How to install warm plinth with your own hands

April 4. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 2885. Comments to write how to install a warm plinth with your own hands No

Time does not stand still, all new and new useful inventions appear on the market, which are aimed at making our lives much more comfortable. This applies, among other things, heating systems. Most recently, domestic consumers got acquainted with such know-how as warm plinth. What does he present, what advantages does he give and how to install it? - Here are the main points that will be discussed below.

What is a warm plinth? Main species

Warm plinth is the newest heating system, which consists of an external collapsible box, which is built into the coolant (pipes for water circulation or electrical conductors). The heat transfer occurs due to the supply of electric current or in a closed contour - hot water. Warm plinth, as a rule, is installed throughout the perimeter of the room or along the cold wall itself. At first glance, he does not differ from the ordinary plinth, it has about the same thickness from 2.5 to 3.5 centimeters. The only thing that the height of the warm plinth is slightly higher than usual and is approximately 14 cm.


There are two types of systems Warm plinth:

  • what works on fluid (water or antifreeze) and should be connected to a central heating system or an individual boiler;
  • what works from the socket or electric.


Warm Plinth Application Scope

Such a useful device, as a warm plinth, has a fairly wide scope of application.

  • First of all, it can be private houses and apartments, whose owners can completely abandon traditional centralized heating or use warm plinth, as an additional heat source.
  • In addition, this heating system can be used to heat museums, exhibition halls, office premises, shops, pools, medical and educational institutions, where sometimes it is quite difficult to ensure the necessary comfort in winter due to the large area and high ceilings.
  • Also, warm plinths are mounted along the raw and cold walls in the house, on the balcony, greenhouse, etc., in the bedroom at the head of the bed, etc.


Advantages of using warm plinth

The use of such a modern heating system gives a lot of advantages for consumers, namely:

  • the ability to save free space due to its compact size, which is very relevant for small premises;
  • creation in heated room comfortable conditions for all living things. The heat of the plinth provides the optimal microclimate for humans, animals and plants. Especially warm plinth is suitable for angular apartments, where, provided it, the walls will be completely warm and thus you can forget about the fungus;
  • lack of condensate on windows and uniform warming of the entire premises;
  • due to the absence of convection flows, as with traditional heating, there is a decrease in the level of dusting of the room;
  • high efficiency in work;
  • absolute safety and simplicity;
  • ease of installation and the ability to enter in any interior due to the diversity of design and color solutions;
  • electricity savings, which is about 40%;
  • available cost.


Installation of warm plinth

Preparatory work

Before starting to install a warm plinth, you need to choose the most appropriate type in advance: aqueous or electric depending on the most affordable source. Based on this, further work will be carried out. So, if it is a water plinth, then it is worth thinking about how to connect it to central heating or to an individual boiler, and if the electric, then provide a safe eyeliner to the outlet.

Determining the number of plinths

To correctly calculate the required number of plinths, you need to consider the total power of such a system, adjusting it to possible heat loss for each of the rooms. The latter depends on the level of thermal insulation of walls, glazing windows, air temperature outside, etc. The smaller the heat loss, the less power you need a warm plinth and, accordingly, the cost of such equipment, which is important.
On average, the calculation of power occurs in such a formula:

  • for electric plinth, about 10 square meters is required about 0.5 kW;
  • for water, it is added twice as much power for the same area.


Determining the place of installation

  1. Warm plinths are installed in one row at a distance of 1 cm from the floor and about 15 mm from the wall on two stops. The resulting clearance is necessary in order for no overheating.
  2. First, the wall markup is marked with a folding thread in the level, along which the plinth will be installed.
  3. Next, there are holes for drilling, attaching a rear panel to the wall.
  4. Under the holes, insert plastic dowels into them and install the plinth module strictly by level. And so to the end until all the plinths are installed.
  5. After that, we establish special feeding jumpers and make grounding.
  6. Each of the modules are connected sequentially. At the same time, there should be no more than 17 pcs.
  7. Installed plinths turn on to check its performance and only then you can close the modules with covers, as well as put all the plugs.


Mounting and connecting thermostat

  1. The thermostat is installed on an open wall at a distance of about 1.5 meters from heating elements.
  2. To do this, apply it to the wall its back panel in order to place holes for drilling.
  3. Insert 6 mm dowels in the finished holes, and then make a mounting of the thermostat to the wall.



  1. Connecting to the network of heating elements, as already previously said, produced in parallel.
  2. The connecting cable can be hidden in the wall, stagging for it a hole or hide outside in a special box.
  3. The cable is paved to the junction box or thermostat.

After the completion of all works, it is testing the work of the entire system.

Next, the process of installing warm plinth can be seen on the video:

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