Types of rubble and their use

April 11. Repair and construction work, Building materials Views 6157. Comments to record types of rubble and their use No

Crushed stone - an indispensable building bulk material. The basis of it is predominantly nonmetric rocks and some types of ore. Due to a wide variety of species, its application covers all directions of construction. When choosing the most suitable type of rubble, use a specific system of classification of this material, which greatly facilitates the entire process and allows you to create the most durable designs or to ensure the duration of using other building forms.

How do crushed stone get?


To more clearly imagine the possibilities of species diversity, it should first be understood to understand the principle of production of this building material. Basically receive it when performing work on the extraction of stone, as well as in the process of processing. From one-piece pieces of different stones using special crushing equipment, grinding to fractions of the desired size.


Important! This whole process is different. Even the secondary raw materials obtained during the processing of the main material are used in the form of the smallest crumb.

Principles of classification of rubble

This material is characterized by a large variety of forms.


Therefore, there are several classification criteria:

  • nature of origin;
  • density;
  • strength;
  • geometric shape;
  • dimensions of granules;
  • radioactivity level;
  • frost resistance;
  • colour.


Nature of Origin

When classifying on this principle, a very long list of possible options is formed due to the variety of produced and processed materials.


For convenience, the following main types of rubble are distinguished by origin:

  • Crushed stone from rocks is obtained by mining a stone of different nature of origin. 14
  • An ore crushed stone is a material, the formation of which occurs when processing ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  • The secondary is obtained from waste during the construction process. The basis of the residues of the asphalt canvas, bricks, concrete is the basis. sheb11-500x375

    Important! The very popular one category is based on the material of which there are rocks with high strength characteristics. Despite this, the remaining types of rubble also find their use.



This indicator is inextricably linked with the type of raw materials. The higher the density, the wider the circle of use. In turn, this property determines the strength of the material.



The strength parameter determines the degree of stability of the material to deformation with the load of stretching and destruction in any mechanical influence. To note the distinctive features according to the degree of strength, the stamp system is used, each of which corresponds to certain indicators.


Graduation looks like this:

  1. Weak - the lower boundary corresponds to the M200 brand, the top does not exceed M600.
  2. Middle - Range of M600-M800 indicators.
  3. Durable - rubble, whose parameters correspond to the brands from M800 to M1200.
  4. High-strength - the upper border is correlated with the M1600 brand.

Important! All parameters are governed by guest standards.


Shape geometry

One of the most important criteria that affects the quality of the rambling. Determining indicators - the presence of needle and lamellar granules and their percentage ratio. The determining factor of such particles is their width, the dimensions of which are 3 or more than the length of the grains.


Allocate three main categories of brees:

  • the usual, in which the volume of such grains does not exceed 35% of the total mass of the stone;
  • superior, whose percentage indicator varies in the range from 25 to 35;
  • cubid, in which the content and needle, and plate granules do not exceed 15%.

Sizes granules


According to this principle, the following types of rubble fractions are distinguished:

  1. Opening, the dimensions of the detached stones of which do not exceed 5 mm.
  2. The average, the indicators of the elements of which vary in the range of 25-40 mm.
  3. Large, the main size of the fractions of which is in the range from 25 to 40 mm. kubovidnyy_na_sayt2.

Important! In addition to the above normal categories, there is still a crushed stone of non-standard sizes, whose fractions can reach from 120 to 300 mm.

When choosing a material, taking into account this indicator, a rubble consumption is determined, and the strength of the formed coating is the more emptiness, the lower the quality.


Radioactivity level

The natural radioactive material background determines the permissible scope. Classification occurs in classes:

  • I class - this category includes crushed stone, the effectiveness of the specific activity of which is at least 370 BC / kg. This type of material is suitable for any direction of construction.
  • Class II - the radioactive background indicator corresponds to 740 BC / kg and higher. The crushed stone of this species is used exclusively for the formation of the road surface. mAXTRADE_10138.

    Important! All parameters must be confirmed with documented acts of a sanitary and epidemiological organization and certificates with the results of laboratory research.

Frost resistance


The main indicator is the number of cycles of drying and saturation in sodium sulfate solution. Depending on the result obtained, the number of cycles of permissible freezing and thawing without disrupting the shape and reducing the strength characteristics is determined.


The principle of differences - the brand of the following type:

  • F400;
  • F300;
  • F200;
  • F150;
  • F100;
  • F50;
  • F25;
  • F15. 784856

    Important! For the construction of residential and industrial buildings, the crushed stone should be not lower than the F300 brand, for other work, the selection is carried out exclusively from personal preferences, financial capabilities and specified requirements for the duration of operation.



A very important criterion, which also directly affects the scope of application and a method for designing various types of designs. It is noteworthy that thanks to the breadth of the color palette, which is provided by a sufficiently diverse composition of the components, the use of rubble is permissible at all stages of construction - and in the draft work on the construction of the framework of structures, and during decorative trim. 1377870189_1309947836_223896200_4-

Main types of rubble rocks

This group is represented by a very wide line of products, so separately we note only those types that are in high demand:

  • Granite. The most durable material of magmatic origin, the indicators correspond to the M1400-M1600 brand, frost resistance - F-300, F-400. The basis of it is natural minerals - mica, quartz, field spat. Among the possible shades there are gray, red, pink. When this material is selected, you must check the certificates of compliance with the permissible standards of radioactivity. Due to the high technical characteristics in all respects, the cost of such a material exceeds the price of all other types of rubble, but also the use of granite rubble is characterized by a variety of options. 1-Scheben-Granitnyij-Raznyih-Fraktsij-Evroscheben-500x375
  • Gravel. Its base make up rock and career rocks. Two methods of producing this material are used - crushing rocks and sifting sea and river soil. Thanks to this feature, the form of such rubble is the cornerstone (chipped gravel) and streamlined. By strength, this type of rubble is significantly inferior to the indicators of the granite material. Indisient advantages are a very low radioactive background, an attractive appearance and cheap cost, which ensures its popularity. Among the most frequent shades there are gray, beige, white, green and their combination in one stone. seryi1.
  • Quartzite. It is extracted from rocks formed from natural mineral - quartz. A distinctive feature of this material is high strength that correlates on the same level with granite rubble. The unique structure and attractiveness of color make it indispensable when decoking buildings. The radioactive background of quartzite rubble is so insignificant, which gives an unambiguous advantage when comparing with granite. kvartsit_malinovyi.
  • Limestone. Get this material when crushing sedimentary rocks. Strength is determined by the chemical composition - the percentage ratio of dolomite, lime and other impurities, but is definitely inferior in terms of the indicators of other types of rubble mined from rock rocks. Among the most common shades there are white, yellow, red, brown, gray. Profitably distinguishes its low price. shheben_Krupnyj-E1397254346259-500x307.

Areas of applying rubble

It is enough difficult to limit the range of applications of rubble, since its use is advisable at all stages of construction in various directions.


Among the most popular solutions, we note the following:

  • Preparation of concrete of different brands in the construction of walls of monolithic structures of any scale and bookmark the foundation.
  • Production of block building material.
  • Formation of road surfaces of different types - bulk garden tracks, asphalt highway, paving the tiles of the pedestrian zone.
  • Arrangement of railways, running beds of airports.
  • Landscape design - decoration of decorative embankments, flower beds, artificial reservoirs.
  • Soil improvement - installation of fencing systems and drainage complexes.
  • Livestock - lime crushed stone added to animal feed as natural calcium.
  • Creating a protective layer on roads at ice.



View the video in which the entire process of mining rubble is clearly shown.


Given all the variety of species series of rubble, when choosing, be sure to take into account the full range of criteria. In this case, the result will correspond to the specified parameters, and the period of operation is long.

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