Strengthening the foundation of a private house

October 27th Foundation Views 3066 1 comment Gain entry to the basement of a private house

private sector residents are regularly faced with repairing existing buildings, only the house will last for many years. This construction can be fine or cosmetic work. But when openings become deformed, and the walls have gone cracks - it is time to reflect on the strengthening of the foundation. Otherwise, the entire structure may simply collapse. Another need to address this issue is the construction of additional buildings.


Causes problems

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There are two basic situations, because of which there are problems with the foundation:

  • non-compliance with the construction technology;
  • changes in the composition of the soil.

Often when buying a house the new owner is faced with the shortcomings of construction, because no self-controlled process. At this time, the developer could use substandard materials or insufficient, in order to save time, not withstanding the required intervals, according to the technology. Even all the little things over time, affect the condition of the building.

In any case, before the construction process should take soil samples on research, but the plot can be characterized by heterogeneity. This fact is necessary to take into account even at the stage of compiling the project of the building. A common problem is the increased moisture content of the soil and high groundwater levels, then additional measures are required.

If problems occur, it is worth thoroughly inspect the basis, research can be carried out on their own. For this, plaster ribbons are glued to existing cracks. If they remained integer in a week, the foundation has already given the final sediment. Well shows the status of the process of digging the shurts, which are ordinary pits. Their width should be convenient for work, and the depth is below the base of the foundation. Also take the soil samples to determine the acidity and compatibility with the materials used in construction.

Possible options

There are various methods of strengthening the foundation, the choice of technology depends on a number of factors:

  • material from which the design is made;
  • the composition of the surrounding soil;
  • degree of destruction.

Budget decisions

First of all, it is worth considering the least costly options for amplifying an old foundation. A fairly simple solution is to strengthen the design of the soil. To do this, it needs to be carefully tumped first near the foundation, further - to make a subtle with the maximum seal. So the dense mound is placed up to 40 cm high.

In the absence of the need for major repairs, the design of the pipe around the perimeter is well fixed. Iron pipes with a diameter of 2.5 cm are driven into the existing foundation.

Another option is to tighten the design with metal. For this, metal bands are harvested on each side of the foundation of the corresponding length and 4 corners. Next, everything is tightened with bolts or welding, such a belt can go in two levels.

The popular solution remains a brick or stone base, such a foundation enhancement technology is simple in execution. In addition, the brick is an affordable material, and working with it does not require large labor costs. At first, they remove a small layer of soil around the perimeter of the building, the soil is tamped. Next, provide waterproofing using polyethylene or runner. It will only be ruled by an additional layer of brickwork.

The main method of repairing wooden structures


In the case of a wooden building, the foundation is raised, the work implies the replacement of the lower crown of the house. The first thing is the jacks in strong places of construction, after lifting the design, temporary supports of bricks are set. Next in the corners, concrete poles are mounted, the height of which will be equal to the future foundation. These pillars are subsequently poured with a platform 60x60 cm.

On the perimeter of the building they dig a trench for a future foundation, the depth level should be below the soil freezing point. On the day they make a subtype of gravel or broken bricks. The trench is already installed formwork, the frame is mounted. After the manufacture of concrete sites, lowered the entire design on them and poured the mixture. Such a strengthening of the foundation with your own hands is quite real, only the desire and resources are needed. And the result of labor will serve for many years.

Work with concrete


Also, simple repair can be trimmed in the case of a pile foundation, then its gain consists in correcting the location of the desired element.

A common option for the foundation for a private house is a belt type. It uses various solutions to enhance it. Therefore, it is worth considering them in order.

Piles - Affordable way


The strengthening of the foundations is preferably due to the low complexity of the process, while it is effectively struggling with the destruction of the base. The main goal is to establish backups around the perimeter of the house, for this pile are clogged at a certain distance from each other. If the owner does not have the ability to apply a special technique, then work is carried out manually.


  • preparation of holes for piles, the depth of which gives them stability;
  • soil seal at the bottom;
  • laying the waterproofing layer - it can be rubberoid or bitumen;
  • rocking the pillow of sand, the thickness of the layer makes about 15 cm. All thoroughly tram;
  • from above, fall asleep with rubble or gravel the same layer, compact;
  • installation of piles, it is placed close to the foundation;
  • reverse population of the built-in element - gravel, sand, soil;
  • assembling formwork for Scarlet;
  • connection of the installed piles with concrete ribbon.

It should be borne in mind that with such an increase in the foundations of foundations, piles are mounted exclusively in the corners of the house. This will allow you to clamp and fix the design.

Additional fixation 669233_HTML_72C4C577

When adjusting the ribbon, the errors of the existing base are prefixed. For example, if the foundation has occurred, the required position is resumed with jacks. Only work is carried out as careful as possible, because additional cracks may appear.

For alignment of waste sites, wooden or metal wedges are installed at a short distance. Next, a jack is put between the basis and the wedge, which gradually lines concrete.

If it is necessary to work with a brick foundation, the gain is carried out only after the resumption of cement-sand seams. When the solution is grabbing, installing wedges and align the curvature of the foundation.

After the base comes with the necessary forms, it is fixed using the backups, the enhancement of the foundation by the robes is a common option. For mounting, we have a pre-drill holes with a special brown, then the products of the required size are inserted. This element at the exhibition throughout the perimeter of the house is a compressive step.

Reliable stability and climb density give reinforced concrete closures with broadening, for their installation, the Bear is used, which at the bottom of the hole leaves broadening. Then the obstacle is created to the further movement of the base and the reliable fixation of the resistant element. But it is impossible to work with clips with a brick foundation, this method is recommended in the presence of a reinforced concrete or a stone base.

Double amplification

In the dilapidated state, the amplification of the ribbon foundation is carried out with the installation of double row. It will take the installation of elements in two rows - from the inner and outdoor side of the base. At the same time use clock or independent manufacturers. As a budget decision, experts recommend the installation of asbestos-cement pipes, which poured a solution with preliminary reinforcement. Either put the traditional formwork for the manufacture of the necessary support.

For durable tightening, anchor rods or beams are used. When self-enhancing support, it is fixed to the basis of reinforcement or anchor shelters inserted into the foundation.


A universal method is cementation in which the injection of cement-based solutions are injected into the foundation of the house. The various compositions are used, they are selected depending on the material from which the design is made. Pre-in the foundation is drilled well, then they are filled with pressure with a solution.

Strengthening the foundation by the method of injection allows you to resume connections in concrete, make the basis of durable. In carrying out activities, we use pumps with their own hands, which contribute to the uniform distribution of the composition along the well. iMG-559-1-0.

The holes are drilled in the vertical direction at an angle, the depth may differ depending on the tasks assigned:

  • if it is necessary to strengthen the base directly, the well should not reach the sole by 30 cm;
  • with an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bthe soles of the foundation and the need for soil sealing, abandoned below the final mark of the base by 50 cm. This allows you to maximize the design of the structure to the ground.

Strengthening the foundation of cementation takes place in 4 stages:

  • the first thing is twisted with shuffers with a size of 1x1 m in a checker order for inspection of standing design. Depth should allow to carefully examine the foundation, but not reach the sole;
  • drilling of wells with a diameter of 40-110 mm with a frequency of 250-500 mm;
  • preparation of the solution;
  • the discharge of the compositions into the holes. 0-Tsementatsiya-Gruntov-Usilenie-Fundamentov

Initially, the solution is prepared sufficiently liquid, the water-cement attitude should be 0.9: 1. This composition is injected with a pump for about 10 minutes, under a pressure of 0.2 MPa. Subsequent bezes are carried out with a water-cement ratio of 0.75: 1. Filling wells is carried out to failure, that is, with a decrease in the absorption of the solution to 4 l / min. After 2 days of exposure, the treated area can be considered enhanced cement.

Other enhancement solutions

In addition to enhancing directly designs, specialists use various methods for soil sealing. To do this, use special injections that provide additional water resistance. As solutions, it is used: tar, production waste, liquid glass, lime, organic substances.

Construction gain options Multiple, so it is necessary to pre-explore the causes of the problems of the house. Only then choose a suitable methodology - this is how reliable and long-term operation of the construction is ensured.

Related records

One answer to the strengthening of the foundation of the private house

  1. Andrey Yuryevich:

    LLC "Electrindustria" is ready to perform work on the device of drilling piles with new construction and when the existing buildings and structures are consolidated, with guaranteed to ensure the quality of work produced. Justice from 3 to 5 years.

    Buroorection pile is one of the types of pile fastening weak, sedentary and water-saturated soils. Analogue widely used styling, scoring, jet piles. Of all kinds of piles, is the best way to strengthen the foundation of the foundations and correction of the roll of buildings.

    The method used is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Russian Federation and the SNiP is regulated on 2.02.03-85. (Recommendations are developed in the reasons and underground facilities. N. M. Gersevanova Gosstroy the USSR).

    The advantage of booming piles - cost 2.5t.r. For the finished tempo, meter incl. VAT, including works and materials; High speed production; The radius of fitting of soils from 1500 mm to 3000 mm, which makes it possible to apply a ribbon foundation, where its use was not possible.
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