How to make building blocks do it yourself

January 26. Building materials Views 11452. Comments to record how to make building blocks do it yourself No

The construction of the house from the blocks is moving faster than from the brick. You can buy them freely, but many make building blocks with their own hands.

Building blocks are used not only for the construction of walls. Accelerates it and the use of building blocks for the foundation. Of course, these blocks should be very dense: 1.5 tons per 1 cubic m. Production of blocks with their own hands, if you figure it out, not such a supervised business.

Where to begin?

And the beginning of everything is the manufacture of forms.


There are forms for construction blocks with standard sizes. But at home, you can make the building blocks of sizes that suit you. Take the sheet metal cut from the workpiece has a desired shape and form weld. Make shapes and made of wood, they are good for adobe blocks. The bottom is not necessary. But the sides will handle the way, so it is more convenient to work with them.



Material for homemade building blocks

What are the good building blocks made by your own hands, so that it is used for them the material that you already have or you can easily purchase it.

Basically, blocks are made on the basis of cement with different fillers, but folk craftsmen, as well as manufacturers sometimes cost without it. Depending on the material selected, the manufacture of homemade construction blocks of the following types is possible:

  • slag concrete;
  • liquid glass-based blocks;
  • saman;
  • chip concrete or arbolite.

How the filler uses:

  • ash;
  • slag;
  • opening;
  • crushed stone;
  • gypsum;
  • perlite;
  • ceramzit;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • broken brick and other.


Blocks without cement


The manufacture of building blocks on this technology is not available to everyone, because in the mixture there is liquid glass. Unless to agree with the nearest zhby plant and buy the main component there. The mixture will consist of:

    • two dozen river sand parts;
    • one and a half dozen pieces of liquid glass;
    • 4 parts of chalk;
    • 3 parts of the lime quenching;
    • 2 parts of kaolin.

Manufacturing process

  • First sifted sand;
  • chalk is added;
  • everything is well mixed;
  • the lime is entered;
  • kaolin or chopped to the state of the brick powder;
  • liquid glass.

The initial raw material should be homogeneous, tough. Before pouring this mass, reminiscent of the dough, moisten the form from the inside. If you wish, you can give the building blocks to color. To do this, add:

  • chalk of any color;
  • ground in powder brick red.

Fillers are added to such blocks: slag, crumples, chips. They are high - they are much stronger than cement.

Ceramzit concrete blocks

Ceramzit concrete blocks are one of the types of slag blocks, where the filler serves as a ceramzite.




  • cement - 1 part;
  • ceramzite - 5 parts;
  • sand - 3 parts;
  • water is about one part.


The technology of manufacturing construction blocks of ceramzite concrete, in general the same as any other:

  • in pre-lubricated forms, the source material is placed;
  • rammed;
  • the form is removed after 10 minutes;
  • the product remains in place;
  • after 12 hours, it is transferred to the place protected from precipitation and direct rays.
  • with warm weather, the blocks will be solid after a few less than a month.

If you plan to make thick walls (about 0.5 m), then blocks are better with voids. To do this, inserts inserted inserts from wood: round or square. And so that they removed well before inserting, eat them in roofing iron.


  • low weight;
  • frost resistance;
  • air permeability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • low cost.


The house of ceramzite concrete blocks is built faster than the brick, the solution on the masonry is less.

Sane blocks



For this type of blocks, the material, literally, is under your feet. All you need is:

  • clay;
  • straw;
  • sand river.;
  • water.

Features of the selection

In order for building blocks the characteristics corresponded to all requirements, you need something to know about the features of the selection of components:

  1. It is better to prepare clay from the autumn, to cover it with a film and give to overvil - this will improve its quality.
  2. Sand first sift, freeing from impurities.
  3. A straw can be taken on the field, where they only collected wheat, rye or barley. If the straw remained from collecting the crop of last year, then the quality will be no longer - she, after being leaving, begins to chant.

How to determine the percentage ratio of components

The exact recommendations as which you need to take is not, as the clay is different: there are sand impurities, the other without them. This looks like this:

  • clay - 1 cu. m;
  • straw - 20 kg;
  • sand - 25%.

In order not to spoil the entire batch of blocks, you need to make a small experimental kneading. So we do as follows:

  • we connect all the components in small quantities and write down proportions;
  • make the knee;
  • form a ball;
  • we leave in the sun for drying somewhere for 1 hour;
  • throw it on the ground at a meter's height of one and a half.

If all the components are selected in the right ratios, the ball will remain as a whole. Added more than sand? It collapses or cracks. Sand is not enough? The ball is blown. That's how practical way and select the most optimal option.


To prepare a mixture at once a few dozen blocks, a recess should be done in the ground: a round diameter of about 2.5 m or a rectangular 1.5x2.5 half-meter depth. Washed it with bottom with polyethylene. Although some finished capacity is suitable: a trough or an old bath. Further, everything is the way it was still in the old days: we wear high boots from rubber and walk, stirring everything until uniformity.


  • While the grim is in the production stage, we prepare the site for products: We select an even solar place;
  • buckets bring the mixture;
  • fill forms;
  • compact;
  • we remove excess, conducting an armful on the upper edges of the form;
  • shape remove.

Finished blocks must dry. Usually it takes for several days. It is important that they do not rain. Then transfer to the shelter and still dried. Fully ready will be days after 10.

The house from the saman blocks is obtained very warm, comfortable. In addition, this building material is environmentally friendly, durable, fireproof. It is used for buildings not higher than 2 floors.


Opolo concrete blocks (arobolite)


The technology of manufacturing blocks from opilk concrete is similar to the manufacture of saman blocks, but the components must be not mined, but to buy.


Before proceeding with the manufacture, you need to purchase:

  • cement - M300 or higher;
  • sand - fraction is not a largest 1.8 md;
  • not groomed lime;
  • sawdust (coniferous wood).

Preparation of components

  • sift sawdust;
  • dry cement and sand mix;
  • here is the same lime and mix again;
  • sawdust add and repeat the mixing procedure;
  • we pour water;
  • In order for the components well together with each other, add calcium chloride or alumina sulfate;
  • control the quality of the mixture.

To control the quality, ride the ball and squeeze it in the palms. If water flows, it is too much in the mixture, if the ball drops - a lot of sawdust or sand.

Getting to manufacture

  • Shape with a polyethylene film;
  • lay the mixture;
  • trambam;
  • without removing out of the form, leave to stick out on 5 days;
  • take out of the form and dry further.

The drying process will take a lot of time - from 1.5 to 3 months: it all depends on the mass of the block.



If the construction is a large-scale, then it may make sense to spend money on equipment for building blocks. For example: there is a mini-machine for the production of Arbolita RPB-1500 bl. Its productivity is 1 oproblock with dimensions of 19 x 19 x 39 cm per minute. Releases Russian manufacturer - Intek company.


Wide use was found in the manufacture of building blocks of vibrationtole. They allow you to solve the problem with the breakdown of mixtures. Vibrotol consists of:

  • mobile table;
  • engine;
  • control panels;
  • sometimes the kit includes a transformer.

The seal of the working mixture occurs under the influence of vibration created by the vibration motor.

Working cycle

  • on the movable table set the form;
  • we put in the form half or completely dry mixture;
  • run the engine;
  • drying.

How to choose?

There are 3 types of vibrating plates capable of sealing material by weight:

  • up to 75 kg;
  • from 75 to 160 kg;
  • from 160 kg.

Focusing on these indicators and should be selected for yourself the optimal version of vibrationtol.


They are released:

  • russian company VPK;
  • LLC Stroymash;
  • Plant "Red Mac" in Yaroslavl and others.

Vibrotols and foreign manufacturers supply:

  • Spain - ENAR and HERVISA;
  • Germany - Wacker;
  • Italy - Batmatic;
  • France - Paclite.



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