How to successfully update the facade of the country house with your own hands

September 21. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 706. Comments to record how to successfully update the facade of the country house with your own hands No

For most owners of private houses, the exterior is the appearance of the facade of the construction. First of all, this is due to the opinion of people who can pass by at home and evaluate the quality of repair, and simply the appearance of the structure. Therefore, it often happens that the owners spend a large-scale repair of the facade, while inside the house there were no such events for a very long time.

Practice shows that the activities related to the repair of the facade often take a lot of money, especially if under a private house, it is not a single-storey structure.

Fortunately, now on sale you can find a sufficient amount of materials that differ really optimal price tags, but at the same time have high quality. It is safe to say that to hold an inexpensive repair of the facade, which, besides, will delight with its attractiveness, it is quite possible. However, not all so simple. It is often necessary to pay a lot of time to choose the most suitable materials that will be combined with each other, as well as delight reliability.

In this article we will look at the main features of the renewal of the facade of the country house. We analyze the most inexpensive materials that are distinguished by high quality and modern appearance. Ultimately create a good designer style of the facade will be without any difficulty.


Features of the update facade

To begin with, it is necessary to decide on the budget that can be used to purchase finishing materials. Practice shows that often the owners are ready to allocate for such events not so many means so that you can get a really good result. In such cases, you need to pay attention to a wide variety of materials on the basis of which you can create a really good exterior style at home, but at the same time, not to spend too much money. It can be various combinations of materials, as well as many other solutions that save as much as possible.

If the budget is quite large, then there are practically no restrictions related to the creation of one or another style of the facade. Despite this, it should be borne in mind that often people acquire expensive materials that may not be better combined. Therefore, there is a possibility of creating not the best style of the facade, even though it will be spent a lot of money.

Separately, I would like to say that today people who do not have the ability to scatter with money, look towards cheap materials. It should be recognized that this really makes sense, given the fact that in large volumes even inexpensive finishing materials will cost more than expensive. Do not forget that there is often some combination of materials to obtain an attractive design. This allows you to actually get a good finishing style. In some cases, combination saves on materials. This question is quite voluminous, so it should be analyzed on the basis of concrete materials.

Facade finishing features

At first glance it may seem that the outer decoration is needed only to make the structure more attractive. However, this is just one of the many factors to be paid attention to when planning the facade finish.

The most important features of the facade finish, which you need to know before purchasing certain materials are:

  • Protection against precipitation. Modern finishing materials are highly protected from atmospheric precipitation. This is an important aspect, given the fact that, due to regular rains, construction materials may gradually collapse and lose their initial properties.
  • Heat insulation. Often, finishing materials are hiding materials-insulation, allowing you to create the most comfortable microclimate inside the house. Of course, it is possible to use heat-insulating materials in other ways, but they are substantially simpler and more practical to mount them.

In addition, directly and the finishing materials themselves may have any important characteristics that can significantly increase the comfort of stay in the dwelling. For example, it can be high-quality sound insulation.

Thus, it makes sense to pay attention to each individual characteristic of the finishing material for the facade, and after that, to make some conclusions associated with the appearance of a particular resource.


Refresh facade clapboard

The lining is a material tested. It is used for a wide variety of finishing works, and ultimately it turns out a decent design capable of competing with projects created on the basis of expensive materials.

Many owners who plan to repair activities give preference precisely the lining. This is due to the fact that this material has already manifest itself only with the best side, while new products do not always comply with security standards, and the pricing policy is completely not happy.

Also lining has really important advantages:

  • Durability. Practice shows that the lining is a material that for long years can be operated in a wide variety of conditions, but at the same time maintain its original characteristics. This is especially important if there are enough severe external conditions that are able to affect the condition of the material.
  • Practicality. If we talk about the installation of the material, then this process can easily hold a person without experience. It can also be noted that today this factor is truly relevant, as it takes a lot of effort to attach many modern resources, starting by the need to use special devices, and ending with a variety of fasteners.
  • Refractory. Fireproof is often a decisive factor for many owners. Attention should be paid to the fact that there are often large problems that can lead to full loss of property begins.

In addition, it is not necessary to forget that the lining is quite inexpensive material, on the basis of which enough large-scale repair activities can be carried out, but at the same time, it is not so many tools. It is precisely about comparing with many modern materials, since the money for any finish of the facade will have to spend a lot.


Refresh facade stone

In this case, we are talking about artificial stone, which has been used for many years to finish the facade and other components of the structures. It is worth recognizing that most often this material is used to finish the basement basement, and it is in this place that it looks more attractive. Despite this, today there are quite a few options for using a stone, which will allow you to get a squeezed designer style.

The builders who are engaged in finishing work noted that the stone, in contrast to many other materials, allow us to turn the usual structure in an externally monolithic structure. Thus, the decorative component here plays a colossal role.

Natural types of stones are often used, including granite, quartzite, marble, dolomite and many others.

Use the so-called "wild stone", which has a lot of weight, is not always appropriate, since for attaching such material you have to use very large volumes of binding materials. Artificial stones are produced on a specific template, but at the same time, their appearance can please many owners.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that the complexity of the use of stone in the process of finishing the facade can create a lot of problems associated with the complexity of the process, as well as the creation of a common design style. As we have said, no one prohibits combining materials among themselves to get a really good facade. It is best to take advantage of the ready-made projects that are available on the Internet.


Refresh facade siding

It is safe to say that siding is one of the most common materials used to finish the premises. It can be found on small private houses, and in large warehouses. It is worth a recognition that this material is externally simple, but at the same time modern. It is its low price that he attracts many owners who want to repair the facade.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  • Range. Despite the monotony of the execution of siding, a variety of color solutions can be detected, which can be successfully combined with each other and obtain the excellent surface of the facade. Many people think that the range, which concerns only the color of the material, is no importance, but on the Internet you can find a lot of photos devoted to various possibilities of using this advantage. Therefore, much depends on the project, which should be developed immediately before repairs.
  • Alignment of walls. Unfortunately, a variety of technologies can be broken during construction, and ultimately the walls may have some disadvantages. Practice shows that in many finishing materials, the facade is easily hidden. Especially good with this problem copes siding. When updating the facade, a peculiar framework is created, which will become the basis for fastening the material. Accordingly, all the present irregularities can be easily hidden. Most of all is pleased with the fact that the visual quality of construction can be simply terrifying while siding is all easily hiding.
  • Durability. Externally, siding resembles quite unreliable plastic material, but in fact it is one of the most sustainable resources to various external factors. Moreover, siding will easily last dozens of years, and its appearance will remain in the initial state. Many other materials used to finish the facade have a lot of deficiencies associated with this issue. Ultimately, even the most minor at first glance can completely spoil the material.
  • Practicality. Mounting siding on the surface is as easy as the lining. This advantage most of all have to do with people who have previously come across such a thing.
  • Heat insulation. Siding really has thermal insulation properties, but much more wisely just use this material together with classical insulation. With this scenario, the effect will be simply otmnaya.

However, this is not all the benefits of siding. This, with all other, eco-friendly material, which is characterized by ease of care. Replace one or another unit of material - simpler simple. The disadvantages of this material really practically does not have, so it is used to finish the facade of most houses.

Well, at the end I would like to note that this is a relatively inexpensive resource, so you can say with confidence that it is without exaggeration the perfect option for any home.


Decorative plaster for updating facade

Not so long ago, it is possible to detect a huge number of plaster species, which allows you to repair with the use of certain styles. Thus, there is always the opportunity to get the necessary result.

Practice shows that the use of decorative plaster is also an inexpensive finish option. It is important to note that the plaster can have a variety of properties, as well as various aggregates that significantly affect the appearance of the surface.

It is worth paying attention to the most common types of plaster:

  • Mineral. At the heart of this plaster cement and polymer components. Most often, this material is the best option for finishing brick houses. The process of applying this plaster allows you to spend all the repair activities extremely quickly. In addition, the important advantage of this resource is based on the absorption of moisture from the inside of the facade.
  • Acrylic. This is one of the best options for finishing concrete walls, which are affected by various external factors. The composition of this material is such that the created surface with ease copes with mechanical effects. The elasticity of the material allows you to easily create various decorative elements.
  • Silicone. This plaster is an almost perfect option for most conditions. We are talking about the optimal elasticity of the material, as well as good adhesion and confrontation with a variety of external factors. Bad news is that this product is much more expensive than other types of plaster, so people are not always ready to overpay to get a quality result.

You need to pay attention to the fact that there are plasters of various appointments on sale. For example, the material that is aimed at using indoors cannot be used for the exterior finish, since the created surface can come into disrepair in a short time.

Practice shows that on the basis of decorative plaster, you can easily create an attractive surface surface. Moreover, specialists, or even real art people, are able to implement truly amazing solutions related to the creation of a unique structure or whole images on the plaster. It is worth noting that such services are often quite expensive, but it is worth it.


Refresh facade blockhaus

This is a finishing material that externally has a lot of common with a classic log used to build houses. This resource has a smooth surface, and also boasts overall strength, due to which the material should not give cracks, and also to be rotting.

In some cases, its heat and sound insulation properties are not bad.

Experts call a block chacus a certain variation of the lining, and they are right, since these materials are practically no different. It is worth recognizing that the block cham looks more modern and attractive, so it makes sense to make a choice in favor of this material. But at the same time, it is somewhat more expensive than lining, so it's not always the owners have the opportunity to carve out extra money from the existing budget.


At the end of this material, I would like to note that the complexity of the process of updating the facade of the cottage house depends largely from the materials used. But at the same time, it is worth recognizing that almost any person will be able to carry out the process of finishing the building by all materials. For this, just just a little study the technology, after which it is applied on the basis of its own structure.

Of course, it is impossible to exclude certain problems. Practice shows that some difficulties can concern the specifics of the structure, and the quality of materials, as well as many other factors, and without tremendous experience here to leave dry out of the water. Therefore, it makes sense to hold consultations with people who have a certain experience in this matter, and can share some end-in-laws of the process. In addition, repair work is better with the assistant, since in this case the probability of obtaining a qualitative result increases sharply.

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