Installation of a door box

March 16. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 1617. Comments to record mounting door frame No

The door frame is a design consisting of side racks and horizontal elements mounted in the upper and lower part. A box is installed in the doorway with dowels and steel linings. Fastening has its own characteristics depending on the material from which the wall is made. To the brick and wooden wall, fixation is carried out by nails. Special brackets are used for mounting the design to the wall of the plates. On other subtleties of the installation of this design, it will be in this article.

Features of door boxes

For the manufacture of such structures use various materials. It can be:

  • Chipboard;
  • wood natural origin;
  • aluminum;
  • metal plastic.

The most common design form is rectangular. The box is installed before laying outdoor coating and fastening of plinths. You can start at work immediately after drying the interior decoration of the walls. It will be much easier to perform the installation after repair work, since in this case the wall surface will be smooth. The workflow is carried out on the plane of the walls. If the wall has significant deformations and irregularities, the box must be put at the most speaker point. In the opposite case there will be difficulties with the installation of platbands.

Before mounting the door frame, determine the direction in which the door will open and perform the installation accordingly. It should be noted that according to the fire safety standards, the doors should be opened towards exit. For sale boxes come in most cases in the finished condition. But you can also find separately sold details. The advantage of the latter option is the ability to correct the design under certain parameters of the opening.

Door box. Photo:

VLUU L100, M100 / SAMSUNG L100, M100


Criterias of choice

In the process of choice, the main criterion is the material that was used for manufacture. Box based on DVP has a fairly attractive appearance, low cost, but does not differ in strength and durability. Such a box will finish even under the influence of its own mass, so it is not suitable for heavy doors.

More positive characteristics has a laminated box of wood. It has a sufficient seal to provide high-quality sound insulation and decorative coating. When choosing, you should pay special attention to applying, it should not be made of fine paper.

The design of the profiled bar is characterized by a small value, but it is strong enough. This material needs the finish finish, but it is better than the Fiberboard.


Dimensions of door boxes

To perform a quality assembly, you need to know the dimensions of the door frame. The following recommended norms of the size of the wall size and boxes are existing:

  1. The thickness of the brick wall is 75 mm. In this case, it is recommended to apply a 108 mm wide design.
  2. The thickness of the wooden wall is 100 mm. For it, you should use a 120 mm width box.
  3. The optimal ratio of thickness indicators between the wall and the box is a fairly important condition for the subsequent mounting of the platbands. If the thickness of the box is less than the same wall indicator, the design must be increased by means of good. This is a wooden panel of various thickness. They are divided into horizontal and vertical elements. To avoid different colors of the dobor, they are selected by the door of the door.
  4. When choosing this item, you should proceed from the groove parameters. The thickness of the good should not exceed the width of the excavation. If the box is not equipped with grooves, the good of any thickness will come.

Usually, dobors are installed on one side of the design, but if there is a need, these elements can be installed on both sides. Fixation is performed before mounting the door to the back of the box in the following order: the vertical elements are initially installed and then horizontal. Such an order is due to the need to impose elements to each other.

Dobra can be found on sale, but you can cut yourself yourself. For this use DVP, MDF or wood. If desired, such details can be painted, identical to the door of the door. Dobors have a certain advantage over the mounting foam, because They look much more careful.


Door Box Fastening Process

So, the first thing you need to prepare such tools:

  • nails and hammer;
  • bars;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • kit screws;
  • electrophresser;
  • wooden rails;
  • hacksaw;
  • chisels;
  • mounting foam.

Installation of the door box should be started from the assembly of bars. Previously, you need to make sure there are grooves. These parts are required to connect all components of the structure. Subsequent actions are performed in this order:

  1. It is necessary to connect the grooves of the upper bar with side parts and make the elements with each other with screws. In the absence of grooves, the mount should be performed using nails.
  2. The protruding ends of the bars are scorn. The surface must be absolutely even, and the corners of the box are straight.
  3. Next, by measurements, it is necessary to determine the width of the upper part of the design. Then you need to cut off the rake a little length of the result obtained and bore it with side bars with nails. Unfurnished ends of the rails are cut off.
  4. Then the installation of the loops is carried out. From the top point of the box, it is necessary to measure 20 cm. After that, the loop is applied to this section, the circuit of which will be bored with a pencil. The loop in the folded state forms between the door and the gap of 0.4 cm between the door. This moment must be taken into account when calculating the depth of the loop installation.
  5. Next, you need to make a platform for mounting the loops in the upper and lower part. This procedure is performed by means of an electric milling mill. However, if it is not available, it is possible for this purpose to use the chisels. From the lower point of the loop, it should be located at a distance of 21 cm, 1 cm is left for the lower gap.
  6. The door design with attached loops should be attached to the door on which the places of fastening the loops. Then you should determine the height of the side part of the opening. The resulting parameters are transferred to side bars. Next installation is performed.
  7. If there are gaps during the installation between the box and the opening, they can easily be eliminated using mounting foam or wooden wedges.
  8. After installing the frame, it should be attached to the discovery of the doorway by means of a dowel. If there are protruding parts on wooden wedges, they should be sprinkled. It is also necessary to remove rail and struts.
  9. On this installation work on installing the box are over, you can start installing the door.


Install the box by means of a mounting tape

This method allows to solve the question of how to install the door frame without drilling. To implement such an installation, you must perform the following actions:

  1. At the end of the design in 3-4 points with the help of two screws, a perforated mounting tape is fixed. Surplus tape should be beatened along the wall.
  2. Next is the installation of the box, after which the free fragments of the tape are attached to the wall through the screws and dowels. The space between the wall and the box is filled with the mounting foam.
  3. It should be taken into account that only 20% of space is subject to filling. For drying, the foam will be required from 10 to 18 hours. Then its excess is cut off with a construction knife.


Installing Doors and Put

Installation of the door is performed using hinges that are attached to the set. Before installing the installation, it is necessary to substitute the stops under the door cloth and secure the loops on the rack. The final stage of the work is the installation of platbands. These items have a decorative purpose and are set to hiding all parts of installation. In the process of performing this work, it may be necessary in a more rigid fastening of the box.

Installed platbands on the inside of the box, at a distance of 5 mm from the edge along the entire perimeter of the door. After installation, they need to be cut at an angle of 45 ° using a panel saw. At the same time, it is important to take into account that fragment of the platband, which will be set perpendicularly. It is also necessary to correctly calculate the length, as after the platbands are installed, they must hide all the elements of the box. For installation, nails are used without caps, which could be subsequently hidden. For example, paint.



Installation of the door frame with your own hands is a necessary preparatory stage for door mounting. Work implies several stages. In the process of installation, it is important to pay attention to the quality of work performed, since this is a condition for durable operation of the door.

Installation of the door frame. Video:

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