Treatment of grapes from diseases in spring

May 28. Useful advice, Plot. Views 2616. 3 comments To write processing of grapes from diseases in spring

Although grapes are considered the inhabitant of the South, breeders have increased its geography so much that now it is found even in the north. Walking bunches of grapes are a very beautiful sight, but that they appear, the loose care should be started with the earliest spring, because the disease and pests constantly attack the plant. How to spend the spring processing of grapes from diseases, told in our article.

What kind of grapes is sick

A good harvest is obtained only with a healthy bush, so competent and constant struggle against grape vines are required. Otherwise, unfortunately, it is not necessary to speak about high-quality closes. To combat every disease, there are techniques and funds. It is important to put the correct diagnosis, but will help determine the type of grape disease photos placed before the description of each of them.

Cusar and dangerous mildew fungus


This disease is called still false torment and it is able to destroy the entire harvest if it is not noticed and not to take action on time. Among the existing diseases of grapes - this is the most dangerous. She meets on all vineyards. The fungus does not die in winter, and in the form of a dispute set on the soil and leaves, and in the spring, as soon as the thermometer starts showing +10 degrees with, the disputes come to life and breed. Promotes the spread of false mildew rain and wind.

On the presence of Mildu, yellow stains on the leaves and shoots are indicated. When a wet leaf on the reverse side, as if covered with mold, but there is no dry weather, so there may be doubts about the presence of illness. To make sure that Line is infected with this disease, do this:

  • poured into a glass of water;
  • break the sheet and cover them the container;
  • check after a while the presence of a whitic plaque on a sheet. If there is mildew, then the flaw will appear.

The most unpleasant thing is that this dangerous disease is more than others affect the most delicious grapes. If you do not carry out the processing of bushes, as soon as the stains appear, then the fungus goes to shoots, then on inflorescences and ovary. Sometimes, healthy with spring grapes is infected when beautiful bunches are hanging. Berries acquire brown color, become crucified, fall to the ground.


To prevent such a sad phenomenon on its plot, we carry out permanent prevention:

  • we remove weeds;
  • deeply leaving the soil;
  • watch that nothing prevented the ventilation of the bushes;
  • we process the leaves with 1% burgundy fluid before flowering, after and when the borders begin to ripe.

We are preparing borodic liquid themselves

The most effective is the freshly prepared burglar mixture. We do it like this:

  • we take 2 buckets - 5 and 10 liter;
  • i fill at the bottom of the first 100 g of copper mood;
  • fill in a bucket with vitriol hot water so that the bucket is complete;
  • i smell in the 2nd bucket of 75 g of negated lime;
  • add to this bucket cold water - 5 liters, mix;
  • focusing the solution if a precipitate was formed;
  • we pour into a 10-liter bucket, the contents of a 5-liter container with continuous stirring.

As a result, a blue opaque suspension should be obtained, which and spray plants.


Ashtray or Oidium in grapes


This fungal attack can fall on grapes at any time. In the regions with a warm climate, he makes itself felt in early spring in the form of a mold-shaped fly on young shoots. In a moderate climate, a raid appears on the leaves and clusters, because Develop starts later. The leaves become yellow, the form are distorted, the fruits are cracking so that seeds can be seen, then dry. In the fight against ashtray use:

  • Teesite jet;
  • Soon
  • Topaz;
    sulfo colloid;
  • sulfur ground;
  • Bayleton.


Alternaria at grapes

This disease, as well as the first first, belongs to fungal. Learn it according to the following signs:

  • olive colors on the back of the leaf with high humidity;
  • the leaf looks like buried, the edges of his dried;
  • flaw on berries.


Helps processing grapes from diseases with such drugs:

  • Triphodermin, Bordeaux, Ridomil - Spring;
  • Quadris, Rapid, Cabrio Top, soon - at the beginning of the ripening of berries.

Bird eye or anthracnosis at grapes


This pathogenic fungus is very active with wet weather already at +2 degrees C. In the spring, it is settled on the leaves and shoots. The leaves are covered with dry brown stains with a border brown-black. These stains fall out, the leaf becomes a holey, drying out. Later, the same stains appear on berries. Helps reinforced prevention:

  • cut and burn damaged shoots;
  • process fungicides after gradually;
  • we process a 3% burglar liquid in the spring when shooting lengths from 5 to 10 cm;
  • spray a switch, polychomom, arzeride, polycarbacin, copper chloroks or 1% burgundy liquid before and after flowering.

Gray rot in grapes


In the list of grape diseases there is another one - gray rot. Parasitiates:

  • on shoots;
  • inflorescences;
  • mustache;
  • leaves;
  • berries.

The struggle against grape disease does not lead to victory, but prevention can prevent it. For this:

  • we form a bushes of grapes so that they are well ventilated and evenly warmed up;
  • loose land at the base of the bush;
  • we process berries drinking soda - solution 1%;
  • we apply for a spraying of iodine - from 30 to 50 drops on 10 liters of water with a 10-day interval between procedures.

Bacterial cancer in grapes

This disease grape provokes bacterium penetrating the plant through various damage. It causes the appearance of tumors having a type of air bubble. It grows, reaching sometimes 300 mm in diameter, and breaks the bark. We are struggling as follows:

  • from the autumn we collect and burn the leaves;
  • deeply leaving the soil;
  • improve the ventilation of the bushes by competent trimming;
  • saplings are processed by iron vigor (4%).


Spring processing of grapes from diseases

Vintage diseases and pests are very much, so the processing of grapes in spring from disease is necessary. So, after the liberation of grapes from winter shelter:

  • we carry out the processing of the bushes with iron vitrios;
  • we remove the shoots of weak, patients and frost damaged;
  • conducting;
  • weiss a vine;
  • we feed as soon as the vine begins to "cry".

Pruning grapes


Cutting grapes at a temperature of at least +3 degrees C, and before that we prepare the tool:

  • secator;
  • hamsaw garden.

Cutting by following the rules:

  1. Hold the garden saw with a wide part of the blade from the side of the part that remains. At the same time, all wounds should be located on one side of the sleeve.
  2. More cut the thicker escape more.
  3. We remove the vine that brought down last year.
  4. Cutting a long-length sleeve, leave the strongest escape.



It is best to use for garter grapes tissue strips, because A synthetic rope or fishing line is injured by a vine. There are 2 types of garter:

  1. Dry - performed before shooting shoots.
  2. Green - the garter of young green shoots length from 20 to 25 cm is held. A little more about this procedure:
  • espaces capable of fruiting fasteners horizontally to the first bottom of the wire row;
  • we are tapping to the subsequent rows of shoots that have reached the desired length;
  • we repeat the same every half months.

Treatment of grape diseases in spring

Olympus Digital Camera.

To prevent grape diseases, in the spring, immediately after completing the garter, we carry out the following:

  • spray bushes with iron vigor;
  • loose ground with a depth of at least 20 cm;
  • before flowering, we process grapes 2 times with chemicals, and opponents of using chemistry can replace it with milk, diluted with water.

Undercaming grapes

In the spring grapes feed 2 times:

  • when he is "crying";
  • before blossom.

One of the recipes of cooking:

  1. We take a plastic container, pour water - 3 parts, add chicken litter or a coward - 2 parts.
  2. We withstand 2 weeks., Stirring daily.
  3. We pour into a 10-liter bucket of 1 l of nutrient reroxing mixture.
  4. Add a liter of ash wooded.
  5. We pour 1 bucket of water under the grape bush, then a bucket of feeding and again clean water.

Scheme vine treatment of diseases

The general scheme of processing grapes from diseases does not exist with the deadlines, because in each region its climate. There are recommendations regarding the sequence of work, and each time detects individually, based on the observation of the state of the grape vines on its site. Only so you can make a scheme in the form of a table. The scheme consists of the following items:

  1. Bringing the soil under the bushes and in the aisle.
  2. Trimming, garter vine.
  3. Removal of affected leaves and their destruction.
  4. The processing of the vineyard by accleret when the kidneys swell, if the plant has been sick last year.
  5. After long rains, if there were already from 4 to 6 sheets, the grape bushes of the fungicide should be treated.
  6. Before the start of flowering (late April-mid-May), treated with accuters, romotole, topaz.
  7. The same processing after flowering.
  8. Additional processing, if a disease is detected.

About spring work on the vineyard, about grape diseases video:

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3 replies to the processing of grapes from diseases in spring

  1. yuri.:

    empty information. Vasily Evdokimovich in essence did not say anything concrete, and a recording with interference.

  2. yuri.:

    Empty information. Nothing specifically said, and a recording with interference.

  3. Victor:

    The reaction should be held in an alkaline environment. The rf of the vigor is poured into the lime rr. Number of lime not 75g. A 125-140 gr.

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