How to clean the air in the house

May 3. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 2540. 1 comment to write how to clean the air in the house

Air quality in the house directly affects our state of health. Dust, disputes of mushrooms, harmful bacteria, viruses and microorganisms, all sorts of allergens, unpleasant odors, etc. - It's all that threatens serious problems for many of us. And especially polluted air negatively affects the health of children. How to clean the air in the house on your own forces, we'll figure it out further.

To date, there is a huge number of ways and means of how air quality can be improved. These are not worth the so-called flavors or air fresheners, as such substances are only masked behind the fresh smell and pleasant aroma all the same dust and other negative components. Therefore, cleaning is to approach seriously and purposefully.


The ventilation is a prerequisite for compliance with the purity of the air indoor.

  • Experts recommend in the summer period to keep all the windows and the balcony open.
  • And in winter, despite the weather conditions, airing the apartment at least twice a day at intervals for 20-30 minutes. To not be cold, it is advisable to do this when all family members will come to walk either to air each room separately.


  • In addition, special devices can be used for freshness of air, such as air conditioners or air purifiers with ionization functions. At the same time, choosing such a device is important to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and choose the right place where it is installed. You also need to follow the purity of the air conditioner itself, regularly change filters, otherwise it can itself become a source of air pollution.



How to choose the right air cleaner for home can be found in the video:

Wet cleaning

Wet cleaning is also important as ventilating.

  • With a wet rag, you can remove dust from all surfaces available in the house.
  • In addition, you can not forget about floating floors, even if regular cleaning with a vacuum cleaner with aquilter. It is recommended to do this at least three or four times a week. The smaller the apartment, the more often it needs to be done.
  • In order for the apartment to be accumulated dust, it is better to get rid of all the rubble and old things, remove carpets and large soft toys that serve as a kind of dust collectors.



Dry air indoors is an invisible enemy to our health. The optimal level of humidity for the human body is approximately 40-60%. However, as a rule, this figure does not exceed 25% in our homes and apartments. Especially humidity falls in the winter when centralized heating dries air.

  • To increase humidity it is necessary to use air humidifiers. Modern models of such devices are compact and silent in work, as well as very easy to use.
  • They are several species: classic, steam, ultrasound. The choice depends on the financial capabilities and operating conditions.



It's no secret that indoor plants can absorb carbon dioxide and allocate oxygen into the surrounding space. At the same time, some of them can act as a so-called natural filter, neutralizing volatile organic compounds in the room and increasing moisture.

  • Scientists have proven that thanks to such natural helpers can be cleaned air in the house by about 40%.
  • To plants that are able to effectively cope with such a task include ficus, draping, fern, asparagus, chlorophytum, myrth, ivy, etc.


quartz lamp

To combat harmful microorganisms, bacteria, disputes of mushrooms, etc. These are flying in the air, you can also use other methods, such as quartzing. This is the process of disinfection of the room with ultraviolet radiation due to the use of the so-called quartz or bactericidal lamp. As a rule, this method of air purification is widely used in medical institutions. However, it is no less effective and at home. In addition, there are convenient compact devices specially designed for such purposes.

  • During quartzing, ozone is allocated, which has a bactericidal action.
  • At the same time, do not forget that ozone is a poisonous substance, so during the operation of the quartz lamp you need to leave the room, and after it is good to ventilate it.


Reliable ventilation system

As you know, a high-quality ventilation system should be equipped in any room. Due to it, it takes effectively removal from the premises of exhaust air residues and the saturation of its oxygen from the outside.

  • Effective ventilation allows you to fight high humidity in a house familiar to many problems of fogging plastic windows, as well as reproduction of fungi and mold, etc.
  • In addition, thus you can get rid of unpleasant odors and combustion products, in particular in the kitchen and in the bathroom.
  • To increase the efficiency of the ventilation system, special extracts are installed in these rooms.


Fight smoking

Smoking not only harms the health of the smoker himself, but also negatively affects the well-being of his surrounding themselves, because so or otherwise they have to breathe nicotin. Therefore, in order to ensure the purity of the air indoors, it is strictly forbidden to smoke in it, and it is better to throw this bad habit at all.


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One answer to how to clean the air in the house

  1. Grett:

    I used to feel an unpleasant smell from new furniture and leather jackets. I could not get rid of him and decided to start the air freshener. Having studied in detail the different offers in the modern market decided to stop the choice on Hug. It turned out that this freshener not only refreshes the room, but also moisturizes, disinfects and flavors. After his work it is easy to breathe. Very practical and convenient thing!

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