Advantages of houses from a calibrated timber

September 20. Building materials Views 2674. Comments To write the benefits of houses from a calibrated timber No

For thousands of years, wood remains one of the most popular building materials. Despite some of its disadvantages, it is very practical and durable. It is worth saying that during the construction of country or country houses, brick and concrete slabs began to be replaced with wood. This trend indicates that people like the buildings more from natural material. It is especially necessary to look at the dwellings from the wood bar. This option not only provides a phenomenal appearance of the structure, but also greatly simplifies the building process.

Features of Bruus

As you know, the timber is a lumber that is made from a solid log. Such material is considered really high-quality and suitable for the construction of the dwelling. In addition, despite the fact that this wood, timber is durable and wear-resistant material. Of course, there are various types of timber.

Surely the most popular bar - raw. It has a square profile. It is also worth noting that it is the cheapest among all types of timber. At the same time, the material needs finishing. Already after construction activities, it will take to treat the surface of the emery. In addition, it will not hurt to cover the lacquer with varnish, otherwise cracks and other damage will soon begin.

Houses from the calibrated timber are the most sought-after. This material has accurate geometric dimensions, which allows the use of a timber as the details of a kind of "designer" for the construction of the dwelling. Thanks to the design, the house from the calibrated bar is really raised quickly. At the same time, all components of the dwellings from this material are laid extremely tight, guaranteeing the durability of the structure and not bad thermal insulation.

There is also a polyprophilized material. It has peculiar grooves that allow you to combine brushes among themselves. Despite the maximum practicality of this timber, the material is much more expensive than the previous version, however, the main qualities of them are similar.

The feature of the glued timber is that the unit of material can be easily glued together. This happens not manually, but with the help of special equipment, which provides high temperature and pressure. The main advantage of this material is integrity. "Spresting" of the bar prevents the appearance of cracks and other material flaws.

Often in construction used glued bar from veneer. In contrast to past variants, which are holistic materials, this gluits from several layers of veneer. However, the advantages of this bar also have, and they are concluded in a sufficiently small weight of the material and good strength.


Main features of the calibration bar

As already mentioned, the main advantage of the calibration timber is to standardize it. It helps the most simply to build a housing, without spending time for additional processing of the material. Projects of houses from a calibrated timber always look attractive and modern.

Such a bar can be made from a variety of wood species, but often manufacturers make a choice in favor of Siberian pine. This is an incredibly durable material, moreover, quite inexpensive. For the successful construction of the dwelling on the basis of such a material, each timber is necessary to dry in order to ultimately provide the maximum shrinkage of the walls. It is worth noting that you can buy in advance dried wood, but its cost will be high enough. The drying process is quite simple, so everyone can cope with him.

It is important to notice that for the construction of a house based on a bar, you must choose the optimal type of foundation. Often, the choice is made in favor of a tape foundation. Any finishing works of wood should be started after the shrinkage of a bar occurred.

If it is more detailed to talk about the processing of a bar, it should be noted that the material is quite commonly exposed to grinding and varnishing. Often the walls of such dwellings are trimmed with insulating materials. However, in this case, we lose the unique appearance of the structure.

Often, experts recommend to build various types of wood for construction. The lower rods are better equipped with larch, and the upper pine. It is worth noting that without additional layers of timber we will not get a fireproof dwelling. Therefore, the walls of the structure should be treated with protective coatings, which are incredibly much in building stores.


Features of the production of a calibrated timber

Obviously, different breeds of wood are used for a variety of purposes. If there is a need for the increased strength of the bar, you should make a choice in favor of larch. Also this wood is resistant to moisture.

Pine timber is the most popular. It is easy to handle and dry. Thanks to the widespread pine, the timber from this tree will cost inexpensively. Moreover, the material is not cracking, so it can be used in those places where high humidity is present.

If the timber is needed to build a bath, then the best choice will be Lipa. This wood has elegant thermal insulation indicators. Also, the material is quite strong and hardy.


Production of calibrated bar

Bruz production can not be called simple. Wood passes several stages before the material can be used for construction work. First of all, the procurement and cutting operation occurs. During it, all the extra parts of the wood are removed and the basic processing is carried out. The cross section and length of the bar can be diverse, however, there are standardization.

The control operation lies in the inspection of the material for the presence of serious cracks and other flaws. Also in this operation is conducted for deviation from the axis. Obviously, a curve bar cannot be applied in construction.

At the very end of the bar need to dry. To speed up the process, the drying chambers can be used, however, it is possible to disperse wood and in vivo.

There are also cases when the enterprise is working on additional wood processing. For example, the treatment of cowheads. Sometimes under construction conditions, such actions are simply impossible.

The main advantages of the calibrated bar.

  1. The process of producing a bar allows you to immediately apply the material in construction work. Extreme geometric parameters ensure the absence of even minimal deviations and difficulties during the construction process.
  2. The naturalness of such a building material provides resistance to temperature changes and the absence of negative consequences of precipitation.
  3. The absence of a house rotting is ensured by the natural properties of wood.
  4. The calibrated timber provides heat insulation, and also creates a certain level of comfort in the house.
  5. Despite the massiveness of the bar, the material has a small weight. Thus, during construction, there is no need to create the most strong grounds.
  6. The simplicity of the construction of the structure of the timber allows you to build a house for a short term. Often, no more than a couple of months is spent on construction. For such a term, it is almost impossible to build a brick dwelling.
  7. A small thickness of the walls of the house from the bar is comparable to the thick walls of the brick. Thus, we save a lot of building material and space.


Of course, the bar has disadvantages. Unfortunately, this material cannot be applied if there is a constant source of moisture. Wood will simply deter and lose their primary properties. Periodically, the timber must be treated with various protective equipment. Without them, the tree will also deteriorate, but slowly.

Despite all the positive properties of wood, without insulation in the cool seasons, it will not work out. Another negative side is the impossibility of redevelopment. After construction, the house becomes a holistic design.


Features of the application of the calibrated timber

The bar is a fairly specific material that has ne and important aspects related to its application.


  1. The construction stages of the housing from the bar are quite a lot. At the very beginning it is necessary to equip a special box at home, then the wood drying step occurs. Only after that the laying of the bar begins and its further finish.
  2. Despite the standardization of the bar, often in the construction process you have to apply an effort to ensure the shrinkage. However, it only positively affects the overall monolithium of the structure.
  3. In those rare cases, when there are lumens between the housing elements from the bar, special insulating materials are used.
  4. It is advisable to not apply a number of insulation in the house of the bar. Wood interacts perfectly with some insulating resources. It is especially important to know what the linen-hemp insulation is categorically impossible. It often leads to the gradual loss of the original properties of wood.
  5. Often, the insulation of the house occurs with the help of brickwork. Thus, the bar, to a greater extent, performs aesthetic function. The issue of heat insulation must be thought out the most detailed as possible.


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