Barbecue area in the country: Features of arrangement

May 16. Useful advice, Plot. Views 2904. 1 comment To record the barbecue area in the country: Features of the arrangement

The selection of a separate barbecue area is becoming more and more popular in the country area. In this place, equipped in the fresh air, you can comfortably prepare a kebab, a garnish of baked vegetables and a home ear, as well as many other dishes, while beautiful to relax in the company of relatives or friends. Such a zone that personifies family well-being and wealth can be equipped in a calm and cozy corner of the country area. At the same time, it may well act as a central element of garden design and a peculiar landscape decoration.

What is a barbecue

Many people mix the concepts of barbecue, street fireplace and mangala. In fact, there is a difference - a barbecue device, in essence, is a street version of a fireplace, equipped with a coal baking grid and an employee for cooking outdoors. After equipping the barbecue area in the country, you will get a suitable place for gatherings, which can radically change the entire philosophy of the country rest, giving it an atmosphere of dimension, slow and calm. Thus, sitting there with comfort, it will be possible to relax and chat with close people in harmony with nature.

Barbecue varieties


Distinguish the following types of barbecue:

  1. Portable - inexpensive Compact models, convenient for temporary operation. They can be placed in any convenient place for cooking in the fresh air, and at the end of the picnic to remove. Portable barbecue, as a rule, is characterized by a very limited set of functions, and their design is usually not possible to remove smoke. Fine collapsible structures are presented on sale, as well as more modern models of cylindrical shape or as a funnel.
  2. Stationary - such models including a removable or stationary cast iron roaster with baking grille on coals, built of stone or bricks.

For maximum convenience in operation, the barbecue area can be equipped with various functional devices and additional options:

  • russian oven;
  • oven;
  • slab;
  • spit;
  • smokehouse;
  • cauldron
  • fireplace;
  • shelves for storage of dishes;
  • sink, cutting plate or board.

In addition, the recreation area with the barbecue or its individual elements can be positioned under a canopy or roof. It is convenient to equip a barbecue with a brazier in a gazebo.

An increasing popularity is gaining an arrangement of an element of a garden landscape in the form of a barbecue area of \u200b\u200ba country house with a Russian oven. Such a structure will decorate the receiving territory, besides multifunctionally, as it allows you to prepare a variety of dishes, relax near and warm up the oven heat. The most convenient is the location of the furnace in the center of the arbor or opposite the entrance from the back wall.


Currently, growing requirements are presented to the design zone of the barbecue. For a picnic room equipment where you can fry meat, careful planning is required. You can equip the zone for barbecue in two main ways:

  • locate it on the terrace, in a gazebo, under a specially structured canopy or a pavilion roof, which can protect it from wind and precipitation. In this case, a folded stationary focus or a Russian oven will serve significantly longer. From the gazebo, it will turn out a great summer dining room, in which you can relax in the shaded place, and also hide from the rain. This specially equipped multifunctional zone for cooking and relaxing in a country house or a country area is very convenient and will undoubtedly be widely demanded;
  • select a little space on the site and equip an open barbecue area - on it, if you wish, you can build a light canopy above the table. In this case, for a barbecue you can build an open source, including without chimney. It is easy to create an independent condition for such a holiday in the country, although it is often not convenient to be in the open space.

Barbecue benefits

The advantages of the barbecue accommodation can be attributed to:

  • the appearance of the kitchen zone and the dining room in the fresh air, where with comfort you can prepare a variety of dishes - undoubtedly, the taste of cooked coals with a low meat temperature will be significantly different from the gas cooked, in the oven or microwave;
  • compared to open fire, the barbecue area is characterized by much higher fire safety, and the structure is also provided with a removal of smoke;
  • in the presence of competent planning and arrangement, the fire in the barbecue area on the plot can be diluted and maintained with any weather. Having organized artificial lighting, you can gather there "on the light" at any time of the day;
  • the barbecue zone will significantly expand the functions and, accordingly, the possibilities of country rest, and will also decorate the landscape of the country area.

Features of the barbecue area

In the country area, you can equip such a barbecue area with your own hands, or entrust the design and performance of work by professionals. On the Internet you can get acquainted with a variety of carbquet areas for arbors, patio, terraces. Such ready-made solutions may include furnace complexes - with brazier, stove under Kazan, spit and smoking room, barbecue bar. Lay on your own low brick foci for a barbecue of a simple design (p-shaped with removable lattices), you can even without any special skills. For the construction of more complex multifunctional structures with superstructures and an exhaust pipe, as a rule, knowledge of the subtleties of furnaces of furnaces is required and the presence of masonry experience - sometimes such work is easier to charge a specialist.

A durable refractory brick, basalt, chamotte clay is used as the materials arrangement of the barbecue area for masonry furnace. For cladding, granite, travertine, copper and stainless steel, as well as various combinations of these materials are used.

How to choose a place for a barbecue

First of all, the owners of the country area need to choose a place to improve the barbecue area and plan the location of the components of its elements. Ideally, planning is carried out in conjunction with other layout of the arrangement of the country area.

For a relaxing holiday, it is recommended to choose a small area in the depths of the territory located in some distance from country buildings. The barbecue area will harmoniously look near the reservoir, alpine slide, mixlers, pergola, in a small courtyard, pavilion or gazebo. In addition, the barbecue area can be located on the terrace of a country house. When arranged, it should be repelled from the overall style solving the landscape design of the country area.

When planning the arrangement of the barbecue area, attention should be paid to the following nuances of accommodation:

  • if you do not plan to build a canopy either roof, look for a shaded place on the plot - the most successful location in the half;
  • for reasons of fire safety, it is required to choose a place in the distance from wooden fences, crowns of trees and other flammable from the random spark of objects;
  • do not have a barbecue area away from home so that you do not have to run for the necessary things and products through the entire area;
  • determine the prevailing subversion side on the site to minimize the smoke of the recreation area. Agree, it will be not too nice if the wind will endure smoke from the hearth to the bottom of the table, as well as in the windows of the country house;
  • the selected area is desirable to choose, as well as pave the garden tracks to it for the convenience of moving;
  • around the table and focus you can build a brick wall to protect against wind;
  • if there is a canopy over the open source, you should provide a hole for removing smoke;
  • the proximity to the water supply should be taken into account. In the barbecue zone, you will need to equip the car wash, since after each cooking, the need to move the dishes.

Useful devices and accessories

In addition, to make the barbecue area quite convenient, it is desirable to provide in it the following devices and related accessories:

  1. A place for the lunite, in which the harvested firewood can also be stored and coal for extracts - under a canopy to avoid references. If you plan to build a furnace or a garden fireplace, under the hearth traditionally equip a special place to store wood storage.
  2. A small table, on which it will be convenient to chop vegetables, ride meat on skewers, etc.
  3. Shelves or racks for placing dishes, kitchen utensils and accessories, products and spices.
  4. Specially selected place for skewers, spit, baking grids.
  5. Compact urn for collecting various waste.
  6. Tools and devices needed for cooking on open fire - in the form of a kocherg for increasing coal, metal scoop, tapes for hot.
  7. It is desirable to establish a refractory screen that prevents the spread of smoke into the dining area.

Furniture & Gardening for a barbecue area

Traditionally, the barbecue area consists of a kitchen area and a dining area. It can be comfortable to stay in them with comfortable furniture. For these purposes, the lightweight and at the same time reliable forged furniture, modern ergonomic plastic tables and chairs, as well as the dacha woven (from natural materials - vines, bamboo, rattan or imitation).

Without some devices, sometimes it is quite possible to do, but for the most convenient stay in the barbecue area you should take care of the convenience of labor and recreation. Each time you make the necessary devices and tools, as well as run into the house for the products is not too convenient. Thoroughly thinking all the little things and arranged a barbecue zone, respectively, you will stay light and enjoyable.

Posted by the atmosphere of comfortably the barbecue area in the country is easy with the help of green plantings. Gardening will help to decorate this corner and make it even more beautiful and relaxing to rest and pleasant communication. Designers recommend:

  • to always be at hand, there are fresh spices, place a few containers or beds with greens, which can be successfully used to prepare various dishes. In this case, the seasonings will not be required to go far, besides, the garden greens on the beds looks very decorative and appetizing;
  • beautifully framed the zone barbecue bushes of roses, as well as a variety of mixtures. In addition, in the barbecue area you can place street vases and pots with various plants;
  • suitable and harmonize with a barbecue area evergreen coniferous trees and shrubs, including thuja, juniper, as well as living hedges. With the help of wide plants, you can cover the seating area from curious eyes.


Lighting and decor for barbecue area

It is possible to give the decorativeness of the furnace either the hearth in the barbecue area, by depicting them the semblance of a mosaic - to do this, press the pieces of colorful glass or tiles, textured pebbles to the end. A Russian oven can be separated by multi-colored ceramic tips, including those made independently - such a finish will look very decorative and stylish. In addition, there will be worthless dishes, a decorative flower vase, colorful textiles, bright napkins.

To use the barbecue area at different times of the day, including with the onset of darkness, it is worth considering and organize suitable lighting. You can place and turn on with the onset of twilight lamp over the table, the garland of bulbs for highlighting over the tracks, lights and lamps with wrought-iron lamps.

Barbecue Zone - Photo








Brick Barbecue - Video

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One answer to the barbecue area in the country: Features of the arrangement

  1. Dmitriy:

    Well done Cool information Thanks for her)

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