How to make a facade insulation

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Buildings heating always requires high electricity costs. Therefore, people are constantly in search of how this power consumption is reduced, and, therefore, minimize the costs of it. First of all, they seek to reduce heat losses from the building. All new and new materials that serve for finishing and insulation of facades are inventing.


Under the insulation of the facade of the house, not only energy saving and the preservation of heat, but also the outdoor decoration of the building to decorate the appearance and protection of walls from bad weather. Unfortunately, the outdoor insulation of the walls, which today offer some companies does not always meet the requirements of quality. Therefore, many decide to fulfill such work on their own.

Materials for the insulation of facades


  1. Today there are quite a lot of different materials that can be used to insulate the facades of apartments and houses. To their choice you need to approach rationally. Walls in different parts of the house require different insulation. Therefore, do not use the same material over the entire area. It is best to perform combined insulation of facades. The price of such works is quite acceptable.
  2. Be sure to protect the walls from various rodents. To do this, you can warm the facade of polystyrene.
  3. At the corners it is recommended to place a denser layer of insulation.

To facilitate the selection of the desired material, consider in more detail the most popular of them.

Mineral wool

For a long time, a mineral wool is used as a heater. It is made of slags of the metallurgical industry, silicate melts of rocks and impurities of sedimentary rocks. During work on the insulation of the facades of Minvata, glass and basalt materials are usually used. There are still special mineral wool slabs that are used when using the wet insulation of the facade.

The advantages of Minvati:

  1. It is able to withstand the temperature of more than a thousand degrees, at which it does not even melt.
  2. It has high thermal insulation properties.
  3. It has significant resistance to mechanical effects.
  4. She does not absorb moisture.
  5. It has highly resistant to chemical and biological substances.
  6. It has good sound insulation properties.
  7. Long service life (can serve up to 30-40 years).



The insulation of the facades of the foam is quite popular. For the first time, this material began to be manufactured in the thirties of the last century. Today, he occupies a leading position in its qualities among all modern materials. Its thermal insulation properties are achieved at the expense of special production technology.


  1. Polyfoam is well kept warm, because it is almost 98% of air, and the air, as is known, is the best thermal insulator.
  2. This material is quite cheap. If we separate the facade of foam, it can reduce heat loss from the room by as much as 70%.
  3. Modern foam for everything else does not burn. But if there are problems with rodents, then it is better to refuse it.

Facade insulation technology


Preparation of walls

  1. To begin with, it is recommended to remove all available entry designs from the surfaces. It may be a window tide, ventilation grille, a storm chute, climate technique, as well as some lighting devices.
  2. In addition, it is necessary to remove communications entering the plane in which the walls will be insulated. It is especially difficult to prepare for work on insulation old houses with brick walls that have many decorative elements.
  3. Walls that are covered with plaster should be checked for the strength of the outer decoration. To recognize the deviation of the wall from the vertical plane and local irregularities, you can use plumbing cords and long rules. If problem places are found, you should designate them with chalk.
  4. If there are large drop drops on the wall and if there are areas that hold hard enough, it will take to remove the cordges of the plaster. Only after that you can warm the facial side of the building.
  5. It is worth carefully to the areas with oil paint on the surface. It usually possesses bad vapor permeability and cloues with surfaces. If there are fungi, mold, fats and rust, then they need to be removed before starting work.
  6. Massive cracks and potholes should be primed with deep penetrating compositions using brush-maclove. When the putty is completely dry, they close. The slots up to 2 millimeters can be left. Large depressions are usually leveled by gluing pieces of insulation.
  7. When the walls are aligned, the necessary communications are laid, waterproofing was arranged, roofing works were carried out, then you can begin the surface of the surface and insulate the walls with polystyrene foam. According to this technology, the facade panels are insulation.

Fastening the base profile


For these works, you need to do the following:

  1. Determine the lowest surface point to which it will be insulated.
  2. With the help of a hydraulic system to transfer the found mark to all the corners of the building both internal and external.
  3. All these marks are connected using a coated cord. The result will be the so-called starting line.
  4. According to the markup obtained, to fix the first to the insulation, you need to install the base profile. The fact is that in the raw form it is very movable.
  5. Starting Plank is usually selected depending on the width of the insulation. It should be fixed using a sixmillimeter dowel for this step at 300-350 millimeters. On the clogged nail it is recommended to wear washers. Locking the plank can be made by slices or corner connections.
  6. Between each section of profiles to compensate for temperature extensions, you need to put connective and plastic end elements.

Installation of external windowsides


  1. These works are recommended before the insulation will be enshrined on the front side of the building. Films need to be attached to the window itself. Doing the windowsill is necessary, given how the facade is insulated. It is important that the window sill eventually spoke about three or four centimeters.
  2. If the window is mounted on the starting profile, the cavity is created under the windowsill. It condenses moisture in it. It should be sealed or it is better to fill in chunks of the insulation mixed with the adhesive mixture.
  3. Then warm the external slope of the windows. After installing windows for the insulation, about 20-30 millimeters remain. When using foam plastic, it is usually thicker than the facial side of the building. It should not be trimmed along the wall. Therefore, when the insulation is laid in the slopes, it should be approximately one centimeter.



Adhesive solution for fixing the insulation must be used for two hours. So that he does not dry, it is usually kneaded already on the construction site and only in the right amount.

The order of cooking glue is as follows:

  1. Take a volumetric plastic bucket.
  2. Pour water into it in the right amount.
  3. Fill in a bucket dry mixture.
  4. Mix the components of the drill on low revs until a homogeneous mass without lumps.
  5. To give for 5 minutes to stand the solution.
  6. After that, for a minute, mix again.
  7. If the glue thicker slightly, mix it again. It is impossible to add water in any case.

If irregularities are more than 15 millimeters, it follows:

  1. Apply an adhesive strip with a height of about 20 millimeters along the perimeter of the slab.
  2. In the middle of the slab, impose evenly several beacons.

When irregularities less than 10 millimeters:

  1. Glue apply on the perimeter of the stove and in the middle part.
  2. It is recommended that the bandwidth is 30-40 millimeters, and the adhesive solution itself covered about 50-60% of the total surface area of \u200b\u200bthe sheet.

Sticker insulation


  1. After completing all previous works, you can begin the fitting of the material on the walls. The insulation sticker usually begins to bottom, where it is planned to install the starting bar. For work, a large and small spatulas will be required. Little is needed mainly for imposing glue to large.
  2. The mixture should be applied directly on the wall. If the work surface is not very smooth, then to eliminate defects add more mixtures. Sheets fasten the resulting joints of the T-shaped species. At the same time, they must be applied to the working surface with a slight offset.
  3. An excess glue should be removed from the inner surface. It is also important to check the installed sheets for vertically. This can be done with a level. To control the direction of the plane, we use special threads. There are no more than three millimeters on the junction of the product.
  4. Note, vertical joints with side slopes near the windows and doors should not be installed in one line. You need to connect under the discovery or above it. At the same time, a displacement of at least 20 centimeters is allowed.
  5. Both on the outer and internal corners of the facial side of the building need to make the insulation of the insulation on the gear type. At the same time, in order to prevent the formation of a long vertical seam, each plate should be placed in a wedge into the surface of the plate, which is installed next to it.

Fingering insulation


  1. This work should be done only when it goes at least three days after the completion of the attachment. Otherwise, the material can move away from the walls.
  2. The insulation is best attached to the wall with the help of fungi - dowels in the form of plastic circle and plastic sleeve - legs. A plastic nail is clogged in the sleeve. As a last resort, metal nails can be used.
  3. Fastening should be done in the center and in the corners. One square meter is 6-8 fasteners. In some places you need to make additional fasteners. For example, near doors, windows, at the corners and near the base. Holes of the required depth can be done using a perforator.

Device of the reinforced layer

Under the reinforcement understand the installation of auxiliary reinforcing layer based on the grid. These works should be carried out in the following cases:

  1. To prevent the appearance of cracks next to doorways and windows, patchworks from the reinforcing grid of 200 × 300 are sampled.
  2. To enhance the outer corners of the construction - enhance with plastic or aluminum perioles.
  3. To strengthen the insulation of the foam, you should use a grid that is used for facade works.
  4. Claimed plates carefully polish. It will help to avoid the appearance of drops at the sheets of sheets. This will require manual grabs with coarse sandpaper.

Mesh sticking on corners


  1. Before sticking the grid onto the wall, it is recommended to glue it to all angles. Corners are sometimes made from a plastic perforated corner. If the apartment is above the first floor, then the grid is used only. If this is the first floor of the house or a private house, then it is better to use corners. At the stage of gluing the corners, you will need a mixture for the protective layer.
  2. The grid is used for facade and external work. In any case, she must have resistance to alkali. For internal works, use gypsum plaster.
  3. The grid must have a density of 140-160 g / m2. The more dense it will, the greater the surface it turns out.
  4. After that, you can start making angles. Material with corners is simply glued to the mixture. If the grid is without a corner, then it is necessary to make stripes that have a width of 300 millimeters.
  5. It is necessary to bend the mesh strip into two equal parts. Next, the spatula must be applied to the angle. Then impose the grid and straighten it from the corner to the side. As a result, the angle should be, on each side framed by the grid, and also as many piston grids for foam. It is required to ensure its normal docking with another material.

Mesh sticking on the walls

  1. At this stage, the mixture will be required for the protective layer. You still need a spatula with a width of at least 350 millimeters. This type of work will need to be done on small areas with a height of about one meter and the width of about 900 millimeters. Thus, you will have about 100 millimeters of a clean mesh for the joint.
  2. The mixture is appropriately superimposed on the grid area of \u200b\u200b900 millimeters and a height of one meter. We impose a small tool with a mixture on a large, and they already apply a layer with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters on the insulation. Then you need to apply the grid so that 100 millimeters in the width "came" to the pure insulation. Then the spatula smoothes the material from the center towards the edges so that it is evenly distributed in the mixture. When smoothing, you also need to add a mixture in a small amount. As a result, the grid should be almost all covered with a mixture.

Device jigs

  1. Both for horizontal and vertical joints the principle is the same. It is necessary to leave about 70-100 millimeters of a clean grid from the edge.
  2. Then the next plot is labeled with the seizure.
  3. Next, the grid is stacked with an adhesive of 70-100 millimeters and then aligned with a spatula. There should be quite smooth joints.



Go to the step of the grout. This can be done with the help of a plastic grater to which sandpaper is screwed. For this purpose, it is impossible to use a grater with a mesh. It can only conduct some internal work. Instead of a mesh, emery paper will be required. It should be started only when the mixture is dry enough. In sunny weather, it can dry literally in 12 hours. If the mixture is still wet, and the grater falls on such a plot, then the emery paper should be changed immediately.

Aligning layer

  1. This layer must be done with a large spatula. In this case, we apply a mixture to a large tool in the form of "sausages". Then you need to put it with a thickness of 2-3 millimeters on the wall and dissolve.
  2. The leveling layer is allowed not to be applied immediately, but according to individual sites. It usually goes out and exposed to grout.

Important nuances

  1. If the house is warming with foam or extrusion polystyrene foam, choose a mixture on which there is a mark "for polystyrene foam slabs."
  2. Some manufacturers offer two types of mixtures, while others are only one. So, there is a stove material for the stoves, for the device of the protective layer and universal. No versatile material is cheaper. Therefore, two varieties of mixtures are more profitable to carry out work than one universal.
  3. On one square meter of slab row, 4-6 kilograms of the mixture are usually consumed. Moreover, the proportions of kneading various materials are different.
  4. In order to glue the grid, the mixture is recommended to do a little more than the manufacturer advises. The most important thing is that the grid is well fixed with a mixture.
  5. For the stove glue, the mixture is confusing thicker than the manufacturer is recommended. According to the consistency, it should be like jelly.
  6. For alignment of the layer, the mixture is recommended to do a little fat, rather than for the grid glue. If you take it onto the spatula, then it should almost drain from it.
  7. The leveling layer should be lined like a layer with a glued grid. That is, you need to use sandpaper.


Before performing a finishing finish, the facade must be projected. For decorative finishes, Cerezite Article 16 is suitable. If the facade is planned to be painted, the primer will fit the cerezite st 17.

Photo: Facade insulation


Facade insulation: video

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