Laying PVC tiles on the ceiling with their own hands

May 4. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 2247. Comments to record laying PVC tiles on the ceiling with their own hands No

There are a lot of suggestions for designing the ceiling surface to date, which give the original and exquisite result. But with some means it is not always possible to cope on their own, but the PVC ceiling tile allows inexpensive, quickly and beautifully transform the surface.

Therefore, it is worth considering its choice, advantages and installation. This material, despite its budget, provides ample opportunities for decor of the room.

Features of the material


A wide range of products presented on the market includes both square tile samples from foamed polyvinyl chloride and a rectangular shape. At the same time, seamless ceiling tiles use especially popularity. Also, to obtain a variety of compositions, manufacturers produce extensive color gamuts and various textures, that is, samples can be smooth or different from a pronounced relief. As for the size, the standard products are considered to be 30x30 cm and 50x50 cm, but even overall representatives are small, so subsequently successfully mounted.

The advantages of PVC tiles for the ceiling include:

  • water resistance of the resulting coating, which contributes to the frequency use in rooms with specific conditions, for example, in the kitchen, balcony or in the bathroom;
  • the possibility of partial repair or coating adjustment remains, in the case of the use of poor-quality adhesive composition, several elements can disappear. However, this is quite fixable - it is enough to apply a new layer of glue and set the tile to the place;
  • ease of installation involves a non-time-consuming process that will be carried out by one master;
  • the price of PVC tiles for the ceiling is distinguished by affordable;
  • care during operation is simple, it can, if necessary, be wiped with a wet cloth with a conventional detergent;
  • the weight of the tile is so small that does not create a load on the overlap of the building.

But besides a set of advantages, this material has both disadvantages, among which are distinguished:

  • artificial origin, that is, there are no natural components in the composition;
  • low fire resistance indicators, with a direct action of the fire, the ceiling tiles quickly melts, but does not ignite. For the same reason, experts limit the installation of lamps in close proximity to the material, the recommended distance is at least 20 cm;
  • white tile with constant ultraviolet getting yellowes.

Selection of quality products


Before buying the ceiling tile, it is worth paying attention not to the color gamut, but on the quality of the product released. This applies mainly forms and sizes of elements, they directly affect the appearance and integrity of the finished coating. Therefore, each tile should have the right geometric dimensions. This means that in the same batch all products will have clear forms and coincide the size of all sides.

Further, pay attention to the corners of the tile to which the requirements of the rigidity of the retention of direct angle are presented. At the same time rounding or crumpled is unacceptable for further docking elements. With incorrect forms or damage, at least one product ceiling will eventually look inactively. The moment of clarity of the pattern and the single tone of the staining of the tile is important, then a single beautiful canvas will turn out.

Calculation of materials for the process


For the design of the ceiling in the room there are enough two components:

  1. Tiles.
  2. Glue.

It is clear that the flow of all components depends on the size of the surface coated and the selected type of tiles. Calculate it will be enough simply, if you take a room for example 5x3 m, then the tiles with dimensions 50x50 cm will need 10x6 \u003d 60 pcs. But experts recommend to take into account unforeseen situations and acquire material with a reserve of 10-15%. Not always the surface area allows you to do only with solid tiles, for example, the size of the room is 5.4x3.3 m. Then it will take 11x7 \u003d 77 of one-piece elements, although sometimes it is enough to divide the tile in half and glue the ceiling.

The trim with PVC ceiling tiles is carried out with glue, when it is elected, the use of the following compositions is allowed:

  • universal, which provides reliable clutch and tight fit of surfaces. The composition includes a solvent, which makes it possible to quickly work even in hard-to-reach places;
  • special glue "Liquid nails", which gives a solid connection of a wide list of materials. Its value is slightly higher than the first type, however, the application of incidents contributes to the economy of the composition;
  • special glue for working with ceiling tiles can be on a water-dispersive basis, which gives high-quality connection of surfaces. The composition is designed specifically for work in residential premises.


Creating a coating - just

Directly laying PVC tiles is quickly and easy, but everywhere has its own nuances.

What is the preparation

To begin with the preparatory stage, which includes processes:

  • cleansing and leveling the surface. Should be removed by a layer of an old coating, as for alignment - 1-2 mm are considered acceptable differentials;
  • to improve the clutch, the ceiling is ground;
  • we think over the installation of communications, for this, the stakes are made in advance - it turns out the hidden wiring.


Definition of location

The following paragraph is to determine the method of location of the elements, a lot of photos of the ceilings are presented on the Internet with PVC tiles. With a non-standard approach, you can always achieve the original result, even when using budgetary materials.

One example is the use of elements of two colors, thanks to which a peculiar canvas is built. So, the tile can be placed in a checker order, for which they carry out special markup. At first, it is determined using the dononyal center point of the room, then the tile of selected colors are used alternately.

Installation of elements

The most common option to glue the tile begins with the center of the room. It is convenient if the chandelier is placed in the center. Then they stretch the ceiling on the diagonals of the ceiling - the exact center is obtained. Three perpendicular is carried out through it, on these lines and have a tile. The corners of the first four elements must be converged in the center point.

If you need to arrange the ceiling in a rectangular room, or the chandelier will be shifted in one direction, the lamp remains the benchmark. Through the point of placement, parallel to the walls are carried out two perpendicular. The resulting straight angles we divide input, according to the bisector, the tiles are glued. kAK-ULOZHIT-POTOLOCHNYJ-LAMINAT5

In another case, the design starts from the section opposite the entrance, it turns out the uniform and economical distribution of elements throughout the area. Ultimately, small gaps are allowed if they do not exceed 15 mm, they do not pay attention to them. With such disadvantages, the ceiling plinth will easily cope, with large gaps, you will have to cut off the tile of the required size.

In any case, if the consumer wants to get a neat, interesting ceiling at low costs, it is worth paying attention to this material. And if you use PVC tile self-adhesive, the result is achieved in a short time. a8D29E2E-997E-4434-8A6F-2BDC3E9DA81

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