Artificial Grotto in Landscape Design

June 3. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2818. Comments To the entry artificial grotto in landscape design No

At the present time, landscape design is becoming increasingly popular. Many owners of private houses, country sites, country cottages strive not just to improve the territory around, but also give it a special style and sound.


For this, small architectural forms are used, special techniques and technology of park arts, which allow you to artificially recreate the features of the natural landscape. For example, equip mountain landscapes, rocks and artificial grotto, especially. If this allows relief of the terrain.


In nature, the grotto is a shallow cave formed by karst rocks, which has a narrow passage and a vaulted ceiling. Since ancient times, the grotto of natural origin attracted our ancestors, first of all, their mysteriousness and secrets, which, in their opinion, they stored. They were considered sacred places, so they were most often chosen as a place for all sorts of rituals. In addition, the first temples were created in the grottoes.


Today, such caves have lost their religious component and perceived as a feature of the natural landscape of a certain territory. At the same time, the grotto in nature is not so often found and is considered to be exotic, so many are trying to create artificially natural terrain, thereby diverseing their plot near the house, park or square, giving it a beautiful and original look.


Where and how can I equip an artificial grotto?

  • Most preferably, it is possible to equip the grots in a hilly terrain, where there are natural rocky education that it contributes by itself. It is in them that are proceeded in the form of grottoes.
  • Particularly successful can be considered the place where the natural stream or spring is present.
  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe plot on which is planned to place the future grotto, should be quite spacious so that he harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.


  • As a rule, specialists in this area choose remote areas of the garden or park hidden from prying eyes, where you can get lost and returned in the shade of trees.
  • Therefore, the finished structures of artificial grotts are framed by abundant greens, curly plants, for example, evergreen ivy, shrubs, etc.
  • The walls are decorated with moss, which will hide the texture of the material used and give naturalness.


The most suitable materials for creating artificial grotto and its design

  • To create such an object, you can use a natural or artificial stone, which is not inferior to the first quality and appearance.
  • Artificial grotto can easily be mounted independently and, if necessary, move on the site.
  • Its design consists of three walls, niches and an arch.
  • In the finished form, it is able to endure any unfavorable natural conditions, in particular the temperature and humidity, precipitation and wind. Therefore, it will fully endure the most severe winters and hot summer, without losing its original appearance.
  • For the grotto, it is easy and easy to care for, periodically removing dust and dirt from the walls.


  • Inside the grotto traditionally placed a bench or a bench for relaxing on a hot day or equip a small pool with fountains, a waterfall, which will be dropped from the top in the reservoir, etc. The main thing is to show fantasy and your own artistic taste.

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Creating a grotto or cave with your own hands

At first glance, it may seem that an artificial grotto or cave is a rather complicated design, to create only the experienced master. However, this is a great mistake. The process of arrangeing such an element of landscape design is pretty simple, fascinating and interesting.

  • First you can create its approximate schematic plan, as well as prepare all the necessary materials in advance.


  • In particular, the most affordable materials available for many of us and tools that everyone can find in its own garage, storage room or buy in the nearest construction store.
  • At the very beginning, they begin to create the framework of the cliff using the usual mounting foam.
  • On on top lay out the mounting mesh, and on top of the layer of the concrete mixture. The base may be of any shape and size, depending on personal tastes and preferences.


  • Next, we form the walls of the grotto with the help of a solution based on cement, sand, ash, wood glue and quartz impurities, as well as artificial stone.
  • The weight of the finished design will still be much smaller than from the natural stone.
  • The finished grotto is left for quite a long time to dry. After that, it is necessary to remove dust from all recesses and cracks, complaining with a soft tassel, wash and dry.
  • Top is applied on a water-based paint with a natural shade with a sprayer or a paint of a canister in several layers, each of which should also be faded well before applying the following.

  • When all the work is completed and the paint dries, the finished grotto is set to the place where you planned to post it in advance.
  • And finally, surround it with vegetation, decorating a curly plant, moss to give a ready-made finished look. So, the decorative grotto is ready, you can enjoy its beauty and uniqueness.

About artificial grottoes in landscape design in more detail can be found in the video:

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