How to paint the bathroom with your own hands

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When placing the bathroom, as well as for finishing other rooms, all sorts of materials presented by a very wide range in the market, and various technologies. This is the creation of bizarre patterns of Venetian plaster, and sticking moisture-resistant photo wallpaper, and constant laying of tiles. But staining remains one of the most sought-after ways.

When paint paint paint is the best way to update the interior?


To implement the idea of \u200b\u200bbathroom arrangement, paint will be a practical solution in such cases:

  • Registration of complex or original drawing
  • The surface of the ceiling and walls has irregularities
  • Complex geometry of the room
  • Big square
  • Simple or low-cost finish. chem-Otdelat-Steeny-V-Vannoj5

    Important! When choosing such a way, ensure good ventilation in advance to eliminate condensate accumulation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of painting?


The bathroom, painted paint, has long ceased to be an indicator of lack of funds from its owners. She, as it is impossible to be suitable for the incarnation of complex designer ideas. The color palette allows you to create an original picture, which is very valued when designing the interior.


In addition, such a finish gives a number of advantages:

  • Small cash spending in any complexity of the project
  • Simple principle of application that does not require special skills
  • The whole process, with a prepared surface, takes little time
  • Wide image selection capabilities.

interior design 7.

Before painting the walls in the bathroom, keep in mind and some drawbacks of such a finish:

  • It is undesirable to paint a bath with a small area with poor ventilation.
  • The layer is easily destroyed in mechanical exposure. The moisture accumulates in the place of the existing emptiness, causing further destruction of the surface.
  • Be sure to comply with the rules of care of the painted surface in places with high humidity.
  • Duration of painting without visible damage is much less than that of the tile.


How to paint the bathroom?

To paint correctly and ensure this long-term coating integrity period, stick to the clear sequence of all the work:

  1. Design drawing.
  2. Collect paint.
  3. Preparing tools.
  4. Preliminary surface treatment.
  5. Staining walls.


How to choose a drawing for the bathroom?

Before creating your own individual project, be sure to browse the photos of painted walls in the bathroom already ready-made designer ideas. It is possible that you will endure completely one of the ideas in your room or make a kind of collage of several ideas.

Finishing for bold_2.

Important! The main thing is not rushing, because the look will accompany your stay in the bathroom daily. Look at the selected drawing after a couple of days - does he like you like before? It is especially thoughtful to this process, if you do not plan a new repair in the near future, even cosmetic.


How to choose a bathroom paint?

When choosing a solution, follow these criteria:

  1. Manufacturer.
  2. Paint type.
  3. Hue.
  4. Method of application.


What manufacturer is better?

To properly decide which paint paint with a bathroom, prefer proven brands. For example, the following stamps use in high demand:

  1. Tikkurila. Finnish production. Of all the types created by this company, the best choice for the bathroom is the Luja brand, the basis of which is a moisture-repellent primer and components for the formation of a layer of paint of the desired shade. It is possible to choose the type of future coating - glossy effect or matte. Tikkurila Luja moisture insulation primer_enl
  2. Dulux. England production. This brand occupies a leading sales position for more than half a century on the global market. Excellent indicators of adhesion and operation in conditions of high humidity gives a specially designed brand "Realife Kitchen & Bathroom". 100008294
  3. Jobi. Manufacturer Germany. Excellent example of excellent German quality in combination with an affordable price. For complex rooms, the brand "Waschfest" is presented, which has such a resistance to moisture, which allows you to wash the painted walls in the usual mode. 016550000056660_ENL

What type of paint is suitable for the bathroom?


To cover on the walls of this room for a long time, select the correct type of coloring composition:

  1. Chlorkochuk. Differs in very high moisture and weatherproof resistance. Used when finishing public places, such as pools. For home use is not quite appropriate due to its high cost. 1286096561_2
  2. Latex. New in the market that immediately received a certain demand. Such formulations are designed specifically for the possibility of long use in conditions of high humidity and artificial lighting. Important dignity is the possibility of applying to an imperfect surface, even with cracks. Among the disadvantages, we note higher cost than in the paintwork products mentioned below, which, in principle, fully corresponds to the technical characteristics. krashennye-Steeny-01
  3. Water-emulsion solutions. Paints of this type are very easy to fall on any type of surface. A wide color palette and drying speed are unambiguous advantages. Economic option for trimming bathroom. When choosing such a paint, consider that it will be easy, but not caustic, the smell of paint to complete drying. kraska-Steeny-Vannoy
  4. Alkyd enamel. Most popular to use due to its inexpensive cost. In addition to the appropriate degree of moisture resistance and attractive color palette, the paint of this type is characterized by a special fluidity, which allows to arrange a thin smooth layer without incl. It dries quickly enough, so the operation of the bathroom can be started already on the same day.
  5. Oil. A few years ago, this kind of paint was used to finish bathrooms. Today, given such a wide range of interesting proposals, and in relation to the palette of shades, and drying rates, and other related criteria, its application is rational only in the case when it is already available, and the main goal in repair is to minimize the costs. 1302471106_Vannaya-Komnata-1

What color to paint the bathroom?


When choosing a shade for the design of the walls, it is impossible to give unambiguous tips. There are only some recommendations that will make the most harmoniously correlate all the interior items of this room.


Carefully familiarize yourself with them:

  • To secure full relaxation in the bathroom, select Pastel Tone.
  • Prefer the contrasting combination in the color of the furniture of the bathroom and its walls in the event that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room allows. Otherwise, the probability is not just the effect of dissonance, but tasteless adolescence, which quickly tires the eye and causes inner irritation.
  • When making a complex colorful pattern, check the matching of the resulting color of the paint with what is specified in the design of the figure.
  • To create the illusion of a larger space, give preference to light shades.


What to choose paint application technology?

There are several ways to staining.


To correctly determine how to paint the bathroom, keep in mind the following criteria:

  • type of drawing
  • room Square
  • number of colors
  • bathroom wall geometry
  • surface texture
  • the quality of the preparatory work performed.


In accordance with the set of designated requirements, select the appropriate method from the following options:

  1. Spraying from the sprayer. An excellent way to quickly paint into one color or creating blurry smooth transitions of several shades in the room of a large area. The paint layer is formed uniform, regardless of the texture of the surface and the quality of its preparation. Such a technology does not allow creating drawings with clear lines. Image_he1_c-500x500.
  2. Brush. The use of brushes gives certain advantages, despite the complexity of this method. For example, the application of a complex designer drawing or staining in different tones with clearly decorated lines is possible solely with the help of this tool of different thickness and width. It is indispensable for the design of hard-to-reach places and for poorly prepared surfaces. But, brush staining The entire area will take a long time so that the generated layer was without divorce, inclusions and thickness drops. kak-Pokrasit-Vannuyu-Komnatu
  3. Roller It allows you to clean the smooth surfaces without complex geometric shapes. The prerequisite is a thoroughly aligned and stripped wall. It is impossible to gently cry the corners and joints of the walls with the ceiling and floor. Therefore, in any case, an uncomfortable brush will be required. The design of the pattern is quite possible when using the stencil. trafareti-Dlya-Pokraski-Sten

Preparatory work

Prerequisites include two stages:

  1. Preparing tools.
  2. Surface treatment.

Perform consistently the entire amount of work, adhering to the recommendations set out below.


Tools for painting

To perform all work, prepare tools in advance, focusing on this list:

  • Spatulas
  • Scrabs
  • Dust and dirt removal rags
  • Special paint pallets
  • Paint ribbon.
  • Sandpaper of different grain
  • The means for removing old paint
  • Antiseptic mortar
  • Putty
  • Paint appliance
  • Primer.


How to prepare walls under painting?

With self-processing, keep in mind that the whole process is time consuming, especially if you need to remove an old coating.



  1. Apply the solution to remove the previous paint layer.
  2. Wait for dissolution, focusing on the external manifestations and the time specified in the instructions.
  3. Wash water.
  4. Remove the remains of the scraper. Filling Walls. House Repair.
  5. Wash the surface of the walls with water.
  6. Clean sandpaper.
  7. Remove dust with a wet cloth.
  8. Sharpen when detecting cracks, cracks or recesses. podgotovka_sten.
  9. Wait for drying.
  10. Clean the sandpaper shallow grain. process-UkraDki-Shtukaturki
  11. Remove dust with a wet cloth.
  12. Apply an antiseptic solution with increased moisture resistance requirements.
  13. Wait for drying in accordance with the period specified in the instructions.
  14. Apply 1-2 layers of primer sequentially to provide good adhesion. head_pic02.
  15. Wait for drying.

Bathroom coloring

This finish process is final. It wears more artistic character and does not differ in particular complexity. The main requirement is - be careful and attentive, especially if we make a complex drawing.


Adhere to the following recommendations when performing this work:

  1. Well ventilate the room before staining to eliminate the additional absorption of moisture and slowing the drying process.
  2. Prepare paint immediately before starting work.
  3. Apply a painting tape to neighboring surfaces and in the places of color transition.
  4. When performing a work with a roller or brush, try to apply a solution evenly.
  5. Apply a minimum of 2 layers of paint. paint-Wall-LG
  6. After completing all the works, wait for a complete dryer, focusing on the time specified on the paint bank or on the standard recommended 24 hours before starting operation.
  7. Remove the painting tape. Ïîêðàñêà ñòåí ñ ïîìîùüþ ìàëÿðíîãî ñêîò÷à


Review the video in which the entire process of finishing the walls of the bathroom is clearly shown.


The whole process of self-painting of the bathroom is not only enough simple, but at the same time, undoubtedly, interesting and creative. With the right choice of high quality materials and observance of technologies, both surface preparation and directly applying paint, the result will certainly please your view very long time.

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