beams is laid on the strapping. The distance between them is an interval from rafters to the rafalle;
  • fresh beams with nails 20 cm long;
  • next take the construction level and spend the line overlapping the bays;
  • by the mark with the help of the ax, we remove part of the wood so that the playground is. It is also called the scythery and it will later be possible to install rafters;
  • so that all the rafter farms are the same, we make a control pattern;
  • we carry out the desired number of rafting fragments from a bar 10x5 cm;
  • finished rafter farms by mounting, bonding them with beams with 15 cm of nails;
  • at a distance of 1 m from each other, we install the backups - two for each raftered, using the 5x5 cm timber;
  • we make waterproofing, then the crate;
  • if necessary, we warm and labeled roofing material;
  • fRONTON We are wearing clapboard on additionally supplied racks;
  • we leave the opening under the attic door;
  • here is the finished device roof of the extension.


How to perform the extension itself and the roof for it, you will see here:

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