Plant growth stimulants: characteristics and application

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Plants, like all living things, need biologically active substances for healthy growth and development. Therefore, with their lack, specialists recommend using special growth stimulants, which represent organic preparations containing various vitamins, proteins, acids, minerals, hormones, polysaccharides in their composition, etc. Scientists argue that the use of growth stimulants gives high results. Especially if you properly approach this issue. Therefore, they are widely used as lovers in private farms and agronomists-professionals on large agricultural enterprises, in collective farms, etc.


The main advantages of using plant growth stimulants

Thanks to the use of growth stimulants, you can:

  • accelerate the growth of plants and the ripening of fruits;
  • increase culture resistance to any adverse conditions (sharp drops of temperatures, precipitation, various pests, diseases, mechanical damage, etc.);
  • increase volume and improve harvest;
  • reduce the required amount of mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

In addition, growth stimulants are absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, for most of them there are no norms of the limiting concentration of such a substance in the plant.

The main types of plant growth stimulants and their characteristics

Buy growth stimulator today is not difficult. They are sold at any store that specializes in selling fertilizers. At the same time, the choice depends solely on what exactly you are stronger to.
The following most common types of plant growth stimulants are distinguished.

Humin fertilizer


Humine growth stimulants are called biologically active substances, which are based on the so-called humic acids. Humine fertilizers from natural raw materials are obtained: peat or brown coal. Their action is mainly aimed at improving the quality of the soil.

  1. As a result of their use, the structure, moisture intensity, the water permeability, the enzymatic activity of soil and thereby accelerates the processes of nutrition and metabolism in plants.
  2. Guminist growth stimulants are most often used for vegetable crops, as well as they ferture garden or indoor flowers.
  3. They are ideal for plants that have fallen into extreme conditions, for example, it may be drought, strong freezing, excess of nitrogen content in the soil, etc.
  4. You can buy humic stimulants in a liquid or solid form.


Absolitic acid and drugs based on it are stimulants that have the property to accelerate the process of ripening fruit. For this, garden trees immediately before harvesting spray the specified substance.

  1. As a result, the fruits of trees are not only ripening quickly, but also is better stored, less spoil, etc.
  2. Absiscin is used for indoor plants in small doses.
  3. It prevents the loss of moisture.



This type of hormone stimulates the growth of the root system of the plant. In addition, it contributes to the activation of regenerative processes and the restoration of cultures after the experience of the disease, increases the rate of renal formation and speeds up the growing season.

  1. Auxin is most often used for young still unrelated plants, seedlings and seedlings. For this, their roots before landing for a short time are soaked in this substance.
  2. In addition, the auxin is suitable for accelerating the fruits of crops such as carrots, beets, potatoes, etc.
  3. To enhance the effectiveness of this drug, it is used in conjunction with vitamins. Seeds of plants are subject to processing.



This type of hormone is the root growth stimulator.

  1. Therefore, it is actively used to root the cuttings.
  2. Cytokinin also showed itself during measures to rejuvenate plants.
  3. Its main advantage is the ability to cause the influx of nutrients to a certain area on which it was applied.


The effect of this substance is directed to the operation of the chromosomal series.

  1. Thanks to its use, you can speed up and stimulate the flowering process in plants, increase the percentage and speed of germination of seeds, increase the length of the stem, etc.
  2. In this case, the action of gibberlinlin is not reflected in the state of the root system of the plant, the growth of the root, etc., and in some situations, with increasing its concentration, it may worsen the state of the roots.
  3. Such a stimulator is used to increase the yield and the rate of ripening of various varieties of grapes without seeds, as well as strawberries and other garden crops.


Some features of the use of growth stimulants

Since growth stimulants are biologically active, so it is necessary to apply them with extreme caution and attention, strictly observing the necessary dosage, the period of application and the number of times. After all, in elevated concentrations, they can cause an absolutely opposite effect, causeing the inhibition of plant growth and fruit formation. Experts recommend not only to correctly select a specific drug based on the tasks set, but also clearly follow the instructions for use specified by the manufacturer on its packaging.

80450995_00050877More detailed about plant growth stimulants can be found in video:

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