Recommendations for pasting walls with wallpaper. Technology and instructions for performing work

June 8. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 723. Comments to record recommendations on wall pasting with wallpaper. Technology and instructions for performing work No

Wallpapers are one of the most popular materials when finishing the walls. This is largely illustrated by a wide range, low-cost and simplicity of installation work. About how to glue wallpaper correctly, and it will be discussed in our article.

Types of wallpaper

Uninstall the walls can be as follows:

  • conventional paper;
  • phliselinov;
  • textile;
  • vinyl;
  • glass windows;
  • liquid.

Scope of application of paper wallpapers - Dry rooms. Characterized by a variety of colors and patterns, low cost and speed of installation. Any glue is used for sticking. The disadvantages of paper wallpapers are instability to a wet environment and burning around with sun rays.

Flizelin wallpapers consist of cellulose and special fibers. Thanks to this, they differ greater strength than paper products. Flizelin is not stretched and does not give a shrinkage when drying.

The basis for textile wallpapers is a paper substrate. The paper is connected to a natural or artificial web (usually it is flax, viscose, silk). Due to the variety of color solutions and texture in the room you can create a design for any imitation. "Cons" textile products - the need to create a perfectly smooth base and vulnerability before minimal mechanical load.

Component components of vinyl material - paper or cloth covered with polyvinyl chloride film. Wallpaper from vinyl is characterized by moisture resistance, the inability to appear fungi and mold, wear resistance, long operational period and ease of care. Even rooms that have uneven angles, protrusions and walls with a embossed surface are separated by material.

Raw materials for the manufacture of glass winds are glass monitors with different thickness and density. Threads are covered with special impregnation. From other types of wallpaper, they are distinguished by the fact that they do not lose their initial properties during the entire service life. The only nuance is that the glass windows must still cover the paint.

Liquid wallpapers are characterized by excellent antistatic qualities and excellent vapor permeability. The material you can fill all the slots and hard-to-reach places. The surface, lined with liquid wallpaper, becomes soft and pleasant to the touch.

Preparatory stage to wall pasting wallpaper

At this stage, determine the need for material. When calculating the number of rolls, the following factors are taken into account:

  • width and length of wallpaper;
  • room Square (with the exception of door and window openings);
  • the distance from the floor to the ceiling (for calculating the entire canvases).

Acquire wallpaper is recommended before carrying out ballot work. If the calculation of the amount of finishing material was performed inaccurately and there is no wallpaper of the same coloring and pattern, then you should not despair.

You can save by sacking similar material in inconspicuous places and for furniture (or do not glue the surface behind the furniture at all). Also, the problem can be solved by using large paintings or artistic painting.

At the preparatory stage should be prepared tools for plating wallpaper:

  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roller;
  • tassel;
  • roulette;
  • plastic spatula;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.

Varieties of glue for wall pasting wallpaper

Special attention is paid to glue for wallpaper. Due to the variety of finishing material, it is necessary to make the right choice of adhesive composition.

There are the following main products for wallpaper salary:

  • CMC;
  • Metylan;
  • PVA;
  • PUFAS;
  • Quelyd.

The component of the granulated powder CMC is carboxymethyl cellulose. The composition is characterized by an affordable price, it is easily applied evenly without the presence of clots. We can even primer the glue.

CMC is the perfect solution for installing paper wallpapers. When buying should pay attention to the color of glue. It should be only white. The appearance of yellow shades indicates the poor quality of the material.

Metylan glue from Germany is applied to the wall. For this reason, it is used with the surface of the surface with fliesline and vinyl wallpaper. The composition is characterized by a magnificent adhesive ability (even connects vinyl with vinyl), resistant to temperature differences and preventing the appearance of mold and fungi.

Metylan is the best option when sailing the joints. Especially indispensable glue when finishing the surface near heating radiators, doors and windows.

Distinctive features of PVA - water solubility, simplicity of application and lack of lumps. But only suitable when using paper wallpaper.

The products of the German company PUFAS are enjoying huge demand. The reason for popularity lies in the possibility of using for gluing any type of wallpaper. Distinctive features are simplicity of preparation and applying composition.

For the installation of fliesline wallpaper, they use Quelyd. High-quality glue in appearance is similar to flakes, and when diluted it becomes transparent. The only nuance is the drying period of glue up to 2 days.

Due to the wide range of compositions, the question of which glue is better, is solved individually. It should be noted that there are both special mixtures for a specific type of wallpaper and universal products (chemical compounds, resins and other components are added to them).

Wall pastry wallpaper

Wallpaper sticking technology includes such steps:

  • the walls are cleaned from the old coating, aligned and ground;
  • using a plumb, the straight line draws (the guide for the first canvas);
  • the required number of pieces of wallpaper is cut;
  • the preparation of glue is carried out (according to the instructions);
  • the glue is applied to the material or wall;
  • wallpaper blank is applied to the wall;
  • the folds are smoothed by a spatula in the direction from the center of the edges of the canvas;
  • excess glue is removed;
  • similarly glued all the web.

Despite the fact that modern wallpapers are glued and starting the process from anywhere, the first canvas is recommended to stick near the window or door. This is illustrated by the openings are located strictly in vertical and horizontal planes. So the first strip of wallpaper will fall smoothly and serve as a landmark for other cavities.

Wallpaper sticking with your own hands can be started from the corner. But only with perfectly smooth corners. If there are several large windows, protrusions and niches in the room, then work should be started from the largest reference.

The canvas are applied to the wall and are tensioned in the diagonal direction with a gradual transition from the central part to the edges. All air and extra glue are squeezed out from under wallpaper. The strips are stacked online.

Problem places in this work are areas under stationary non-removable heating radiators. In this case, the canvas are cut into narrow strips, which are placed under batteries. At the same time, an additional layer of glue is necessarily applied to the wall.

As for the angles of the room, then they are not recommended to stick entire canvases. Even in the case when perfectly smooth angles are derived. There is a high probability that folds will appear after the wallpaper drying. Corners are lubricated with glue all over. The canvases are cut into two parts in such a way that one of them lay on the adjacent wall with an overlap at 5-6 cm.

For high-quality work, it is necessary to withstand the optimal temperature in the room. It is forbidden to accumulate wallpapers at low temperatures. This is fraught with a low adhesive capability and freezing of cloths. With too hot weather it will be premature to dry the glue.

Features of the installation of various types of wallpaper

For each variety of products, there is its own instruction on sticking wallpaper. The simplest is the technology of using paper wallpaper. Their sticking occurs in a short time. Glue covers and canvas, and walls. In the presence of thin paper, the bands can be laid a mustache without edge cutting. Small folds and "bubbles" can not spin. After drying, the folds will disappear.

For gluing vinyl and phlizelin wallpaper, the composition is applied only on the walls. The canvas are placed online. Smoothing is carried out by dry rag or plastic spatula.

For the decoration of the room with heavy textile wallpaper with special glue covers the canvas and leave for 8-12 minutes. The composition should absorb well. In no case should the glue should be on the front part of the wallpaper. Material smoothing is carried out only with roller. When using a spatula, glue can get into the seam. What causes the appearance of spots.

The glass gluing technology is largely similar to the above methods. The difference consists of the fact that the front side is located with the inside of the roll. The outstanding side indicates a thin strip painted in gray or blue.

Video about how to glue wallpaper

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