How to beat the trees on the country

May 3. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2326. Comments To write how to bleve trees on the cottage No

Modern landscape design forms are distinguished by a large variety. Despite this, the fruit gardens are also constant popularity. The result of a properly decorated and well-kept plot will be not only useful and delicious fruits.


It is impossible to lose sight of the aesthetic pleasure of contemplating a beautiful landscape at the house area at any time of the year. To ensure the proper development of trees and their fecundity, and accordingly, and for a long time to maintain the attractiveness of the entire landscape, it is certainly necessary to follow the rules of care, one of which is the whitening of the trunks. Carefully review the recommended recommendations below how to do it.

Why whiten trees?

Olympus Digital Camera.

When executed timely work, whitewashing trees give the following results:

  • deter insects after hibernation;
  • prevents the destructive activity of pests wintering in the thicker of wood;
  • protects from damage to the exposure to scorching sunlight;
  • prevents the freezing and icing of the bark;
  • prevents the spread of various infections of plants;
  • protects from damage with sharp fluctuations in temperatures in winter and in the offseason;
  • will not allow the crust of the animals in the winter.

Features of protective prevention of trees


In order for all the spent time and efforts to have an effective result, please read the trees correctly in advance. All work Perform a clearly planned sequence, focusing on the following steps:

  1. Selecting time for whitewash.
  2. Preparation of trunks.
  3. Choosing a type of solution and its preparation.
  4. Directly applying plants on the plants.


What time of year to carry out the whitewashing trees?

Conduct such a procedure twice a year. When choosing a time to perform all work, consider not only the presence of our own free time, but also specific recommendations of specialists:

  • in the spring it is desirable to finish all restorative and protective processes in March;
  • in the autumn period, November is considered more appropriate. Scan0082.

    Important! Given the constant changes to the weather conditions today and not exact compliance with natural phenomena to a specific season, focus on the following requirements to accurately determine when to have trees:

    • in the spring, perform all the work after the establishment of a stable plus temperature, but before the leaf is dissolved;
    • in the fall, carry out a whitewash immediately before the onset of frosts. IMG_5643.

How to prepare plants to whitewash?

Preliminary preparation of tree trunks consists of three stages:

  1. Cleaning the crust.
  2. Processing with disinfectant solution.
  3. Grounding wounds on the trunk. 00062401

Before you blossom the trees in the spring, perform all the preparatory work in the following sequence:

  1. Gently remove all areas of damaged bark, mosses, lichens manually. Img_5641

    Important! Do not use any devices from metal or plastic for this procedure. This will certainly damage the bark.

  2. Use a wooden chips or a well sharpened fine stick to perform sweeping in cracks or hard-to-reach places.
  3. Prepare a disinfecting solution.
  4. Fill the container of the sprayer or prepare the whine from the grass and thin bipods.
  5. Apply a protective solution with a thin layer. 1307350455_Sovety-Sadovodu
  6. Do not allow an excessive mixture to the surface of the tree or its flow down the barrel.

    Important! Browse the video in which the process of proper cleaning of trees is clearly shown.

How to prepare a solution for disinfection?

There are several recipes for a disinfecting mixture. Consider the options below and select more suitable, considering the availability of materials and financial capabilities.


Method 1

Use special preparations:

  1. Hom.
  2. Oxych.
  3. Abiga peak.

Important! Prepare them exactly with the proportions specified on the package. qupb2NZNPHG.

Method 2.

Prepare copper-based solution by the following recipe:

  1. 300 g of copper mood powder.
  2. 10l water.

Important! Stir the powder to completely dissolve before applying. 401F17764097D032CDC900C0070993E3.

Method 3.

Create a mixture based on nonmetallic materials as follows:

  1. Heat 10 liters of water to a hot but not boiling condition.
  2. Fully dissolve 50 g of household soap.
  3. Carefully ask for 2-3 kg of ash.
  4. Add to the soap solution.
  5. Well stir.

    Important! Before use, cool the mixture to the warm state. DSCF3173.

Method 4.

Use iron in the following concentration:

  1. 600 g of iron vigor powder.
  2. 10 liters of water.

Important! Every year, as possible, grab the compositions, since the constant use of one agent will lead to the accumulation of copper, iron, iron and other impurities, which will cause intoxication and diseases of trees, and also affect the purity of the fruits obtained. 100_1570

How to close the wounds on the trunks of trees

In the case when, after stripping, you found explicit destruction of wood, gently apply a special healing agent on a damaged surface, for example:

What to choose a selection solution?

The choice of a suitable solution is no less important than the process of applying it. Therefore, carefully read the proposed options and use the composition recommended by the appointment of which is fully combined with the type and age of trees on your site.

Important! Such an approach will help properly determine which trees to collect one type of the mixture, and for what preferably use another composition. ves_preobr3

Types of solutions for plating trees

Recipe 1:

  • 1 kg of manure;
  • 1 kg of lime;
  • 0.2 kg of copper mood;
  • 8 liters of water.


Recipe 2:

  • 1 kg of fatty clay;
  • 2 kg of lime, be sure to hated;
  • 1 shovel of cow's manure;
  • 0.25 kg of copper sulfate;
  • 10 liters of water.


Recipe 3:

  • 2 kg of hazed lime;
  • 0.4 kg of copper mood;
  • 0.1 kg of casein glue;
  • 10 liters of water.


Recipe 4:

This method implies the use of the finished acrylic paint white. Receive such an option for non-progress trees. The main advantage of using paint this type is the duration of the coating resistance. In this case, there is no need for a re-procedure six months later.

Important! Canding the question than to bleach fruit trees, prefer the component composition of natural, beneficial for plants, substances. Also note that for young individuals it is desirable to use more sparing proportions of solutions, especially those that contain lime. a0EF8C.

Technology preparation of solution


  1. Measure the desired amount of all components.
  2. Use one container to avoid violations of proportions.
  3. Sequentially add all components.
  4. Stir carefully.
  5. Check the quality of the mixture obtained as follows:
    • pay attention to the fluidity of the solution - the mass must be easily pouring, but it is not too liquid;
    • check out the absence of lumps.
  6. Look for 2-3 hours so that the solution is fill. chem BELIT DEREVYA 10

How to play trees?

The whole procedure for applying the solution is quite simple. Store the following recommendations to get a really high-quality result and prevent damage to trees:

  • Use a soft wide brush for applying a solution. Such an approach will ensure the smooth coverage and will enable easy access in the areas of irregularities. 95577357_00061923
  • The sheel of application is regulated by the size of a particular tree. The average indicator is 1.5-1.7 m with the gripping of skeletal lower branches. Whitewashed trees
  • Form the thickness of the applied coating in 2-3 mm to eliminate its subsequent cracking or sprinkling after drying. Olympus Digital Camera.
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary, so that the color of the created protective coating is bright white, and not gray. Img_0407.


Browse the video, which shows completely the entire procedure for cleaning the bark, disinfection of trees and their whitewash.


The entire procedure for the design of the protective coating on the trunks of trees does not differ by any kind of difficulties, but will take time. Note that it is impossible to skip this procedure in the process of courting behind the garden from any types of trees. Otherwise, under the constant impact of natural phenomena and pests, the plants will begin to root and not only stop fruiting, but also acquire an unsightly form, which is why all the attractiveness of the site will suffer.

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