How and what to glue decorative gypsum stone

January 10. Interior decoration, Building materials Views 16725. Comments to record as and what to glue decorative gypsum stone No

Artificial stone has long been an excellent alternative to natural finishing material. It is advantageous to his all kinds of design decoration solutions and an acceptable cost.

Where is the plaster decorative stone applied?


This material is great for registration of indoor space. The stucco can be performed on any type of surface. The appearance corresponds to the natural stone masonry or a wild stone, and you can create an imitation of almost any natural type.

Important! Pay attention to the attached photo of decorative plaster stones to clearly imagine all the possibilities of design with this material.


Advantages and disadvantages of gypsum stone

Artificial gypsum stone has a number of positive characteristics, which ensures it is so high popularity.


Note the most important:

  • Bending and compression strength
  • Wide spectrum of color solutions
  • A light weight
  • Easy installation
  • The ability to give the most accurate form of natural stone
  • Adjustment of the microclimate indoors due to the composition of the composition
  • Environmentally friendly Mineral Complex
  • Heat resistance to thermal exposure
  • Long operation
  • Pleasant to the touch texture.

Important! Consider when choosing a gypsum stone that, with its high strength indicators, it is still quite fragile with shock mechanical exposure.


Special attention deserves the price of decorative gypsum stone, which is significantly lower than natural material, and, respectively, available to perform work of any volume.

Materials and tools

When performing self-installing decorative stone from plaster, a long list of specific equipment will not need.


Prepare the necessary tools in accordance with the following list:

  • Level
  • Roulette
  • Cord or BACHEV
  • Hacksaw
  • Saw
  • Emery paper or file
  • Any convenient tool for drilling with the drills of the appropriate caliber
  • Pencil
  • Line of 1-2m
  • Tassel or roller for primer
  • Flexible spatula for glue
  • Metal brush
  • A narrow wooden blade for grouting seams (the width of the base is 6-8 mm).


What is needed for self-mounting stone?

The entire process of mounting the decorative stone on a plaster basis is very simple, but requires an indispensable observance of some rules. Previously, read the instructions below not only gluing technology, but also all related stages of work. Only when performing this condition, you will create a beautiful durable coating, and the service life will match the expected.


How to glue decorative gypsum stone?

For mounting artificial stone use two technologies:

  • With a decree of the seams
  • Without seams.

Choose a more appropriate cladding principle in advance to make the correct calculation of the number of necessary material.


Important! Note that when choosing a seamless method, the material consumption will initially be 10-15% higher.

Preparatory work

All preliminary work is divided into several stages:

  • Preparation of the surface
  • Miscalculate material
  • Selection of adhesive solution
  • Preparation of material (sawing and giving the desired form to individual fragments).


Preparation of the working surface

For fastening gypsum cladding elements, any type of surface is suitable:

  • brick
  • concrete
  • wood
  • iron
  • glass
  • any type of plaster.


Precondition - clean, dry, solid ground.

In order to meet this requirement, perform the following work:

  1. Remove the remnants of the former cladding material. ochistka_sten_i_potolka_ot_oboev_i_pobelki
  2. Remove all traces of glue, plaster. shtukaturka_sten_po_mayakam_2
  3. Strip metal brush wall surface. gipsovaya-shtukaturka-25
  4. Assemble the fiberglass reinforcement, if the base - wood.
  5. Prime with acrylic Deep penetration solution. gruntovka-shtukaturku-sten-grunt-1
  6. Soak a break before proceeding in accordance with the specified in the material drying time instructions.


preparation of material

  1. Calculate the required material:
    • define facing space area
    • subtract the area of \u200b\u200bthe window and door openings
    • add to the obtained amount of 10%, which is typically a standard overrun.
  2. Cut pieces of desired shape and size using a hacksaw, saws, drills. 92422489_kamni2_1
  3. Strip sections sandpaper or a file.
  4. Treat the back side of the stone primer, which was used to cover the surface of the building.
  5. Wait for drying.
  6. Apply the paint on gypsum stone fragments when using multiple tones in the picture. 0
  7. Wait for drying. DSCF1034

How to choose the glue?

Overemphasized the importance of choosing the most suitable adhesive can not, since it is on its quality will depend on the strength of adhesion to the surface, and thus the duration of operation.

types of solutions


Another advantage of the plaster artificial stone - the ability to use virtually any available mounting adhesive solution:

  • PVA
  • Acrylic
  • Cementitious dry mixture
  • Bustilat
  • "Liquid Nails"
  • Tiled
  • dough paint
  • CMC
  • Mounting polymer sealant
  • Mastic
  • Putty.

Important! Selection is made, based on personal preferences, the type of substrate and surface for facing a more convenient method of application.


Brand of adhesive manufacturers of artificial stone

It is impossible to isolate one kind and give clear guidance in this regard, as the choices to be made not only on the quality criteria, but also an affordable price.


Pay attention to the list below the most popular brands:

  • Ceresit.
  • Litokol
  • Coral
  • Unice Plus
  • Plitonit.
  • Confiad.
  • Fastener
  • Corian.
  • Montelli.
  • Getacore.
  • Opal
  • Acrylica.

Technology facing


Regardless of which technology you have chosen, the cladding principle is similar. Below are the recommendations, taking into account both styles of seams.


  1. Spread on the floor next to the place of the alleged finishing of 1M2 selected for finishing drawing.

    Important! This will help to visually imagine how the finished surface will look like, make the latest adjustments to the general design and alternateness of gypsum stones fragments so that it fully matches the idea.

  2. Make the markup of the entire surface horizontally at the intervals of 10-15 cm.
  3. Carefully examine the instructions of the selected adhesive material and coordinate your actions to have time to do it before drying it.
  4. Prepare the adhesive solution in accuracy with the recipe specified on the pack.

    Important! The mass of the finished composition should be thick, but not dried, flowing, without lumps.

  5. Apply glue directly on the wall, a layer of up to 6 mm thick if the cement composition preferred.

    Important! The area of \u200b\u200bthe unizable coating should not exceed 0.5-1m. This principle will exclude premature drying.

  6. Apply glue directly to the side of the stone by a dotted method (from 6 to 8 points) or wave-like strips if the glue with another basis, for example, a mounting polymer sealant is selected. uKLADKA-DEKORATIVNOGO-KAMNYA-VIDEO-4
  7. Start finishing the surface from the bottom row when applying seamless technology, when placing gaps from any convenient angle. lepljenje Kamena.

    Important! Despite the fact that the gypsum stone is lightweight and perfectly attached to the vertical surface, use the specified method to keep the lines of lines during the seamless method and prevent possible slipping of individual elements.

  8. Press the finished facing parts into the adhesive mass so that it spoke in their edges, when applying a solution to the surface of the wall.
  9. Tightly press the wall fragments of stone with glue applied in the right place.
  10. When choosing technology with left seams, leave gaps between fragments within 10 mm. 1262459791_colorimg_1256504273
  11. Bold all the details of the cladding tightly to each other when choosing a second method. 1333626943_peschanik

    Important! Asymmetry will be very harmonious to look at the correct selection of the sequence of mounted fragments of the gypsum stone of different colors and the magnitude. When using the panels of the same sizes, withstand the evenness and clarity of horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.

  12. Cut the corners of individual items as needed to ensure the most attractive type of pattern.
  13. Fill the seams selected by the clutter material or used by glue, if the substance seammed is not enough to align the surface. hQDEFAULT2.

    Important! For clean seam processing, use a pistol syringe or a special bag to fill emptiness. Consider, when the solution is hit on the front surface of the stone, it will be completely distinguished completely.

  14. Failure material.

    Important! The recommended seam layer thickness is at least 5 mm on the back. If desired, fill up up to the front edge of the created coating.

  15. Spelling all the seams by a specially prepared blade after the start of setting the glue, but, without waiting for its complete frost (the approximate time for different compositions varies in the range of 10-30 minutes).
  16. Treat the entire lined surface with polyurethane or acrylic varnish, or any moisture-repellent means to create reliable waterproofing protection and provide long-term operation. P1070032.
  17. Look out 3-4 days before complete drying. oblicovka-Kamnem_thumb.


Review the applied video on the installation of artificial stone without seams.

You also look at the video instruction on the walls of the walls with an artificial stone from gypsum with grouting seams to clearly imagine the nuances of both technologies.


Artificial stone installation technology is extremely simple and does not require significant costs. But despite this, we take off the whole carefully to the facing, do all work as much as possible. Responsible to refer to the design of the drawing design, the combination of colors and sizes. Only in this case, the created decorative finish will delight you with its attractiveness.

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