Montage of siding under the stone

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Brick houses always stand out against ordinary concrete buildings What to say about stone structures. They instill feeling reliability, Quality and durability. But to build a house from the natural breed is very difficult and expensive, so siding under the stone, imitating natural material, found Universal popularity. His advantage not only in the ability to improve any facade, but also in a simple installation, with which even the self-taught builder can cope with. We devoted this article to the topic of finishing houses by siding under the stone with their own hands.

Selection of siding

Facing facades Siding every year becomes more and more popular, and the reasons for this set. First, this material allows you to disguise any external building defects. Secondly, the coating provides additional protection of walls from moisture and cold. Thirdly, durable siding retains its initial view for long years. It is easy to care for him, and the installation does not take a lot of time and effort.

There are several siding varieties depending on the material from which it is made, functional destinations and imitated textures.


Vinyl siding

Siding is made of polyvinyl chloride or simply vinila. This is a solid material that is resistant to the negative effects of the external environment and having a small weight. It is not subject to corrosion, does not fade in direct solar rays and can withstand strong temperature differences. For this reason, it is used to cladding buildings in different regions of the country.

Care for vinyl siding is very simply - It is enough to get it with water from the hose or wipe with a damp cloth. A wide range of various textures and color variations allows with ease Transform any facade and in harmonious to enter it into a natural landscape.


Vinyl siding under the stone has the following characteristics:

  1. Fireproof - the material does not burn and does not support burning. With prolonged direct impact of fire melts and self-spout.
  2. Vinyl siding weighs very little, thanks to which it is possible not to fear that the load on the foundation will be too strong.
  3. A small thickness (facade vinyl siding is several times thinner).
  4. Wide color palette - you can choose imitation for any breed of natural stone (granite, sandstone, marble and etc..).
  5. Low cost is one of the most budget options for the facades.
  6. Simple installation does not require professional skills, large construction equipment, special equipment.

From the disadvantages of the material you can allocate the inability to withstand very low temperatures - with a strong frost, vinyl sidi nG Artawards very fragile and can t with the slightest hit. In this regard, it is very inferior to the basement, which have an impressive safety margin.


The base siding is also made of polyvinyl chloride, but its thickness is 3 times more than that of the usual facade. It is resistant to mechanical damage, the effects of alkalis, abrasive materials (it can be washed with household chemicals and powders). In addition, it is perfectly combined with other finishing materials and provides reliable Protection of the basement from moisture and cold. It is capable of withstanding low temperatures, not cracking and does not resolve over time. Unfortunately, the range of baseline siding is no different color palette, and because of the high thickness it requires more than ordinary vinyl material. Nevertheless The advantages of the base siding is much more than flaws, so many prefer to work with him.

Video about siding under the stone and the features of its installation:

Metal Siding

Metal siding under the stone is more durable, reliable and durable compared to vinyl, and therefore the cost of it is several times higher. Material is made of galvanized metal way Presses, which is why it is not subject to corrosion. Distinguishes it and enviable durability - the facade lined with metal siding will retain the initial appearance of 40 50 years. So much does not die even a brick or concrete wall covered with tiles.

Textural variety of products allows you to realize any designer fantasy. Although The material is made of metal, it is incredibly realistic imitates the natural stone. At the same time, the structure retains accuracy throughout the entire life and gives Natural shrink in the sun and after the rain - just like a real stone.


In addition to high aesthetic, metallic siding is distinguished by strength and resistance to all sorts of adverse effects from the outside. It is absolutely not "afraid of humidity and provides additional waterproofing walls. For this reason, they are facing the basements that are most susceptible to flooding. Wash siding can be anything and anyhow - it will not affect its appearance and protective properties.

If the installation of siding under the stone conducted According to the instructions, there will be a small air layer between it and the wall, which will allow condensate to evaporate quickly. Thus, making the facade of the facade with metallic siding, you extend the deadlines for the operation of the building itself.


The disadvantages of metal siding can be counted on the fingers, but they are still present. So, the most tangible of them is a great weight of the material. This affects not only the burden on the foundation of the house, but also on the transportation of siding to the place of work. Plus everything for lifting Its height may be required heavy technique. For mounting metal siding need a special tool and work skills.

It is also worth mentioning that the metal is strongly heated under direct sunlight, so residents of the southern regions should be taken care of the use of this material. If you still decide to bind the facade to them, it's better not to touch the building to the roast summer days.

High cost is difficult to attribute to obvious disadvantages. Yes, metal sidi nG Artoit on order More expensive vinyl counterparts, but these costs are accuard during operation. So, if vinyl can t T.respond or fall off after 5 10 years, then in the case of metal you do not remember the repair of the next few decades.

Montage siding

Finishing Siding under the stone under strength Even the builders of beginners and those who want to cope with their forces without the involvement of specialists. Clearly Following step-by-step instructions, you can easily cope with the task. Montaja technology first of all Depends on the selected type of siding - metallic or vinyl. We will tell you every detail about each of them.


Installation of vinyl siding

For facing the facade of the building, vinyl siding must prepare a number of tools. You will need a grinding machine, scissors, a logs for cutting plastic panels, a perforator with a set drill, punch For punching holes around the edges, construction level and hammer. Marking on the ground is more convenient to do the usual chalk. Vinyl siding can be fixed with braces, self-draws and nails.

Useful advice: In order to smoothly cut vinyl siding, you just need to hold the knife along the planned line with a small pressure, and then bend and break a piece.


  1. Prepare a facing surface. For this her It is necessary to align a pretty and clean from the former coating (paint, plaster).
  2. Carefully inspect the structure to correctly determine the place for mounting the first row of panels. If before this house was lined with some other material, the easiest way to start from the same place, from where the previous installation began. In case of new Building It is important to make sure that the first row of siding overlap the upper part of the foundation - so inside the moisture will not penetrate. Take a plumb and mark the starting horizontal line.
  3. Fix auxiliary elements for mounting - Corners, planks, platbands and etc.. The image below shows how all accessories should be located in the overall system. You can start taking profiles only after fixing the auxiliary elements.
  4. Install the first panel as soon as possible and gently - from the correctness. her The location depends on the installation of the rest of the siding. Determine the boundary of the first row and mark the width of the starting support panel on the wall. At this mark you will be oriented while installing the first row. In the process, leave small gaps between the edges of the adjacent strips.
  5. In window and door operm Install the components (fits, platbands, lining, bar). Latest lanes on the wall connect under angle 45.° so that the design is beautiful and neat.
  6. To fix panels, use galvanized nails, but do not score them "tightly". It is very important to mount siding so that it can be slightly moving from parties v side. It is necessary so that siding is not deformed during the strong heat or frosts (the vinyl is narrowed from the cold and expands at high temperatures). Over the panel to another, so that raindling and melt water can be seized between them. Watch them to go to each other on friend B. Half Distance from marking on the product. Do not make too large overlaps - they should not be visible from the facade.
  7. When finished with the main wall, mounted siding at door and window operactions, as well as around the drain and ventilation pipes. To do this, you will need to cut rounded Holes so that there are no unsightly holes in the facing.
  8. When the work is almost completed, at the top of the wall from the edge, mounted profiles in the same way as in the case of windows and doors. Underedge Roofs Install only whole (uncut) panels, because it is one of the risk areas, where isolation is very important. But on the front panels can be cut without fears.
  9. Last horizontal row close J-shaped profile either with a special deaf overlay. If you are using J-profile, make sure that in its upper part there are holes with a diameter of 6 mm, located in increments 60 cm. They are needed for a consistently good drain of water from the roof. Place joking J-profile You do not need to seal with the previous panel.

Installation of metal siding

At first glance, the trimming siding under the stone may seem very difficult and incomprehensible, but In fact, everything is much easier. Once you can install the first panel, the rest of the work will go "Like oil." The most important thing is not to retreat from the instructions and do not improvise.


To work with metal siding you will need a little other tools:

  • dowels;
  • metal Selfness 16 40 mm;
  • plumb and level;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • handsaw and scissors for metal.

In no case do not process metal siding cellularity machine, because it will remove the anti-corrosion coating, and cladding start rust.

Any siding, vinyl or metal, demanding t T.specious preparation and leveling of the base. If the walls are not insulated, it is time to do before installing cladding. After laying hydro and heat insulation, close materials by mounting reinforcing mesh and cover the wall with a layer of leveling plaster. It will be an ideal way to prepare a base for siding.


  1. Place the starting support bar, corners, slopes and nicks just as for vinyl siding.
  2. Exterior and internal corners set at a distance in 30 cm. The same requirement applies to nachets.
  3. Pick the window siding under the window operactions Using support panels. Panels should go beyond ok on 510 mm on each side. Apply marks and saw the panels into pieces of the corresponding length. When you are customized panels d Dloyal opening, Leave a small "stock" of material in several millimeters.
  4. Start the installation of panels upwardsUsing self-taking screws. Before continuing the installation, make sure that the first element should be enshrined And aligned. To mount the panel as fast as possible, install the screws in the center of the hole, but screw it is not too tight, leaving the gap of about 1 mm. It is needed to prevent the deformation of siding during temperature surges (the metal from the heat is also expanding).
  5. At the same principle, install the remaining panels, not forgetting to check the evenness of each of them.
  6. For the frame of the top of the facing, use fastening The bar, the tide or an outer corner, making the attachment points every 30 cm.

The speed of installation depends not only on the skill of the wizard, but also from the size of the siding under the stone - the large panels will cover the base faster. In this article, we described the horizontal method of laying panels, since it is the most common And more suitable for newbies. Vertically saidi nG is completely different, but this is already the topic for a separate article.

Siding under the stone: photo

We hope now you can independently hold the facade and turn your home into a neat and stylish architectural masterpiece. In the meantime, you did not go for the purchase of materials, we propose to inspire a small selection of thematic photos.

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