How to put a warm infrared floor

September 25. Repair and construction work Views 2105 Comments To write how to lay a warm infrared floor No

The warm house is a dream of almost every compatriot. Now there are many options for heating systems. By numerous reviews, infrared warm floor is one of the most optimal options for the heating of residential premises. We will tell about this type of heating in this article.


Features of the operation and benefits of the heating system

Infrared floor is a flexible and light product. Its main element is a polymer thermal film with a thickness of up to 0.4 mm. With the help of this ultrafine film, radiation of infrared rays across the entire floor area.


In addition to the thermal film, the infrared floor will be needed:

  • electrical cable;
  • contact clamps;
  • thermostat;
  • temperature sensor;
  • waterproofing material;
  • insulation;
  • scotch.

The heating element of infrared heat is a carbon pasta, which is in the inner part of the film made of polyester. The principle of operation of film heating is as follows:

  • copper conductors are submitted to emitters voltage;
  • system activation occurs;
  • elements with silver spraying do not allow the blows of the contacts;
  • the connection with the electrical chain occurs with the thermostat.

Film heating has the following main technical specifications:

  • width of the film - 0,6-0.8 m.;
  • the thickness of the canvas is 0.2-0.4 mm;
  • working capacity of infrared warm floor - 180-220 W / m²;
  • melting point - 210ºС;
  • the temperature on the surface of the canvas - 55ºС;
  • the length of infrared waves is 5-20 microns.


The advantages of the film system of heating include:

  • minimal electricity consumption;
  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • uniform distribution of heat around the room;
  • easy laying and operation;
  • undoubtedly device of a concrete screed;
  • long operational period (40-50 years);
  • uninterrupted operation (even if one of the sections of the heating element);
  • implementation of a quick dismantling of the design when redeveloping a room or moving;
  • quite acceptable price of infrared warm floor;
  • the possibility of laying the heating system for any flooring.

Infrared radiation is characterized by the ability to heat first gender, walls, ceiling and in the room items. Only after that there is heat transfer of air, which is inside the room. This method of heating room space makes stay in the room most comfortable.

The film system of heating is beneficial by the fact that there is no need to reduce the height of the room for its high-quality device. This is especially relevant for small apartments. There is also no additional load on overlap. What is evidenced by this video about infrared warm field:

Preparatory work

At the initial stage, the right choice of warm sex should be carried out. By purchasing products, it is necessary to make sure that the availability of certificates that confirm the maximum electrical safety and the absence of spontaneous ignition.

It is recommended to buy a polymer thermal film from manufacturers who have long proven themselves in the electric heating floor market. Best products can boast such infrared manufacturers:

  • CALEO;
  • Ecofilm;
  • Xica;
  • Rexva.

Before proceeding to such a process, how to lay a warm infrared floor, the area of \u200b\u200bthe coating is measured. It is placed only in places where there are no furniture and household appliances. From the occupied area will depend on the power of the infrared floor. If the film is placed on an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 m², its power should be 220 W / m². When heating a larger area, the power of the film may be slightly smaller.

The electrical wire intended for connecting film mats must have a cross section of 1.5-2.5 mm. The most optimal option is a copper stranded cable. After all, the heating elements with which the wires are connected, are also made of copper.


Infrared warm floor places increased demanding to the surface on which it is stacked. The base should be perfectly smooth and clean. The height difference should not exceed 3 mm. If necessary, surface alignment and careful cleaning it with a vacuum cleaner is carried out.

Before installing infrared warm floor, determine the placement of the thermostat. It is usually placed at 15-20 cm from the floor. Then:

  • the wall is done in the wall;
  • the vertical shit from the floor is made by the floor;
  • disable electricity supply to the room;
  • a wiring is carried out from the electrical network;
  • everything is cleared of pieces of walls and dust.

At the next step, the diagram of laying film heating is carried out. The first row laying is carried out at a distance of 0.1-0.4 m from the wall. If the infrared floor will act as the only source of heat, then the film needs to cover 70-75% of the heated area. When using it, a coating of 35-40% of the room area will suffice as additional heating.

The last stage of preparatory work is the device of waterproofing and thermal insulation layers. Waterproofing material can be both special and polyethylene film. The thickness of the waterproofing should exceed 50 microns. It is this layer that prevents the appearance of moisture on the heating elements of the warm floor.

As a heater uses:

  • technical cork (upon subsequent laying of ceramic tiles);
  • material with a metallized side (for the remaining flooring).


The optimal thickness of the thermal insulation material is 3-5 mm. Fastening the insulation occurs using the assembly tape. Immediately cut holes for electrical cable.


Film floor laying nuances

Laying infrared warm floor is made towards the wall where the thermostat is installed. This can be saved on the cable. The distance to the wall is in the range of 0.1-0.2 m. If there are other heating devices nearby, then the film indent from them should be at the level of 1 m.


Cutting films are made by light parts of the web. Its installation is made online. The joints of the joints and the extreme side of the canvas are connected by scotch. Extreme part of the film in the places of fastening of the wires are not needed immediately. Laying the canvas is made with copper heaters down and at a distance of 5 mm and more from adjacent web.


Installation of infrared warm floor provides proper implementation:

  • insulation of cable ends;
  • installation of clamps;
  • wire connections;
  • styling cable in insulation;
  • fastening the temperature sensor and thermostat;
  • system performance checks.


Some of the infrared sections in the section places have open copper elements. They are subject to mandatory insulation. For these purposes, a bitumen film is quite suitable. Plots with an open copper surface are glued with a film on both sides. The sealed areas with the help of the tape are connected to the insulation. The sites that will be connected to the cable will not be isolated.


Clamps are used to connect an infrared film with electrical wires. They are installed on sites where copper conductors are not extended. One side of the clamp is placed between the copper strip and the film. The second side is clamped under the film. It is forbidden to clamp contacts in the upper part, as you can damage the film.


At the next stage there is a parallel cable connection with clips. For this reason, it is better to use the electrical cable with different colors of wires. The ends of the wires are cleaned, twisted and placed in the holes of the clamps. After that, strictly fixed with pliers, isolated with a bituminous film and are attached to the base of scotch. These nuances of editing infrared warm sex are presented in video:


It is necessary to make the cable be laid to the wall at the minimum trajectory. This is how it is possible to protect the wiring from the excessive pressure of the floor covering. For the normal output of the cable to the wall, you will have to additionally cut holes in the thermal insulation material.


To reliably fix the wire you need to use scotch. Moreover, the cable, and the tape should be reliably adhere to each other. Laying the cable near the wall is carried out in such a way that he does not speak for the insulation. This is achieved by creating wider cuts.


As the wiring is styled, you must not forget to install the temperature sensor. It must be placed under the film in the central part of the second canvas. In the insulation, the holes for the sensor itself and the wires are cut, which will go to it from the thermostat. When the cable is rotated, rounded grooves are cut. This will prevent the breakfast.


To connect the thermostat, it is necessary:

  • in two central contacts insert the power cable;
  • two contacts on one side - wire from infrared film;
  • in two contacts on the opposite side - the cable coming from the temperature sensor;
  • connect the terminal wire for grounding (without insertion into the pin clip).


After connecting the wires and the installation of all elements of the heating system, it is checked for performance. To make sure the thermocouple will be effective, it will be enough 20-25 minutes. It should be heated every separate carbon bar.


Based on the foregoing, it suggests quite a logical conclusion. The installation of film heating will not be much difficult. What will lead to a significant reduction in the value of infrared warm floor.


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