Rolling on the windows. Description, purpose and selection subtlety

March 19. Interior decoration, Useful advice Views 2175. Comments To record Roles on the windows. Description, purpose and selection subtlety No

The windows are the most vulnerable place in an apartment and private house. And the first task you need to decide is to protect them, especially if you live in your own home or in the apartment on the first floor. Previously, a few more tens years ago, the only popular protection of the windows was considered the installation of metal grilles. Now the most reliable version of the defense is rolling shutters.

Rolling on the windows are considered the most reliable and effective, as evidenced by numerous consumer feedback. In winter, they will become a reliable barrier from scams and will help keep heat in a room by 10-15%, and in the summer period will protect from hot sun and dust penetration. In addition, it is very convenient to independently control the intensity of light, directing the desired flow into the room. If you compare with lattices, the main disadvantage of which is the impossibility of fast evacuation during a fire, the rolls on the windows can quickly raise up and it will not be a significant interference in the event of a severe situation.

In the case when the rod design is filled with insulation materials, it saves on coolants and reduce the noise level.

If you decide to install Rolling on the windows, then you should not hurry and acquire the first favor. Do not be lazy to familiarize yourself with the types of protective devices on the windows to choose a decent option.

Protective Rollers on the windows

Rollers - the common name "Roller shutter" consist of separately bonded "hinged" horizontal planks (lamellae), which are folded with or folded into the roll and fit into the box installed at the top of the opening. Moving lamellas on the guides located on both sides of the window. Depending on the cost of protective devices, it is worth noting that the price of the rival on the windows will depend on the material of the lamellae, they are with automatic and manual lifting. In addition, the rollers on the windows may differ in length and thickness, and accordingly perform certain functions. Planks can be made of plastic (cheaper option and less durable), aluminum or stainless steel. Since the last option is allegedly considered the most acceptable, but the price of such protective devices will be very high, so most consumers choose the "golden middle" - rolets with aluminum lamellas. You can buy rollers on the windows in specialized stores, building supermarkets or order in the online store.

Installing protective rolets not only on the windows, but also in free openings, including on door and garage.

Rolling for windows photo:




Among the advantages, the rod on the windows can be distinguished as:

  • protection of premises from fraudsters;
  • protection of residential premises from the penetration of direct sunlight;
  • ensuring noise insulation;
  • protection of windows from garbage and dust, especially in the summer;
  • protection of residential premises from curious views of passersby.

How to manage roles

Since you can install not only a mancock with mechanical control, it is worth considering possible options and choose the appropriate.

Types of controls

Mechanical. A simple, affordable and inexpensive option to control the roles. Such a system is considered less "capricious" compared to automation. You will never have problems with the drive and the control of the web, even if the electricity is turned off and a short circuit will occur.

Manual rival mechanisms:

  • ribbon drive;
  • cardan;
  • trossovy reducer;
  • inertial-spring mechanism.

Let us consider each control option.

  1. Ribbon. The easiest and most inexpensive type. Install such a mechanism mainly on aluminum structures rollers, weighing no more than 15 kg. Works on this principle: the tape is attached on one side to the shaft, and on the other hand, to the stacking, which is located in the room. To activate the movement of rollers, it is enough to pull over the tape and the lamella will open. The main advantage of such a drive is the low price. Of the disadvantages allocated: the inability to remove the drive through the wall, as well as the weight limit.

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  1. Cardan. This mechanism is designed for not very heavy structures. The allowable weight is 36 kg. You can control the roles using the rotation of the handle. If you turn it right, the cloth will rise up and left to the left. Such a system is considered the most comfortable. From the advantages worth noting the low price and the ability to set up the automatic lock, as well as the reliability of the mechanism. Of the minuses, the inability to "hold" is noted through the wall when the double-glazed glass and the box are located at one level.
  2. Cable. Such a gearbox leads to a web movement by tensioning the cable, if you pull the handle. It is installed for heavy structures whose weight is about 100 and more kg. Advantages: Installation from either side of the window opening, inexpensive price and reliability of the design. Of the minuses marked the difficulty of outputting management.
  3. The inertial-spring control mechanism is the most common from the "manual" control. Withstands up to 80 kg of canvas (no more!). To return the blinds in the closed position, you need to raise the handle on the bottom guide to omit - you need to raise the mechanism up. Advantages: affordable price and ease of control. The disadvantages of this type of control - it is necessary to install the lock below, when installing cannot be used perforated profile.

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Control using automation. It is convenient and no need to make effort. The main mechanism in automatic roles is an electric drive that can be wired and remote. The first is equipped with a switch, and the second is a radio-controlled remote control.


Among the advantages can be allocated: the ability to install heavy structures (weight of more than 200 kg), manage the roles very convenient. In addition, you can install an automatic lock at the top of the design.

Disadvantages: High cost role on the windows. The minimum allowable width of the opening for installation is only 60 cm.

Less popular control types (due to high cost) Rakences - using an electric drive, drive control, radio control, as well as group control.

Installation of protective rollers on the windows

Setting the rod can be performed in different ways. This work is better to entrust professionals, which in the first stage - the measurement of the openings will be prompting a profitable option. Since there may be several of them, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Types of installation of protective rolls:

  1. Built-in. Rolets are mounted in the opening, and the fasteners are made on the end parts. The advantages of this type of installation is that the design box will not perform the edges. This type of installation does not provide a full overview from the window, which is a significant disadvantage.
  2. False way. Rollers are installed in the opening and are fixed not in the window deepening itself, but outside it, in the facade of the building. The box is put on the opening, and both guides - on the sides. Among the advantages of this attachment method, it is possible to single out that the light opening is not reduced, and the roles themselves are not visible from the room. Cons of such installation - the box performed over the wall.
  3. Installation of protective rollers inside the opening. The box is mounted inside, it is attached to the end part. The advantages - the box is hidden and not visible outside the opening, minuses - rolling shutters are located in close proximity to the window.
  4. Inside window openings. The box is installed in a niche, which is prepared in advance in the window opening. The advantages of this attachment method is that two goals are simultaneously achieved: protection against fraudsters and a good overview from the window. The minuses are: it is possible to perform trouble-free installation when the house is in the construction process, otherwise you can destroy the facade of the building.
  5. Popular installation method Role on windows - indoors. All functions of protection of rollers remain the same, the only disadvantage of this method is that the windows from the side of the street will not be protected.

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Fissure Rollers on the windows

A variety of protective structures on the windows are fabric rolets. They do not bear the same function as defensive rolling shutters, but they perfectly cope with other tasks, namely, the premises shadow, give comfort and comfort.


Fissure rolets are often called "rolled curtains" because they can replace ordinary tissue curtains. They look good in all rooms: in the bedroom, nursery and even in the kitchen. Set tissue rolets on any windows, both modern "euro windows" and classic - wooden.

Fissure rollers made of solid tissue canvas, which closes the window opening. Washed cloth on the shaft. Depending on the model, fabric rolets can fall uniformly on the window sash, and on both sides - attached to the guides. If you have guides, the curtain will look like a "picture" - in the frame, which provides good blackout, as the lumen between the window and the cloth is completely excluded.


The shaft can be both round and rectangular, hidden in the box or be open. Driving fabric blinds is very convenient - it is necessary to simply raise or lower the cloth and fix it at the desired level.

The cost of fabric rod can vary in different price ranges and depend not only from the manufacturer's company, but also on the quality of materials.

So, the cloth for the curtains is a few species:

  1. Normal density.
  2. Middle density.
  3. Very dense (completely do not miss light).

Each type of fabric differs in daylight bandwidth. If the normal fabric is delayed about 25-30% of the light, then the medium density fabric is darkened, it will be delayed from 65 to 75% of light. Dense tissue for rival or light-tight will not miss a single solar ray.


To achieve maximum shaders, it is worth paying attention not only to the fabric, but also on the type of box. The so-called "box" system allows you to fully block daylight access in the daytime. Such fabric rolets are indispensable for people working at night. Even in the daytime, they will have the opportunity to relax fully.

In addition to the density of the material, the canvas passes a certain processing - the fabric is impregnated with special compositions that do not allow the canvas to burn out and quickly dirty.

The list of popular fabric rods included protective rollers from natural durable materials - bamboo, flax and jute. It is much easier to care for such curtains than behind fabric. They must be cleaned with a dry brush or speaking. With a wet processing of fabric rollers, damage to the web and removing the protective layer is possible. If stains appeared on the tissue, they are removed by stainstovers (without chlorine) or in dry cleaning.


Types of fabric role

All fabric rolets are divided into two types:

  1. With an open system. It is an inexpensive and practical version of rolled curtains. The open system implies the absence of a cassette installed on the shaft. The fabric is freely wound and wound on the shaft. In the open form - arbitrarily hanging down. Set Rollers anywhere: in the opening, wall, ceiling and window frame.
  2. The closed system is characterized by a more complex and expensive design. Curtains of this type are compact because they are attached to the window sash. It looks like a design harmoniously and not stand out. Special box allows you to protect the tissue cloth from dust. Such curtains do not impenet, and care for them is very simple. Thanks to the water-repellent composition, fabric rollers can be installed in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

Look at this video to learn more about the types of fabric curtains:

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