Warming the chicken coop for winter with their own hands

April 5. Useful advice, Plot. Views 9001 Comments To write the insulation of the chicken coop for the winter with their own hands No

The construction of the chicken coop and the settlement of the chickens is only a half business. For year-round production from lacking eggs, it is necessary to take care that in winter the temperature in the chicken coop is not lower than 0ºС. Most poultry farms in this case resort to the insulation of the room.

Heat insulation works in the chicken coop can be carried out in four directions:

  • fitting device on the floor;
  • wall insulation;
  • ceiling thermal insulation;
  • premises heating.


Special attention is paid to the litter on the floor, which is shallow and deep. The correct maintenance of the bird involves the use of the second option. In the deep litter, the temperature reaches 25-28 ºС.


As a material for bedding applied:

  • sawdust and chips;
  • sech of grass or straw;
  • moss peat.

In the first embodiment, the fitting consists of 3 pieces of chips and 1 part of the sawdust. Moreover, the best way is to use sawdust of coniferous trees. They are characterized by maximum disinsecting qualities. In addition, the chips do not sit down and skimples moisture.

When furnaceing the floor of chips and sawdust is not recommended to let the bird in the chicken coop without feed in the feeders. Such a litter of birds can eat. Therefore, it is covered still small straw. Instead of fertilizer, can be used in the spring materials used to create a litter.

Sonya straw or grass also has excellent thermal insulation properties. Its length should be within 3-5 cm. According to the appearance of SCH, should be with a shiny surface (not moldy).

The most optimal option for creating a litter will be the use of moss peat. It is characterized by:

  • excellent absorption moisture and litter of birds;
  • the destruction of unpleasant odor in the room;
  • instant drying of chicken paws (birds do not hurt).

Mixed peat with a litter is an indispensable fertilizer on the household site.

The initial laying of deep bedding is carried out by a layer of up to 20 cm. The new material is laid out by a 10-centimeter layer as the floor polluted. The litter is subjected to periodic loosening and stirring of the layers.


In most cases, the walls of the walls are used for the breeding of birds. For more harsh climatic conditions, a log cabin is suitable. If a mild climate prevails in the area, then the inch boards can be used.


Climbing the gaps is performed using moss or pacle. In order to prevent eating with chickens of the heat-insulating material, it is trimmed with wooden slats. The insulation of the chicken coop from the outer part can be carried out by fastening the plates from the foam, which are trimmed with a flat slate.

There is an option when you can make a wall by laying two rows of boards with the placement between them heat-insulating material. In the insulation can be:

  • wood sawdust;
  • dry leaves;
  • fallen needles of coniferous trees.

Material for thermal insulation is mixed with lime. The proportion is: 1 hour. Lime for 25 hours. Insulation. The laying of the cooked solution is made by its thorough traam.

The most common way to insulate the chicken coop from the inside is to use duncas. The walls are covered with two layers of material at an angle of 45º. Excellent thermal insulation properties are obtained when the duch is plastered.


Plaster is made of clay with a small amount of sawdust. Saws are added to wet clay. The solution is thoroughly mixed. It should be homogeneous. After the clay solution is imagined (enough 2-3 hours), it is applied to the walls with a layer of 3 cm and more.

After complete drying of the walls, the cracks appeared are close to the clay-sandy solution (1 h. Clay to 2 h. Fine sand). The walls dried again and processed with a negared lime. It is recommended to climb inexpensive material. For example, fiberglass URSA M-11. If this is not done, there is a chance that the chickens due to a lack of calcium in the body will peck the plastered wall.

Window and doors

It is worth noting that the greatest amount of heat is lost in the chicken coop in the winter through the windows (if available) and the door. For this reason, you need to pay attention to both their insulation. There will be enough one small window located on the southern (or oriental) side.

The window is inserted with double removable frames. In summer, they will easily be swapped on the grid, with which the room is carried out. At the occurrence of cold days, plastic film is attached to the window.

Doors are also subjected to the highest possible insulation. This is done by using a dense heat insulating material. Save on the insulation for the door is not worth it, because it is the doorway that is the source of the receipt of the maximum amount of cold air. In some cases, thermal insulation is complemented by an old palace or carpet.


Each person knows the law of physics, according to which warm air always moves to the uppermost point of the room. In the presence of cracks in the ceiling or roof, heat goes through them. The chicken coop for the winter will be fully prepared when all the slots are eliminated not only in the walls, but also in the ceiling.

The insulation of the ceiling of the room is divided into the following steps:

  • removal of old fallen boards;
  • processing with septhetic new boards;
  • their installation on the walls;
  • laying mineral wool;
  • the covering of the finish coating.

Mineral wool closes on both sides with a steam painting film. Thus, the material will not be suspended and weathering. With the help of a construction stapler, a film with insulation is attached to the bottom side of the beams.


Wooden lining can be used as the finish coating. With it, it is possible to create a ceiling without cracks. Fastening the lining is carried out using special metal brackets (kleimers), which fix it without surface damage. The first rail is laid near the wall, subsequent rails are inserted into the grooves of the previous ones.

If in the chicken coop there is a attic, then mineral wool can be used on the beams and from above. Usually the 10-centimeter layer is usually enough. Vata is also covered with vapor barrier and fixed to the beam overlap with a stapler. Wooden lining is painted. After drying the paint, the lamp is mounted on it.

Heating room

In addition to the mandatory insulation of walls, gender and ceiling, it is possible to provide a heating system in the room. About how and how to warm the chicken coop in the winter, we will tell in this section. It is worth a reservation that now there are many options for the heating of the room. For the chicken coop, it is quite suitable:

  • furnaces operating on diesel or solid fuel;
  • electrical heaters;
  • incandescent lamps.

Diesel furnaces are absolutely fireproof and economical. They do not emit smoke. Each furnace is characterized by a certain power and heats the concrete area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken coop.

Buleryan furnaces are very popular. They work on solid fuel. And on any of his form. Efficiency and uniform distribution of thermal energy are the main advantages of the bins of the buleryan.

Electric heating in the chicken coop should be represented by equipment that will not cause the death of birds due to their touch to wires or to the surface of heating elements.

Such devices include infrared heaters. In some of them, you can adjust the temperature in automatic mode. It is these heaters that it is recommended to establish because the economical consumption of electricity is achieved. When the temperature reaches a given value, the device automatically turns off.


A simpler for heating the chicken coop is the use of conventional incandescent bulbs. They are covered with special mesh caps. When determining the power of incandescent lamps:

  • air temperature on the street;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe chicken coop.

Many are wondering: Is it worth doing insulation of walls, roofs, doors, windows, floor? Is it easy to just run the heating system? But this is not a completely correct solution to the problem of the heat insulation of the chicken coop. After all, besides the insulation of the room, the thermal insulation of all parts of the room leads to the absence of drafts and to the impossibility of getting atmospheric precipitation.

Video on the warming of the chicken coop:


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