Repair, cycle and grinding parquet do it yourself

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Parquet is quite expensive, beautiful and noble floor covering, which has a lot of positive qualities. Unfortunately, in the process of operation, various kinds of defects may appear on the floor, and then it will require repair. How to repair the parquet with your own hands, find out from this article.

Features of the restoration of the coating depending on the existing deficiencies

In many forums, you can find questions regarding the repair of parquet with your own hands. Most tips are reduced to the fact that it is necessary to determine the nature of damage. We will understand this issue more.

Pottacking parquet coating

Changing the color and sweating of the parquet is one of the most common complaints. The reason for such a lack in most cases lies in incorrect or insufficient care, as well as in non-compliance with the rules of operation.

  • For example, by parquet, especially in lacquered, it is advisable to walk only in shoes with a soft sole. Great damage to the beauty of the floor covering furnaces, namely the legs of the chairs, tables, beds, cabinets. To avoid the appearance of dents and scuffs, on the legs need to wear special soft linings that are sold in furniture or construction stores. If the room is a retractable sofa, beds to the place where the wheels are driving, a small rug.
  • So that the floor is glittered, it takes it from time to time to rub the mastic for the parquet. If the coating did not know due care and still demanded the restoration, its repair is to cyclove, grinding, applying a new protective or decorative layer.
  • Before coating parquet, varnish the solution is thoroughly mixed and left for 10 minutes, so that all air bubbles come out. Varnish is applied by or foam roller, or a wide soft tassel. The movements are carried out along wood fibers, the coating is applied in several layers and carefully dry each of them. On the lacquered floor, you can walk only a week later.


Scratches and dark stripes on the parquet

  • In case of appearance on the floor, scratches, chosen or dark bands are repairing sex with their own hands does not represent any difficulties. Dark strips on the coating appear most often from the sole of shoes. Remove them is easy if you use a special carpet cleaning agent.
  • From sharp heels or from furniture on wood, dents and scratches are sometimes formed. They can appear in the event that something hard on the floor dropped, moved gravity, etc. Small and not too deep scratches can be corrected using a special retouching pencil. The main thing is to choose a pencil to the Parquet itself.


Repair chips and cracks on the floor

  • Chips on the floor require more time. To begin their sanded with sandpaper or wire brush and then removed with a vacuum cleaner any debris that is formed due to such a procedure. Then pick up the plaster, wood, parquet appropriate in shade. Putty is applied to the defect, smooth and level the coating left to dry. Then fine sandpaper sanded plaster. Place cleavage wipe with a damp cloth to remove dust formed. The final step is to apply the mastic.
  • Sometimes there are quite deep cracks on the floor. They have a property to increase over time, so simple putty will not suit them. If the slot in the flooring exceeds 5 mm, it must be deepened even more and expand. The edges of such a slit are poured with a chisel and cleaned with a rigid brush or sandpaper. For the repair of a deep gap in the floor, the fragment of wood is inserted into it in the floor and size, having previously lubricated it with carbon black glue. Everything that opens over the surface of the floor is cleaned, and the remaining small gaps are smeared with putty. Next, the floor is dried, dragged, remove dust and covered with varnish or other protective material.


Sharing parquet dies

The popular problem of the old parquet is the loosening of individual associates, but in this case you can repair with your own hands. The dies over time are loosened because the wood dries and decreases in size. Most often, this happens with insufficient humidity in the room or in case of irregular drying of the parquet. If there is a lot on the floor covering such items, it is more expedient to change the parquet completely. If only a few parts are loosened, it is easier to replace them with new ones.

  • New dies must match in size, shape and shade, to fit perfect in place old ones. Old software before removing you need to split into parts using the chisel, but if they are removed completely, then you can not do this. Then from the floor they consider the glue on which the cry was mounted. The resulting hole is aligned and cleaned.
  • From the new dice, the crest is cut and the slice location is thin with the plane. If one should be replaced on the floor, and several next to the lying, then new items are better to immediately bore with each other before the installation.
  • New fragments are placed on bitumen mastic heated to 150 ° C, or on glue. When the plate is installed in place, the glue spoke on the floor is removed, and something heavy is put on the repaired area.


Screensions of Parket

A parquet floor can require repair and in the case of squeaks. If one or two flooring creaks, many prefer not to pay attention to it. But it happens so that unpleasant sounds are distributed everywhere, wherever there is no. The creak is annoying and causes discomfort, so it is better to get rid of it.

  • There may be several reasons for such sounds, and, above all, you need to determine them. For example, parquet can often creak due to violation of the installation technology or when laying boards on bitumen mastic. With this method of laying, the material can be squeezed from the base. Sometimes parquet creaks in the event that the intermediate layer is poorly fixed.
  • If the zones in which the creak is rated, not so much, it is not necessary to disassemble and move the plank. In a similar case, you can pour glue under parquet with a syringe, screw the coating to concrete screws, put wooden pins resting in the base. The choice of method depends on the method of laying parquet.
  • If you decide to download glue with a syringe with a coating, to start drill several holes in the center of creaking zones. Pour the glue through these holes, remove the shearsted excess hours after an hour after the procedure, and then put something heavy on parquet. After a day, the adhesive solution dries and the drilled holes can be smeared with putty and varnish.
  • To get rid of squeaks, boards can be fixed with dowels. Before that, you need to make a hole in the coating and measure the distance between the parquet and the concrete base. Please note that the dowel must enter the screed at least 5 cm.
  • If the parquet packed across the room and the sylons are heard in all places, then it is more expedient to disassemble the floor and minimize, but in compliance with the right technology.


Plow parquet under the influence of water

Water is the worst enemy of the wooden floor. Wood quickly drinks liquid, swells, and after drying it is breached and deformed. As a result, you get an ugly bugger floor, which, moreover, loses strength, is separated from the ground, in some places begins to chant and rot.

  • Whether you poured the usual or shield parquet with water, it is possible to produce it with your own hands. After drying the board, you need to carefully examine and determine, they separated from the base or not. If not, then the subsequent repair will be simple. The damaged part of the coating should be disassembled and replaced by the trimming dies with new ones. Be sure to select the material of the same tone, size and preferably from the same manufacturer.
  • If more than half of the floor covering was flooded with water, then it is better to change the parquet completely. Seeing the blown and bumps, be sure to remove the boards and carefully dry the base. It will take at least 1-2 weeks. After the deadline, the humidity of the floor should be checked using an appropriate device or a simple polyethylene film. It is put on the base, stick around the perimeter of Scotch, and the next day they look if the condensate droplets appeared on the inside. If you appear, the floor is dried back for another period of days.
  • If the screed is dry enough, the parquet can be laid again using new planks. At the end of the installation, the coating is grinding and lacquered.


Elimination of floor irregularities

  • Parquet, including the shield, will require repair in the case of a depression or bulges. You can eliminate them with your own hands if defects are insignificant. It is easiest to correct irregularities with a grinding machine, bringing the floor to a horizontal state in all places. And to avoid such problems in general, it is important to pay attention to the preventive measures and correctly mount the parquet at the very beginning.
  • Irregularities are due to a curve with a cigarette or wear of the coating. Therefore, before laying the parquet, the base must be brought to almost the ideal state, and during operation, in a timely manner to process the floor with protective means.


Worn parquet floors

  • Over time, parquet has an extension property. It loses its attractiveness, its operational characteristics deteriorate significantly. Screensions, scrap, darkening appear all over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor. In such a case, the parquet is better to replace completely.
  • If the floor, even after years, still remained quite strong and durable, its operation does not cause complaints, but externally, the wood swept and faded, you can return her former attractiveness. To do this, the floor is necessary throughout the area to handle the cyclical machine to remove the old varnish and make wood smooth and smooth.
  • After cyclumin, the floor is covered with putty, mixed with sawdust, dried, cleaned from dust and grind. The polished floor is re-covered with varnish, and in several layers. Each layer dried well. A few days later, the coating acquires a beautiful shine and glossiness, and layers of varnish make it stronger.
  • If the owners have the opportunity to send to another place at a time of repair, then parquet can be treated with two-component varnish. Its plus is very high strength and wear resistance. The disadvantage consists in a sharp smell, which is why it is better to wait for the drying of the substance elsewhere. If the owners have no opportunity to temporarily move, the parquet can be lacquered on a water basis, which are not so durable, but non-toxic and quickly dry.


Cyclumin and grinding of parquet with their own hands: Step by step instructions

Important stages of the repair of parquet are its squabble and grinding. Such procedures are desirable to be carried out regularly, at least once every 5 years, so that the floor has retained its attractiveness for a long decade. You can cyclish wood manually, but it is long and hard, therefore it is more expedient to use special equipment.

Cycles are 2 species:

  1. Drums - help to treat large areas of the room. Their disadvantage is uneven processing, that is, bring the entire surface to an ideally horizontal state is not even an experienced specialist. Such a tool is more suitable for coarse grinding or to remove the old lacquer layer or paint.
  2. Disk devices do not have similar minuses and allow you to polish parquet to an ideal state throughout the area. Their disadvantage is high cost. Buying such a machine for domestic use is expensive and inexpedient, because specialized firms are most often acquired by such equipment.

A rather time-consuming and already outdated way to equalize the parquet floor is a manual squabble. It is carried out by a special device - cycles. The work itself can be described in the form of individual stages:

  1. First, the airline is dismantled throughout the perimeter.
  2. Then the floor is carefully wetted with warm water using it in fairly large quantities.
  3. With the help of a hand cycle from the parquet, the top layer of wood is removed. The tool must be well sharpened, then it will work easier. Cylish starts from the center of the room and move alternately towards each wall. Movements are carried out in the direction of wood fibers.
  4. After that, the cracks in the parquet are smeared with putty.
  5. When it dries, the coating is grinding fine-grained emery. To work it easier, the sandpaper is better to attach to a wooden bar.
  6. Then from the floor remove all formed construction dust using a vacuum cleaner.
  7. Paul wash and dried several times.
  8. As soon as the parquet will dry well, it is covered with varnish.

Automatic Parquet Cyclical

The cycles will allow you to cope with a similar process much faster. But only a durable floor can be cycled, the dies on which they hold firmly, are not loosened. The pumping process of the parquet automatic way can be described as follows:

  1. Initially, there are plinths from the floor, so as not to interfere with work.
  2. With a cycles, make a coarse cycle, removing the old layer of varnish. Such work is best done by machine drum type.
  3. Then make the floor processing again, eliminating the remaining defects. For re-cycles, a disk machine is suitable.
  4. To make the floor even more smooth and smooth, remove the third layer of wood with the same disk apparatus. Do not forget to treat corners and all hard-to-reach zones.
  5. Slip the gaps, polish the putty, cover the parquet lacquer.


Repair of parquet do it yourself. Video

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