Foundation device under support

February 6. Construction, Foundation Views 1481. Comments to write the foundation device under support No

As is known, the main advantage of any foundation is strength, and this parameter is achieved by the most diverse methods. It should be borne in mind that it all depends directly from the fact that we plan to build, and what loads the base should withstand.

However, no less important to pay attention to is the features of the soil on which construction work will be conducted. It should be borne in mind that even the most durable and massive foundation, which is not designed to operate under the soil with an increased level of groundwater, will gradually lose its most important properties. Of course, the destruction of such a base can be extremely slow, but after some time it will become clear that under the threat there is not only the basis, but also the whole structure.

In this material, we will deal with the features of the foundation device under support. It must be remembered that the foundations are created not only for conventional buildings, but also for massive supports, which, of course, can create a huge load on the base. Often it is about the supports of the LEP, however, there are many other supports, which must be created compact, but at the same time a durable and durable foundation.

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The main features of the foundations under support

First of all, you need to know that the foundations of pores of various supports are the bases of steel pipes or steel screw piles. Despite the fact that the structure itself, which will create most of the load on the foundation, can have large dimensions, in itself the base is not always massive. Of course, this question is primarily concerning those services that create the designs and supports themselves, but piles are often used as foundation.

After that, it is determined which piles should be alert, as well as their diameter. All this subject is quite complex calculations, which takes into account a lot of subtleties.

In addition, a special technique will be required to install piles, since the physical strength of the workers here is definitely not enough. In this case, we will consider the installation of the LPP supports that often have huge sizes and considerable weight. In this case, the piles have appropriate dimensions. If we are talking about small supports that are used for modest designs in designs, the situation with the choice of piles and analysis of the building process can change significantly.

Advantages of using screw piles under support

At present screw piles are regularly used to install certain supports, however, it is often possible to meet the classical foundations that are often involved precisely for the construction of houses and other structures.

The practice of many enterprises shows that screw piles have much more advantages than classical foundations, and in some cases the effectiveness of such a solution is 50%. And most often indicate the following advantages of screw piles compared to other bases:

  • The rate of construction. As you know, the creation of a classic foundation can last weeks, and screw piles are a fairly mobile solution that allows you to quickly cope with the main tasks and begin full-fledged construction. If we are talking about PPP supports, then in this case everything is actually happening quickly. With the help of special techniques, screw piles are drunk in the ground, after which the supports are mounted. Mushroom foundations, which are still used in this area, no longer withstand no competition.
  • Minimum volume of earthworks. With the arrangement of screw piles, it is in fact extremely little manipulations. Earthworks are limited here only by mounting metal rods (piles), and with this work, as already mentioned, the technique easily copes. Accordingly, all the necessary work can be conducted in the winter period when the soil is simply solid as a stone. In the same case, the workers have no opportunity to conduct any earthworks.
  • Installation on problem soils. Quite often, when creating a conventional foundation, it is necessary to conduct water supply of groundwater. This is a fairly serious procedure that entails considerable financial costs, and also takes a bunch of time. Screw piles can be installed without any problems on the soils with a high level of groundwater. In addition, often the LEP is installed on swamp areas, and even in this case, screw piles can easily cope with their immediate tasks. Of course, a certain type of soil should be carried out, but for screw piles there are practically no serious threats.
  • Installation next to existing buildings. Quite often, the installation of various supports is forced to occur in cramped conditions. Accordingly, with this situation, the mushroom foundation did not provide the necessary level of security, and certain services had to look for other options for installing the supports. In the case of screw piles, we get high reliability, as well as any problem points associated with the installation of supports in cramped conditions.
  • Repeating piles. As you know, after creating a classic foundation and operation of a building, the base becomes almost useless. It is simply dismantled, and the building materials used in the design are already unsuitable for further use. In the case of screw pile, the situation is fundamentally different. With the help of all the same special equipment, the piles are dismissed and successfully removed. The state of piles during the entire period of operation remains one, so the supports, for example, can be transferred to new places, using all the same screw piles. In practice, such situations there is a lot, therefore it is necessary to keep in mind that the rapid extraction and reuse of metal piles is cost-effective manipulation.


Features of the use of mushroom foundations

First of all, it is necessary to know that the mushroom foundations under support are actively used already dozens of years, as they are distinguished by reliability and durability. However, as it was already possible to understand in the previous point, compared with the screw piles, the mushroom foundation has no prospects for use. The practicality of such a base under support is definitely outlived.

Despite this, in some conditions such a foundation may be indispensable. For example, there are terrain where not all specialized transport can be obtained, and with this scenario, the mushroom-like base will be a fairly good version of the support.

As for the device of such a foundation, it often consists of the following steps:

  • A concrete rack is created, which will ensure equilibrium design. Its dimensions depend directly from which supports will be applied, and which design will be subsequently erected.
  • At the same time, a stable part of the mushroom foundation should have durable reinforcement, it often consists of thick reinforcement, but the grid of the corresponding section can be applied.
  • The towering part of the foundation has a fixed height. This value also depends on the fact that the design will represent. A distinctive part of this part of the foundation is reinforcing, it consists of thick metal pins, the length of which is approximately equal to the height of the base. The most often used two pins located evenly on the diameter of the future concrete structure.
  • The formwork of the corresponding form is created, which is filled with concrete. Of course, vibration equipment should be used so that the foundation created under the support does not have the slightest flaws. Accordingly, any voids present in the design can extremely negatively affect the operation.

Separately, I would like to note that such a design can be created in trunk conditions, although it will be somewhat difficult if the foundation is large. It is much cheaper to order a mushroom foundation from manufacturers who make it the parameters that you specify. It is worth remembering that for the transportation of such a foundation it will definitely need cargo transport.

In addition, the advantage of mushroom foundations compared to screw piles, you can call a huge selection of existing structures. The fact is that piles are just clogged into the ground, and the mushroom base may have a slope, thickening, as well as many other features that will definitely be useful when installing certain supports. Supports with inclined racks, which are best suited for LPP supports. Of course, something similar can be implemented with the help of screw piles, however, they are often located strictly vertically.

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Screwdriver device

As already mentioned, screw piles are an excellent solution for those who plan to have excellent operational qualities under support. At the same time, you need to consider the device and the specifics of mounting screw piles.

First of all, you need to know that screw piles have the diameter of the main trunk, as well as the diameter of the blade. These are the most important values, not counting the lengths of the piles themselves, and attention should be paid to this information first. The larger the diameter of the screw products, the greater it ensures the stability of the supports. Of course, everything is relative. For LPP supports, phenomenally high stability is not always needed, so the situation is carefully analyzed by specialists who draw conclusions about the necessary dimensions of piles.

Interestingly, piles are often used to create full foundations for homes, and in many cases their designs may not have any differences.

It is also important to remember that often supports are attached to piles with bolts and nuts. Of course, the fasteners often have large dimensions, so they withstand heavy loads and fluctuations of supports.

You also need to know the following information about screw piles:

  • Under one support, it is necessary to use at least 4 piles. Such a step provides sufficiently high reliability of the structure, as well as full-fledged stability. The same situation with mushroom-like bases, but piles have much more modest dimensions, which significantly simplifies the transportation and the process of installing screw products into the ground. Also used metal woodcock, which fully connects the design. If the design under which the pile foundation is created is too massive, under one support can be installed up to six piles. In this case, the dimensions of the screw element themselves may not be the largest. The use of paintwork in such conditions is simply necessary. In this case, many fasteners are used, and welding can also be used.
  • Practice shows actually an excellent efficiency of using screw piles, regardless of the properties of the soil. Often, if the soil has no problem points (high groundwater level, looseness, etc.), screw piles turn out to be 50% more efficient than mushroom foundations. First of all, this is due to the simplicity of installation work, which do not need to attract dozens of workers and many transports. It should also be remembered that the creation of mushroom foundations is a matter of not one day, as Concrete gains strength for a very long time, and when creating a base under support, you need to have the most strong products. Screw piles can be used immediately after their manufacture. Such a base will not be deformed, lose strength, and even more so it will not begin to collapse under the influence of groundwater, since the surface of the piles does not even avoid a hint of corrosion.

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