How to choose a good perforator

October 21. Instruments Views 2530. Comments to write how to choose a good perforator No

The perforator allows you to easily drill a hole in the concrete. Without it, the repair can take away a lot of time and strength. Today, there are many different models of perforators in the instruments market, which in turn, makes the richer choice and at the same time it becomes more difficult. So how to choose a perforator?

This tool is a drilling machine with a longitudinally axial movement of the working body. Perforators are often confused with a shock drill. The difference is that the impact function is pneumatic, and not mechanical, like a drill. Thanks to pneumatics, the perforator is able to make holes in concrete, brick and stone.

What a perforator to choose



According to the functionality, the perforators are divided into the following types:

  1. Single-mode - highly specialized tools. Not suitable for home repair needs.
  2. Double-mode - more common tools. There is a shock and drilling mode or loaves.
  3. Three-mode - in these tools there are all the above functions.

To work with a tree or metal, the drilling mode is usually used, with brick and concrete - drilling with a blow, and shock mode is most suitable for removing the tile.

Before deciding which perforator to choose for home or work, you need to decide on the required functionality, but it is better to take a tool with all three modes.

The performance of the perforator is made to judge in two characteristics - it is the power and impact force. Important moment: the impact force is not always proportional to the power.

Tools are usually equipped with two types of cartridges:

  1. Ordinary.
  2. Quick.

The most appropriate option for all cases is the second type of cartridges, which allows you to change the drill only with an effort of your hands without additional tools.

An important characteristic of the instrument that needs to be taken into account when solving the question, how to choose a perforator for the house is its weight. According to this criterion, the following classes of perforators are distinguished:

  1. Light - no more than 4 kilograms and up to 700 watts. These tools are good in that it includes the SDS-Plus cartridges, with which you can use the browns with a diameter of up to 26 millimeters. A feature of the tools of this class is a large number of shocks and a high number of revolutions. Perhaps the market for such perforations is presented in the market. Moreover, in this segment there are tools of foreign and Russian production. An example of such a device can be called the punch of the Russian production of Baikale 113a. This is one of the easiest and most low-power tools. The power of its engine is only 550 watts, the impact force of 1.8 Joule with a weight of only 2.5 kilograms. Its power and blow strength is enough to drill a hole in the concrete with a diameter of up to 20 millimeters. This model has only two modes - it is a simple drilling and drilling with a blow.
  2. Heavy - more than 8 kilograms and more than 1500 watts. Equipped with SDS-MAX cartridges. They allow you to use borants up to 60 millimeters. This class basically includes professional tools. With the help of them, you can make holes with a diameter of up to 50 millimeters when using a solid bora. If you use hollow crowns, you can get holes up to 130 millimeters in diameter.
  3. Average - from 5 to 8 kilograms and a capacity of 700-1500 watts. In these models there may be both types of cartridges. The impact force in the tools of this class is up to 8 Joule. They can make a hole in concrete, consider irregularities on the concrete surface. Some models can even be destroyed with a metal grid. SDS-TOP-type cartridges are rarely used. For the drills of 16-25 mm, they are enough.

Knowing the rules for separating tools into classes, you can more confidently understand the question, how to choose a good perforator. An affiliation of the model to one or another class can be found, for example, by laying the engine. If this is a light class machine, the engine is located horizontally, and the machines of the two other classes are vertical layout.

Many perforators can work both from the network and from the battery. Moreover, a battery-operating tool is usually more expensive. Sometimes it is simply not justified to overpay for such devices, because their mobility is not particularly needed when working.

Much more important than the presence of electronic adjustment of rotation, which today is equipped with many modern perforator models. This feature will allow you to select the optimal speed of rotation necessary for work, depending on the following parameters:

  1. Burue size.
  2. Current load.
  3. Material and other.

This has a positive effect on the end of the work. In addition, this feature will allow to extend the life of the instrument.

For household needs, the model of the middle class is quite enough. Heavy perforators are more for professional use.

Additional features

These functions are designed to expand tools.

  1. Reversive mode. It makes it possible to get a tool in case of jamming and use it also as a screwdriver. This greatly facilitates the work of the user with the perforator.
  2. Soft start. Some tools immediately after switching on is randomly heated. The "soft start" function allows you to avoid it. On such perforations there is a stopper of the switch, thanks to which it will not be necessary to constantly press the start button.
  3. Safety clutch. This feature removes the engine from overheating and breakage.
  4. Anti-vibration system. This system is mainly equipped with expensive tool models. In such models, there is also a completely insulated housing of the monolithic metal, a two-speed gearbox. When working with them there is a smaller level of noise.


Tool value

The following characteristics affect the price of perforators:

  1. Power.
  2. The number of embedded functions.
  3. Number of components.

The most cheap perforators are tools in the price framework 80-100 dollars. Middle class models cost from 250 to 350 dollars.

Professional perforators with three work modes will cost at least 1000 dollars.

What to choose the perforator to the home master

  1. For use in everyday life, you do not need a very powerful and heavy tool. Therefore, the most optimal option will be the models of the middle class. For example, Makita perforators.
  2. For professional use, it is best to take a high-performance tool equipped with many modern functions that were discussed above. Bosch perforators are considered one of the best professional tools.
  3. For household and professional use, the sets of drills should be included in the tool package.
  4. If you wondered how to choose the perforator correctly, then, first of all, you need to focus on your needs. It makes no sense to buy expensive models for simple home repair work. The best perforator is the one who copes well with the tasks set in front of him.

What brand to choose a perforator


Einhell BBH 920.

This tool with intensive work can hold one season. In the future, breakdowns are possible, such as burnt anchor. This perforator has the following characteristics:

  • Engine power - 920 watts.
  • Weight - 3.2 kilograms.
  • Stroy force - 2.5 Joule.
  • Pillet.
  • Chisel.


  1. Smooth start.
  2. Protection against jamming.
  3. Three modes: loaf, unstressed drilling and drilling.
  4. The case is quite durable, although made of plastic. On the gearbox there is an aluminum casing. Ergonomics tolerable. Button and all switches are quite reliable.
  5. Included with a tool available:
  • high-quality borants;
  • not bad case;
  • additional handle.


  1. Often you have to change brushes.
  2. Weak plug.
  3. Broke insulation cord.
  4. Quickly heats up.
  5. Slow drill.
  6. Quite a big weight.

The price of this model is on average 90 dollars, which is unreasonably expensive for a tool of such quality. Even among domestic perforations, he does not withstand competition or according to technical specifications or in quality.

Makita HR2410.

When solving the issue, what company to choose a perforator can be viewed Makita HR2410 model. It is considered one of the best representatives of the light professional perforators. It is said that this model was the most sold at one time. Modes switches from below, which may be not familiar to many.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Engine power - 680 watts.
  • Strength of impact - 2 joule.
  • Weight 2.3 kilograms.
  • Safety clutch.
  • Reverse.
  • Electronic rotation adjustment.


  1. Small weight.
  2. Excellent balancing.
  3. Quality case.
  4. Comfortable handle. It is comfortable to work with it both with an emphasis on the drilling axis and with a pistol grip.
  5. Electronic switch with a large stroke. This allows you to smoothly change the speed of rotation. The advantages of this option are especially felt when the drill comes out when drilling for metal.
  6. Large service life. The tool can serve ten years and even more.


  1. There is not enough dulling mode.
  2. Low power.

This model is convenient to clean the masonry and shoot down a small slope of concrete on the corners. With the help of it, it is convenient to dismantle the profile. If you approached the characteristics of this tool, then pay attention to both modern models of the same manufacturer. From inexpensive, you can select HR2470 and HR2610. It is also worth paying attention to the perforator of the HR1830 model, which is highlighted by the fact that it is superhigh.


Bosch GBH 2-24 DSR

This perforator model has the following characteristics:

  • Engine power - 680 watts. It is enough to do the holes with a diameter of up to 24 centimeters.
  • Strength of impact - 2.4 Joule.
  • Weight - 2.4 kilograms.
  • Reverse.
  • Flat chisel on 36 positions.

The model has some characteristics that are typically characterized only by professional tools. This set includes:

  • Electronic adjustment of revolutions.
  • Safety clutch.
  • Additional handle.
  • Comfortable plastic case.
  • Three modes of operation.


  1. Long service life, can serve ten years and more.
  2. Compactness.
  3. Small weight.
  4. Smooth sensitive button, which, together with reverse, allows you to use the tool as a screwdriver.
  5. There is a button with which you can fix the start button pressed. Due to this, the hand is unloaded at intensive work.
  6. Long network cord. Therefore, you can connect the tool to any socket in the room.


  1. Not a very powerful engine.
  2. This model has already been removed from production, so in stores it is rare.

The tool has a flat chisel that can be fixed in 36 different positions. To use as a screwdriver you need to install a transition cartridge. Included there is a handle that can be rearranged in a circle. She will be useful to those who prefer to work with two hands. This model is suitable for both domestic and professional use. The manufacturer is constantly working on improving its products. Since this model is removed from production, as an alternative, it is possible to consider - GBH 2-24 DF and GBH 2-20 D.

Bosch PBH 2000 Re


This high-quality model from Bosch has the following characteristics:

  • Engine power - 550 watts.
  • Strength of impact - 1.5-1.7 Joule.
  • The impact frequency is 5800 beats per minute at a rated frequency of rotation of the shaft 2300 revolutions per minute.
  • Weight - 2.2 kilograms.
  • Length - 32 centimeters.


  1. High wear resistance.
  2. The presence of reversal.
  3. Small weight.
  4. Shockproof, durable and stable housing.
  5. Rare replacement brushes.
  6. There is a very sensitive button that allows you to adjust the speed and smooth overclocking.
  7. Thanks to the transition cartridge, you can use the tool as a screwdriver.


  1. Small engine power, which can arise problems on viscous bases.

This model has a pleasant to the touch housing. It is well suited for professional use when conducting construction work. It can be used as a household instrument, but for this purpose it is not very suitable. The cost of this perforator at a retail price is approximately from 110 to 120 dollars.

Rules of operation and care of the perforator


How much to serve you tool depends not only on its quality, but how carefully you feel about it. Pay attention to the following rules of care:

  1. The tool periodically needs to be lubricated. At the same time, only high-quality lubricants should be used. And if you wondered how to choose a blower for a perforator, then give preference only with original accessories. This also applies to transition cartridges.
  2. It is recommended to regularly carry out maintenance and cleaning.
  3. Always lubricate the SDS-shank of the perforator.
  4. No need to overload the tool. When heated, it is necessary to give time to cool it. Then keep the job.
  5. If you need to drill a long hole, then you do not need to do it in one pass. Perform these works a few times, do not forget to pull the bur for it to remove the chips.
  6. No need to put pressure on the tool by time, otherwise anchor can overheat, and the shock mechanism is to wear.
  7. You should not load the tool in the dilution mode for a long time. For cooling and lubrication of parts, it is recommended at least two minutes to twist the car on pure rotation.
  8. In order not to smash the cartridge, make sure that the working tool is not bent with respect to the hole axis.
  9. Do not forget to keep track of the condition of brushes and anthers.
  10. Do not continue to work with the tool, if even the slightest failures in his work. It is better to immediately attribute it to the service and thereby warn breakdowns that would cost much more expensive.

Choosing between the Chinese and German manufacturer, feel free to prefer the second. This product is better quality. So, what better to choose a perforator, solve only you.

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