How to select the windows for the terrace

December 25. Building materials, Plot. Views 6332. Comments to record How to select the windows for the terrace No

As an organic continuation of a private house, the main function of the terrace is its assistance in meeting the needs of a person in closest communication with nature, without removing the comfort and delights of civilization. And if earlier it was a simple wooden flooring, open winds and precipitation, or partially protected by the roof, now the terraces, in addition to their transformation in the verandas, arbor and balconies, are constructed in several levels and become comfortable for people staying in them even in bad weather. The windows for the terrace become an important part of its improvement and bringing the share of notorious comfort to the situation.

just a photo

Determine with the needs and wishes

The ideal option for arranging the terrace or veranda with the subsequent glazing is its design and detailed study of the details even at the layout of the foundation of the house. But if the house and the terrace of long-standing buildings, and the latter is reconstructed with glazing, that is, moments that need to be taken into account so that your needs are completely satisfied.


  1. First of all, decide on the function of the future room: if it is thinking as an unheated room used in the warm season, then there is no need to install triple glass windows that prevent the losses of heat energy. It is quite suitable high-quality single packages.
  2. On the terrace, the walls and the floor of which are reliably insulated, you need to put two- or three-chamber, so-called warm windows. Such frames allow you to reliably keep heat in heated terraces and verandas, which are actively used in the winter season.
  3. Look where the windows of the existing extension come out, and objectively appreciate the viewing view. Perfectly, if the main ruler of the extension design is observed: its location on a beautiful landscape. But if the view leaves much to be desired, then think about whether the panoramic windows on the veranda should be arranged. Perhaps there will be enough windows of medium sizes that are well transmitting light. By the way, if you do not have the opportunity to make a terrace in the house or in the apartment there is no loggia, then an excellent solution will be used in the interior of photo wallpaper with colorful views from the balconies, the terraces and from the windows.
  4. The terrace should be bright, and natural lighting is more priority. Depending on which sides of the light "watch" the windows of your terrace can be selected a darkened or transparent glazing. Tinted glass will become indispensable on the western side, if the terrace is more often used in the evenings.
  5. The terraces with windows differ from the main construction of the house at the location of the latter at a sufficiently small height from the floor (about 30-60 cm); Glass walls are increasingly arranged.
  6. Part of the windows must have in its design the ventilation mode or open the lash. It will provide a good air exchange indoor.
  7. Insulated premises not only well preserves the room from cooling, but also in summer heat will help to gain a long-awaited coolness. Therefore, before glazing the veranda or terrace, it is worth thinking over the insulation of the walls, gender and ceiling.
  8. If you want to provide a maximum visibility by installing frameless or panoramic systems, take care of the protection of the room from prying eyes: blinds, curtains and high bedroom plants will help you successfully fulfill this task.



windows on the terrace photo

We study options and their characteristics.

So, to choose good windows for glazing the terrace, it is worth studying a variety of models for the veranda and the terraces that the market offers specifically in your city, from which materials they are made, and monitor prices for your favorite models.

Most often, simple swing windows are used to install on terraces, but recently there have been trends for use and other models.

wall glass

Swing windows

Classic, proven generation model. Swing windows are comfortable and familiar. Many variants of dimension rows ensures their functionality and versatility. Such windows are usually performed from several narrow parts, with one or two open framugs.


Sliding windows and panels for terraces

The principle of operation of such windows lies in separate elements of the window frame shifting in parallel to each other. The mechanism moving the sash is characterized by such indicators:

  • reliability and durability;
  • the density of the fitting of the sash - and therefore, good thermal insulation;
  • ensuring protection against penetration;

The price of such windows for a terrace is above simple swing models, but aesthetic appearance and improved quality properties are often inclined to choose a bowl in their direction.

shift N.

Sliding windows for the terrace

Such designs will help protect the living room from the "wild" nature with minimal losses of beautiful species and light. In other words, they provide you with a view from the window in full growth! Such models are multifunction and convenient to use.

Pros of sliding windows - walls:

  • wide visibility;
  • thermal and noise isolation;
  • penetration protection;
  • ease of operation;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of implementing wide opening;
  • saving space.

As practice has shown, more convenient and easy to use a system from PVC and a metal-plastic profile. For additional protection, it is possible to install special roller shutters.

One of the varieties of these systems are the doors-windows that are revealed on the principle of "harmonic". On the sashs of such structures are installed wheels moving in special seasons similar to those used in the wardrobes. Such systems are original in performance, but the indicators of heat saving with their use are not perfect.


Frameless windows

Another option to implement panoramic glazing the terraces are frameless window systems.

glass ceiling

They look like a solid glass wall, which is very effective in combination with a glass ceiling and ensures the effect of "secure presence". The disadvantage of such windows is a bad heat saving and inexpediency of a warm terrace device.

glass Pot.



For glazing, terraces can be used as simple wooden windows (both option - renovated old frames), and specially made expensive wooden double-glazed windows. It is quite effective and proven to be the use of PVC profiles and metal-plastic windows for the terraces. The advantages and disadvantages of wooden packages and plastic window profiles are a topic for a separate article, and here we only say that all the above types of windows are successfully applied for the terraces, depending on the needs and objectives of the hosts.


Polycarbonate for terrace

polycarb for tera

Lightweight and strong material, which is cellular polycarbonate, is able to cope well with the function of the terrace windows. Due to its high traffic, the ability to dispel ultraviolet rays, as well as high thermal insulation rates, becomes indispensable for the Winter Garden and Orange. Polycarbonate plastic, and its production is possible in different colors, including darkened.

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