How to make the marking of the tape foundation

December 25. Foundation Views 3342. Comments to record how to make the marking of the tape foundation No

When erecting a private house, with their own hands, the most affordable for construction is the ribbon foundation of a shallow occurrence. Being the basis of the house, it does not forget the negligence during the construction, so it is necessary to place it correctly. The marking of the ribbon foundation is quite realistic to make with their own hands, but first need to decide on some issues.


What is the quality markup of the belt foundation?

Markup can be considered high quality if it:

  • made in accordance with the project documentation of the upcoming construction;
  • meets the basic requirements of project documentation;
  • strictly follows all the parameters specified in the project;
  • it is carried out by persons having the necessary skills and experience, as well as knowledge.

What gives quality marking of the tape base?

The foundation erected on the basis of the correct markup will first of all be even and capable of resisting various external influences. With accuracy, observing all the design figures, the markup will provide the possibility of erection of high-quality foundation and walls, and will also help save time and labor costs. Also reduced the number of construction waste.

What instruments are used to mark the tape basement?

  1. pegs (any wooden or metal), hoops;
  2. roulette for measuring distances;
  3. twine / cord / rope;
  4. clothespins (any other clamps);

Fraights can be made manually: For this, it will take several boards of 5 cm wide, the distance between the two boards and the height should be from 60 to 90 cm. Boards are fastened with self-draws or nails. Four identical pickups are made.


Ribbon Fundament Markup Technology

Defining an external contour

scheme with Obia

Ribbon Foundation Marking Using Fraight Photos

Note that the surface under the foundation should be strictly horizontal. To start the markup process, it is necessary to determine the location of the front wall, from which they begin to "dance". Measure the design length of the wall, we throw 0.5-1 m on each side and drive the first pegs. Then the clamps that mark the length of the wall are going to move - they will denote the places of the adjoining of perpendicular walls. For clarity, we drive a peg under the label and stretch the lace to the distance perpendicular wall, not forgetting to add a half-meter - a meter from the main cavalley (this is done so that the whole design does not hit the trench during the trunk). Thus, the markup forms a rectangle whose angles should be strictly perpendicular. This can be achieved simply: to look into the project documentation and the resulting diagonal of the rectangular perimeter with the calculated indicator.

scheme 1.

Another method of checking may act as the Pythagora theorem, according to which the length of the hypothenus of the rectangular triangle is equal to the root of the sum of the squares of its cathets:

\u003d C, where a and b are kartettes, C - hypotenuse.

For greater accuracy, compare the length of both diagonals of the perimeter - they must be equal to each other.

pytagor's scheme

Definition of the inner contour

Based on the foundation's width declared in the project, an indentation is made from the main external cord to this distance, and the pegs are fixed again with a perimeter in half the corners. And the external and inner angles are fixed with clothespins.


Tip: When the marking of the tape basement is produced, first mark the zero level, and then in its plane using a plumb, stretch the cord of the external perimeter. After the excavation of the pit and removal of the upper cords, leave the zero mark - this will greatly simplify the tasks of the builders in the construction of the foundation.

Marking of the ribbon foundation video

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