How to build households with your own hands. Useful tips, photographic materials, video

January 11. Construction Views 21185 2 comments To record how to build a household with your own hands. Useful tips, photographic materials, video

Food is a mini-house that performs a warehouse function for tools or temporary housing. Sometimes the owners use it as a summer kitchen, a household unit, bath, etc.


A number of factors say about the benefits of mobile cells:

  • simplicity during transportation;
  • practicality and reliability of the design;
  • Easy construction.

Types of locomotics:

Movie from block containers

conteer block

If you wish to build a little faster, then block containers are the perfect option. The only one will need to pass the containers themselves to the future location of the house. They are delivered by lifting crane.

From this building material, you can build a two-storey or one long house. If they are connected and use the fantasy, it will be possible to get something unique. You need to choose the place in advance and measure its square. It should be flat. If the terrain is inclined or has hills, then it is necessary to align it independently by applying the level.

Then the domestic colors, if necessary, insulate and landscaping.



This type of calves is established in the same way - the place is selected, the area is measured, the soil is equal. The trailer is mounted using a lifting crane and is insulated.

Calf tree


This type of households is a rather inexpensive option, however, in contrast to previous species, you take a little time during construction.

How to build a wooden household:

  • Initially, the project of the future construction should be created;
  • then align the surface of the Earth;
  • Next, we go to purchase building materials - polyethylene film, fasteners, bars, rubberoid, blocks for the foundation, material for roofing, unedged and tedded boards, and foil, foam and glass wool (if insulation is planned);
  • Upon arrival home you need to draw on the land of the border of the future house;
  • lay the foundation blocks (it is desirable to use them from all sides - in the center, in the corners and on the sides);
  • For waterproofing, take runneroid (it is imposed on the blocks of the foundation);
  • The bars are fixed from above horizontally (thus, a base is created);
  • Frame brushes, which are installed in a vertical position;
  • The mount is created by jumpers and crossbars;
  • On the frame we build a roof, then the walls (preferably on the root pave polyethylene, and on top of putting slate);
  • We proceed to insulation (the wall inside the foil, glass gamble and foam, and then mounted boards);
  • At the end insert the windows, doors and, if you wish, landscaping the room up to sewage and light.

How to build households in the country


Before building 2 basic rules on the site, you need to remember 2 basic rules:

  • The construction must have minimal parameters;
  • The house should be made simple.

It can be repelled from the basics that are used in the construction of the house, only several factors should be taken into account:

  • Due to small sizes, the roof must be simple;
  • To build walls, you can use absolutely any building material (perfect framework);
  • to the floor remained warm, it is necessary to lift it above the ground and is made of wood;
  • in the construction of cabins you can sometimes do without foundation.


How to build a shed with their hands

How to build a shed:

1. The original should be defined with the foundation to build a dacha shed their own hands. Since the house is quite simple enough to lift him from the ground 30 cm, pre-clearing the site.

2. Now you can start the construction of the frame. For this purpose the uprights.

3. Mount the frame, start to do the roof. It is advisable to insulate the house, using a special material.
4. After installing the walls, we proceed to the floor. It is better to make wooden and insulated with glass wool.
5. The roof needs to be simple, but strong. In this case, it is the good stuff - it's metal or galvanized sheet.

6. The walls are sheathed on both sides. If you want to save, use outside the battens and plasterboard inside.
7. The final step - Installation of doors and windows.


Manufacturing of change houses

Today cabins, which are small brusochno-frame structure, divided into several types:

  • chalet;
  • building.

Accordingly, it kind of depends on the internal equipment - furniture, bathroom, electricity, number of rooms and other elements. The only difference is the finishing work. There are also metal and wooden cabins.

sheds, construction site


Before you build, construction site, remember:

  • it should be inexpensive structure, so use the cheapest building material;
  • as in the course of their construction is not applicable concrete foundation, it is easy to move accordingly.

The construction of such kind of houses can settle under the guard post, mobile office, summer kitchen, etc.

Thus, to build the shed yourself is quite simple, the main thing to have a great desire and a little imagination. Because thanks to it you can not just hide unnecessary things, but also to get another useful location.

How to build a shed video:

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2 responses to How to build a shed with their hands. Useful tips, photographic materials, video

  1. Nicholas.:

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  2. Stas:

    Good afternoon tell me a good channel or video hosting about construction. Very necessary.

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