Filtration systems for decorative reservoirs. Filtration for the pond

April 15. Useful advice, Repair and construction work Views 3318. Comments To record the filtration system of decorative water bodies. Filtration for the pond No

Even at the stage of designing a decorative pond, it is worth thinking about the equipment that will ensure the existence of living organisms and the normal quality of fluid in it. Filtration systems are especially important, because they retain the natural balance at the desired level.

Allocate two main reasons for reservoir contamination:

  • the presence of plants and fish, the products of the vital activity of which are decomposed in water;
  • the accumulation of organic il, which consists of fungi and bacteria.

In both cases, the level of oxygen content is strongly reduced in water, which affects the state of the dweller of the pond. As a rule, greater harm brings an excess of nutrients arising due to a large number of fish or lack of gardening. Then there is an intense increase in adverse algae, which make water muddy and take oxygen. From this fish and plants are striking various diseases. To avoid such situations, water filtering in the pond can be carried out both biological agents and special equipment.

Selection options


The quality of water in the pond depends on its circulation, which is provided by a properly chosen pump and filter. It is most difficult to choose equipment for water bodies with fish, due to the constant need to saturate the oxygen of the fluid worth paying attention to the aggregates of greater power. They will provide a permanent circulation that will beneficially affect water quality. Waterfalls and fountains are considered an excellent addition, they contribute to the filling of fluid with oxygen.

It is important to know the selection criteria, it is often easier to turn to a professional, rather than independently consider all the factors. Water purification quality depends on:

  1. Pool parameters.
  2. Environmental conditions.
  3. The number of living organisms in the pond.
  4. Presence of additional features and equipment.
  5. Filter system efficiency.
  6. Performance pumps.

Varieties or classification of devices

Specialists are invited to consider the separation of filtration equipment by a method of action and purpose:

  • chemical purification, which are used to remove toxic substances;
  • mechanical action, they are most popular due to the constant need for harvesting large garbage and products of the vital activity of the present organisms;
  • usthaofiolet is used to combat algae and various bacteria;
  • biological species is important for the creation of the required natural balance in the reservoir;
  • combined systems allow you to provide several levels of cleansing simultaneously.

Existing options

The equipment market offers various solutions that differ not only by the device, but also appearance.

Press equipment


Among the available pressure filters are distinguished. They provide a three-step cleaning system:

  • mechanical
  • biological
  • ultraviolet.

This allows you to get a clean, transparent liquid that is necessary for the normal functioning of the reservoir.

Its convenience consists not only in high-quality liquid cleaning, but also use. After all, all control is located on the top cover of the device, so that the installation and maintenance of the equipment is carried out without problems. The device is installed on the shore, some owners roll this type of filter to the ground and provide further decor.

Non-free filters


These devices have a type of tank with functional cleaning elements represented by sponges and grids. Used for reservoirs of large and medium sizes due to guaranteed reliability and high performance. When installing, the equipment is placed above the water level. The disadvantages recognize the lack of disguise disguise filters, the maximum permissible absorption is per third of the housing.

Flowing view

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The design assumes the passage of water through the filter compartment, after which it is merged back into the pond. To enter the filter, the device is equipped with a pump, while the performance of the equipment must accurately coincide. Flowing filters for large water reservoirs are intended, but their cost remains quite affordable. The advantage is the simplicity of service and a sufficient amount of filter elements. The deficiencies mark on the edge of the pond, as well as the ability to leak out water from the device with severe pollution. The filtering rate of flow equipment slows down in the case of cleansing the fish pond.

Multi-chamber devices - the perfect solution Foto_2.jpg.

Many manufacturers offer options for several cleaning steps. The so-called multi-chamber filters are cleaned by water, immediately at several points. Standard options suggest the following cleaning:

  • mechanical, which is provided by quartz sand, gravel or special granules. To clean the device, the material is replaced or washing;
  • biological with bacteria. In a separate compartment, a porous material is placed, which is filled with alive organisms. A foam sponge or propylene balls with hollow cylinders inside can be used as a porous filler. The main task of bacteria is the processing of proteins and fats in gas;
  • ultraviolet radiation contributes to the death of malicious bacteria and algae, while it does not affect the growth of fish and decorative plants. As a rule, one lamp has 10 thousand hours of service.

In general, the number of cameras in such devices comes from 2 to 5. At the same time, choose the necessary equipment on the basis of these volumes and the inhabitants present, then the water filtering in the pond will be carried out at the proper level.

Comprehensive cleansing

There are also additional equipment that can be combined with the main filter system. These include:

  1. Skimmers.
  2. Ilososos.

Skimmers are designed to purify the surface of water from large garbage, such as leaves and branches. They float on the surface of the pond, work is carried out due to the presence of the pump. The performance of such equipment depends on the volume of the laid basket. Depending on the depth of the pond, the type of skimmer is selected, however, it is possible to handle contamination on the surface of the water.


The ilosos are designed to clean the bottom of the reservoir, the principle of a vacuum cleaner is used to process the remains of the life of the life of the populated organisms. In this case, the device can only be used for a pond of small sizes. The fact is that the equipment hose has a standard length of 5 m, so the maximum diameter should not exceed 10 m.

Prices and manufacturers

For pressure filters will have to give from 100 to 500 cu, for example, Velda Clear Control 25 (CC25) with a power of 9 W costs about 500 cu In this case, the device is designed to purify the pond with a volume of up to 10 m3, in the presence of fish - 5 m3. The manufacturer's warranty is 2 years.

Performance filters have a different price category, the Sunsun CBF 350 C system refers to high-quality equipment. It is set to clean the pond to 90 thousand l., The cost of the unit is about 800 cu

Flowing is considered more accessible devices, their price begins with a mark of 100 cu. Aquael Maxi on the volume of reservoir up to 5000 liters costs about 80 cu, it provides mechanical and biological purification of fluid.

Filtering systems go to another price category, when choosing a high-quality device will have to give at least 200 cu.

Filter do it yourself

Often it is easier to buy ready-made professional equipment, however, in the case of a small reservoir without fish, the homemade version is quite suitable. For the creation of such a filter, infringement materials are suitable - pelvis and underwater pump.

A slightly above the bottom of the pelvis is prepared a horizontal hole with dimensions of 200x100 mm. A stone is inserted into this hole, and the bottom is filled with cement-sandy solution. Filling level should go to the top of the top plane of the stone. It is important to align the blend of a drain to obtain a kind of cascade. After grappling the solution, it is covered with waterproofing.

In the resulting design lay 4 stones with a height of 50 mm and closed with a plastic lid. The crushed stone is covered on top, then stacked the synthetic layer, connect the hose from the pump. The water filtration circuit in this case is as follows: the whole design remains at the top of the cascade, and the pump is located on the bottom of the pond. Water moves through the hose in the pelvis, where the cleaning of the synthetone and crushed stone passes, periodically the elements are washed or replaced. The peeled liquid on the cascade is returned back into the reservoir.

An example of self-making filter for a pond with your own hands is presented to the video:

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