How to make a water pipe in the country

April 22. Repair and construction work Views 1380. Comments to record how to make a water pipe in the country No

The organization of high-quality water supply in the country is a priority, along with the construction of sewage. From how correctly the water supply will be carried out depends comfortable accommodation in the house. Previously, providing a house of water was reduced to a hike to a well or a stream, but now the whole work fell on automation. In this article you will learn how to make a water supply in the country with your own hands.

Principle of operation of the plumbing highway

The concept of the principle of operation of the plumbing highlight will facilitate work on the installation of water supply from scratch. The highway consists of external and inner parts. The latter is represented by pipes, connecting elements and water intake components. The easiest water supply in the country can be built from filters, pump and pipes, filed to the source.

To make a more advanced design, you will need a battery that will control the flow of water and not to give the pump to overload. Also in advanced systems, control automatics and shut-off valves are used.


During the installation of the water supply in the country, it is necessary to take care of the easily accessibility of its components, so that at any time it is possible to examine them and eliminate the breakdown. The internal wiring is mounted regardless of the water source and is equipped with the most convenient way to host the house.

Sources of water supply

Depending on the nature of the water supply source, the water supply method will differ. Below we will consider in detail the most popular options.

Centralized water supply

This option is the easiest, so even an inexperienced builder will cope with it. However, it is possible only if the water pressure in the pipes is rather strong, otherwise you will need to buy a pump or ponder alternative options for providing the house with water.

To create a centralized water pipeline, pipes and components for their connection are applied - fittings. The gasket is carried out according to a fairly simple scheme and does not require special skills from an employee. You only need to dig a trench, put pipes into it and bring them to the central highway.

Water pipe from the well

If you have a well on your site, it will not use it to use it "on the full coil" and not to make the source of the water supply. If there is no well, make it not so difficult. To dig a mine, you will use a couple of assistants and some theoretical knowledge.


The most important thing is to figure out the depth of the groundwater - it should be not more than 10 m. The water supply on the cottage from the well has a lot of advantages, the main thing is from which you can independently do repair and maintain the system without causing specialists. Plus, the maintenance and care of such a water supply requires minimal effort and costs.

Of the disadvantages, limited water consumption can be distinguished, so if a family of 3-4 people will be accommodated in the country, it will take something more than an ordinary well. Before starting to work, all the factors should be carefully weighed and calculated how much water will be enough for a comfortable stay, and whether the well can provide you with the required volume. If water is not enough, it may make sense to deepen the mine or use another source.

Lyudmiline_Solenaya_Skvazhina_ (Solikamsk)

In order to make a source from a well, you need to purchase a good surface pump. In this case, the depth in this case is irrationally, however it is useful for another source - well.

Plumbing from well

If underground waters on your site run at a depth of more than 10 m, it is best to drill a well, which will require certain costs, since drilling services are worthy of decent money. However, this amount will pay off in the near future, as you will enjoy your water, clean and useful. Thus, you will win not only financially, but also provide a family with a healthy drink, saturated natural trace elements.


Since the drilling and service of the well costs pretty expensive, it makes sense to discuss this issue with the neighbors to pay for the work in a 2-3 home. It will also require a special bore or deep pump.

Creating a water supply scheme

The water supply scheme at the cottage is the mandatory stage of work, without which it is not necessary even when installing the elementary system.

What factors should be taken into account when creating a scheme:

  • location of water intake points;
  • characteristics of used pipes (material, quantity, etc.);
  • carrying out detailed measurements inside the house and outside;
  • calculation of the required amount of materials with a reserve (in case of repair or error in the calculation).

Installation of water pipes

As soon as the detailed drawing, markup and purchased all the necessary materials, you can begin directly installing the water supply. Below will be described by step-by-step connection of the water supply system in general terms (the principle may differ depending on the source and used technique).



  1. Drop the trench leading from the water source to the place where the pipe will enter the house.
  2. If you use a deep pump, it should be omitted into the well, if the surface, then it is recommended to build a heated room for it or simply be located under a canopy (in the warm season).
  3. To join the pump the pipe opposite to which to attach to the stacker with five outputs.
  4. To the rest of the outputs of the fitting to attach the pressure relay, the battery and pressure gauge (if necessary). The task of the hydroaccumulator is to provide pressure in the pipes so that water pressure is equally good on all floors of the building. There are hydroaccumulators with a volume of up to 500 l, which is useful in emergency cases in the occurrence of water interruption.
  5. To the last free conclusion of the fitting to attach the pipe and spend the highway along the bottom of the trench inside the house.
  6. On the same trench, the power supply cable for the pump and the hydroaccumulator is paved. The socket for connecting these devices must be grounded, otherwise the closure is guaranteed.
  7. In a place where the pipe enters the wall of the house, you need to install a locking crane, to quickly disconnect the water during repair or on your absence.
  8. Check the health of the exterior water supply and fall asleep the trench.
  9. To equip the inner layout in any convenient way (inside the walls, under the floor, etc.).

Whatever the water supply is recommended to establish a water purification system. The dirtier water, the greater the number of filters you will need.

Video on the organization of water supply in the country will help you better understand the principles of work and do everything as high quality as possible:

Summer water pipe

The main task of the summer water supply is to ensure convenient watering of garden plants. It is also used to work the shower and various household needs. The summer water supply is collapsible or constant (stationary), but in any case, it can only be used in the warm season.


The most common way to organize such a water supply is to lay pipes and hoses directly to the ground without baking. This uses silicone or rubber hoses connected by adapters.

It is preferable to buy hoses from thick rubber, which contains a reinforced kapron thread. You can buy and cheap plastic water supply, but it will last much less rubber. With the onset of cold weather or after harvesting, the need for a collapsible water supply is disappeared, it is dismantled and removed into the heated room until spring.

Elements of stationary water pipes are bought into the ground and are not removed for the winter, so in this case it is better to use non-rubber, and plastic. At first, the trench is 70-100 cm in a trench, and then put on its bottom of the pipe with a small slope towards the plum located near the water supply point. This is done in order to completely drain all the water before the first frosts, otherwise it will freeze, and the pipes can burst.


Winter water pipe

Unlike summer, winter water pipe is not so easy to organize. A hurry and superficiality in this business is unacceptable, since the system is not installed for one year, and the level of residents of tenants will depend on the carery.

For the arrangement of winter water pipes, it is possible to use pipes from polyethylene or polystroplate. The latter are quite expensive and for their installation requires a special soldering iron. Polyethylene pipes are cheaper and does not imply the use of the soldering iron, but the components are quite expensive for them. Both options, by and large, are equivalent by price and characteristics.

Winter water pipe-in-country

For the winter water supply, which will supply the house with water all year round, the well is suitable as a source with a depth of 30-40 m. From it you can roll out about 1.5 cubic meters of water per hour, which is quite enough for a small house where a family of 2 lives -3 man.

Water production is carried out by means of a submersible pump. The power cable for it is locked in one casing with a pipe leading to the house. As a rule, for this purpose, ordinary sewer pipes are used from plastic, which reliably protect the contents from friction and random strikes.

Laying pipes

Laying pipes for winter water supply in the country occurs at a depth below the soil freezing level. If you do not know how the earth is deeply freezed in your site, you can use one of the options:

  1. To lay the pipe into the crystal of a depth of about 60 cm. Flip it with a layer of foam crumbs (plays the role of insulation), crumples or coal slag (no less than 20 cm).
  2. Ensure additional insulation, staring with water pipes with corrugated polyethylene.
  3. Make the heating cable - then the pipes can be laid directly on the ground (expensive method).

In any case, the trench should be placed in relation to the house at an angle of 90 degrees, since the dugout of the foundation should not cause its shrinkage.


Connecting pump

To connect a surface pump located near the well, you should make a small pit (depression) of the depth of about a meter with the parties 70x70 cm. The main task is to ensure the quick and convenient disconnection of the pump for repair and maintenance. If possible, it is recommended to insulate the veil so that in the cold season, water in the attached hose does not freeze.

The walls of the pit must be strengthened so that they do not appear and do not blur the rain. This uses boards, bricks, natural stones or clay. If you strengthen the pitfalls, they are recommended to pre-process with antiseptic compositions and dry. The bottom of the pit must be smooth and stable, so it is better to fill it with concrete or fall asleep with rubble. Insert the power cable and tap pipe with the hose fastening.

The invention of the water supply system at one time was the turning point of the history of human civilization. The ability to continuously use water guarantees comfortable accommodation anywhere, so you need to do any owner of a private house or cottage to how to make a water supply in the country with your own hands and how to repair it in case of malfunctions.

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