How to choose a metal entrance door

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The selection of the entrance door is a process that deserves special attention and careful verification of the quality of the suitable product. From how correct will be the purchase, not only the safety of all property in the house depends largely, but also your safety.

To the greater the preference today the doors are input metal, as it is that such structures, like any other, meet all standard requirements. To acquire a really high-quality product, the operation of which will be simple and convenient, read carefully with the basic selection criteria set out below.

What are the advantages of installing a metal door?


Among the entire diversity of materials used in the production of designs of this type, metal doors are best for the reason that they meet the following requirements:

  1. High degree of reliability.
  2. Excellent indicators of noise insulation.
  3. Perfectly prevent the penetration of cold air flow into the room.
  4. Have an attractive appearance.
  5. Features of the device such structures provide a full overview of the house or landing. entrance door

Important! Separately, we note the fact that when buying entrance doors from the manufacturer, there is no warranty to all products, the duration of which varies depending on the company's respectability. The term of the service of some brands reaches 50 years, which does not allow for their quality.


Metal Door Designing Principle

The principle of the device input metal doors, which can be viewed in different directories in the process of choice, is fundamentally different from the production technology of such products from other materials. 870909

The high-quality door made of metal consists of the following parts:

  1. Inner and external steel sheet.
  2. Internal struts to increase the strength of the structure and the obstacles of its deformation during operation.
  3. In the thickness of the canvas, an additional steel sheet between ribs ribs.
  4. All the rest of the space inside the door is filled with insulation. b718.

    Important! Looking through the schemes of structures proposed by options, at all, pay attention to the presence of internal ribs of stiffness and an additional layer of sheet steel. Some manufacturers reduce the cost of products due to their absence. Such doors, although they cost significantly lower, but will not last long. 109859242_dveri_shema1_600.

Criterias of choice



Before you buy a metal entrance door, check how much it matches the specified criteria. Pay special attention to the following parameters:

  1. The quality of the door canvase.
  2. Door box design.
  3. Types and number of locks.
  4. Fasteners.
  5. Heat and noise insulation.
  6. Functionality of the eye.
  7. Type of decorative finish.
  8. Manufacturer. tovar-582158

    Important! Determine the appropriate requirements, taking into account the features of your home. For example, to install in the apartment does not necessarily make excessive demands, but to protect their own private home will certainly give preference to products with the highest settings.


Properties of a suitable choice of the door leaf

The quality of the fabric - the first thing you pay your attention, because it is it occupies a large part of the entire doorway.


In this regard will determine the following parameters:

  1. frame device. Familiar types of bases design input metal door device - U-shaped curved pipe or corners. Angled - the most simple, but less durable. Moreover, in such constructions often paving heater. 06_big

    Important! The first option is preferable, since the strength of such products is much higher due to the monolithic EEPROM bent pipe.


  2. The thickness of the sheet to create the door. Depending on the model and material thickness varies, and accordingly, the price of the metal door. Typical correspond to 2-3 mm. metallicheskie-dveri-pod-derevo-1

    Important! If your requirements for door strength far exceed conventional consumer conditions, prefer those products, which are used in the production of high-alloy steel in a thickness of 4-5 or even 9 mm. But consider the fact that the thickness of the material and not directly affect the weight of the entire structure. Perfect solution installation of such doors - equipping their own cottage.


  3. The presence of the porch. This detail is not present in all models. Its main purpose - to provide the best possible sealing of the room.
  4. Wholeness of the canvas. Please note that the quality product is distinguished by a monolithic sheet welded to the frame, and not a few connected parts. Only in this case you are provided with long-term operation of the door and reduce the risks of its hacking. dV-001.

Forement or inside the door should open?

Plan the principle of opening the entrance door in the process of designing the house. Prefer outdoor method - this approach will save you and your property from intruders.


Important! Installing the door opening inside, makes it possible to squeeze it using a jack. Therefore, if it is the only available way due to the limited space outside, refer to the installation of an additional door. oSNOVAINT-RU-D-Flyd-Torex-Professor-Churchil-Exterior

What to pay attention to when checking the door frame?

Careful checking the strength of the door box will exclude damage, skewers and insufficient sealing of the door during installation and operation.


Important! Please note that it is to the door frame that accounts for 2/3 of the entire power load and when installed, and when using the inlet door.

Criterias of choice:

  1. Box thickness. Check that this indicator is at least twice the thickness of the canvas itself.
  2. The presence of rubber gasket. The presence of this detail affects the quality of sealing, that is, it will contribute to the smaller penetration of foreign odors and noise from the outside. ultra-06_11300r.
  3. Principle of device. In this respect, two types of design of the door frame are distinguished:
    • cooked sheets;
    • an allotted profile.

Important! Prefer the second option, since the absence of seams significantly increases the strength of the product.


How many locks should be in the steel entrance door?

The degree of reliability of any input door largely depends on the number and type of installed locks. Metal products are no exception in this regard.

When determining how many locks, and what you need, be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. If possible, use several closing elements.

    Important! In the case when the choice has to be taken between the installation of one high-reliability lock or a few lower class, give preference to the first option.


  2. Determine the appropriate type of secrecy, depending on individual requirements. Modern manufacturers offer the following options, depending on reliability requirements:
    • base;
    • average;
    • elevated. As-correct-to choose-lock-for-input-doors1
  3. Type of lock. On the principle of the device, the locks are divided into:
    • suwald, which exclude the possibility of hacking mechanically;
    • cylinder provide intelligent protection.

      Important! When installing two locks, select each model of each type to increase the burglar resistance of the entrance door.


  4. Core material. The most popular today are products from brass and silhumina, and the first refer to a higher class of reliability. sRAVNENIE-METALLICHESKIH-DVEREJ_2
  5. Diameter of riglels. For input metal doors, there are specific limitations of this indicator - at least 16 mm. cisa_lock

Loops for the front door of steel

The quality of the loops is one of the determining factors of the duration of service life, and at the same time, the fitness is the weakest of the configuration of the entrance metal door.


The classification of loops is carried out according to the following parameters:

  1. Device loops. According to this principle, the following types are distinguished:
    • the usual, the basis of which makes the pins and worn over the cap;
    • bearing, in the device of which the connecting portion is added - roller bearing. protivosem.

      Important! Prefer the second option - these products are advantageously distinguished by higher wear resistance due to smaller friction and smoother stroke.


  2. Number of loops. Calculation of the desired amount, based on the weight of the entire design. The principle of miscalculation is as follows:
    • 2 loops are enough for products whose weight does not exceed 70 kg;
    • 3-4 fasteners will be required when this indicator is exceeded. petli.
  3. Door opening angle. Standard variants of this parameter are represented by the following options:
    • 90 degrees;
    • 120;
    • 180. dVERNIE-PETLI_1.

      Important! When choosing, focus on the width of the entire doorway. Provide a convenient drift of any overall household appliances, whose acquisition is planning for the nearest or more distant time. Separately, pay attention to the possibility of installing hidden loops. Their main dignity is a significant increase in the attractiveness of the door and the creation of the effect of the "blade" design into the thickness of the wall.


  4. Antician pins. These parts refer to the category of additional equipment, but are increasingly popular as the main configuration. Their installation provides not only a reliable fixation of the door and significantly reduces the risk of its deformation or skew, but even when cutting off the loops and hacking, it will become an irresistible obstacle to remove the cloth. protivosiemnik.

Heat and sound insulation

In order for the door to become a reliable obstacle from penetrating unpleasant sounds and smells into the house, and also contributed to the maintenance of a stable microclimate in the room, carefully attribute to the selection of internal filler for the front door.


The most popular options for modern manufacturers are represented by the following solutions to the materials used:

  1. Mineral wool.
  2. Extruded polyurethane foam.
  3. Corrugated cardboard.
  4. Foam.
  5. Sawdust.
  6. Foam sheets. hOME16911

    Important! The cheapest views, the level of heat and noise insulation when using which will be low - cardboard and sawdust. Mineral wool will cost much more expensive, but with excellent technical characteristics, it still has the property to fall into a single mass at one point point after a long period of operation. The foam rubber is also not distinguished by an excessively high cost, but with long use, it dissolves and loses its properties. The foam, both sheet and foamed, is the most optimal choice with increased requirements for the operation of the door and the quality of the insulating function of the steel door.

    Warm steel door

Door Eye Requirements


When checking the quality of the door eye, adhere to the only requirement - the latitude of the viewing angle. The best solution is an indicator of at least 180 degrees. This will provide easy viewing of the staircase or purchase area due to the closed door.


Finishing and external decor

In addition to the requirements for technical specifications, they will certainly take care of the design design. The current models are far from their strict and by no means of non-passive ancestors. Many products are distinguished by special elegance and even sophistication, despite the strength of the material used.
Of all the variety of finishing materials, give preference to those that will harmoniously be combined with the interior style of your home, and will not cause dissonance with the exterior picture, especially if it is not an apartment, but a full-fledged private cottage.
The most popular ways to finish the outer surface of steel doors:
  • varnish;
  • hammer painting;
  • powder spraying of the coloring substance;
  • vinyl panels;
  • skin upholstery;
  • finishing with various lumber - boards of their natural solid wood and MDF;
  • dermatin's sheath;
  • painting auto email. 1370091886_1360437356_1351408964_d.

Important! Be sure to consider your financial capabilities when choosing the design of the doorway. Do not allow the decrease in the technical parameters in order to solely external attractiveness in case of lack of funds. Find the optimal solution from more accessible finishing coating options.


What manufacturer to give preference?

The variety of manufacturers sometimes does not make it easier to choose a suitable product, and it complicates significantly. Choose really high-quality doors turn out not so simple. Therefore, in order not to spend a lot of time for attentive familiarization with each brand in the market, pay attention only to the models of proven companies with good reputation and affordable prices.


We give some brands most demanded today:

  1. FBS (Italy). This manufacturer certainly deserves attention, as all products are characterized by high technical characteristics. This is confirmed by impeccable reputation throughout the sufficiently long period of staying in the market. The only nuance is the attractiveness of the design of this brand products will definitely appreciate lovers of the beautiful, but the cost is also extremely high, because of what everyone can afford their installation. italyanskie-dVeri_2.
  2. Dierre (Italy). The main direction of this company is the manufacture of unique, elite steel doors. For maximum reliability, metal canvases are equipped mainly by electronic coded locks. In addition, an additional signaling electrification of the doorway is carried out to eliminate even the minimum risk of hacking. Separately, we note that when choosing a finishing decorative material, preference gets mainly natural wood, which gives the effect of high costs in combination with style decorated. dierre_Sicurezza.
  3. Pandoor (Israel). Innovative developments in the field of both design and increasing technical indicators for the guaranteed reliability of metal doors, make this brand one of the most sought-after all over the world. A few years ago, the products successfully began to be sold in our country, causing constant consumer preference. A developed service network and a long period of warranty service do not allow doubt as metal doors Pandoor. 124743
  4. Jaguar Further distinguishes this Russian company an exceptionally individual approach to each client. Equipment of the doors does not have a clear standard structure, but is made by the selected customer separate items. dVERI-GEFEST_3.
  5. Became. This domestic manufacturer successfully operates on the markets of the CIS countries for more than 20 years. The current range is represented by all sorts of entrance doors such as domestic purposes and for use in commercial premises. The main distinguishing features of all the designs of this brand are the thickening of the lock zone on the canvas and the use of a multichannel door closing system. ??????? ????? ? ??????? ?????????
  6. Outpost. Another of the leaders of the Russian market. When designing products, engineers of this company, extreme attention is paid not only to the design of cloths, but also the creation of a multidisciplinary system of contours and items. In almost all metal doors of this brand installed hidden loops on the principle of safe fasteners. When installing locks, preference is given to intelligent cylinder mechanisms. Olympus Digital Camera.


Review the video, which sets out a few more additional visual recommendations for choosing a metal entrance door so that you do not have unsolved questions in the process of purchase.


After you were convinced of the high quality of the metal door and bought it, do not neglect the rules of its installation. If possible, let me fulfill this work to competent specialists of the company in which you purchased the product. In this case, you will not have to worry about your own safety and maintain the integrity of the door. In addition, even in the event of any unpleasant moments during the operation of the door, the warranty service will exclude excessive waste to restore functionality.
View the proposed video about how the installation of the steel door is occurring, to understand what amount of work is to have, and check the literacy of your selected specialists.

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