Installation of solar panels

December 25. Construction Views 5033. 1 comment To record installation of solar panels

"Alternative energy sources" - even recently hearing this phrase, we sigh sigh sigh: yes, there are, but it is expensive and inaccessible. And if twenty years ago, solar batteries in our homes could be seen only on calculators, in recent years the situation has changed in the root. Now the solar panels for the house are widely used as an additional or autonomous source of electrical energy, moreover, they can not only be purchased in the finished form, but also to do on their own (if there are some skills to work with the soldering iron and the electrical network).


Solar panels: Help in electricity saving

As a practically an inexhaustible source of energy, the sun has long experienced the minds of people's inventors. And here's the result - solar batteries have become available not only for scientific institutions and space stations, but also introduced into our daily life, and also help save electricity in our homes. Agree, in the conditions of constant growth in prices for these services, this is a weighty argument in favor of investing in the installation on the roof of the solar house.

Solar battery device

Solar panels are a multi-storey concept and includes several photocells, soldered together. Spike multiple photoelectric modules helps to achieve a larger electricity production.

A single photocell is "pie" produced from mono or polycremium photovoltaic converters and consisting of such layers:

  • sealant;
  • glass;
  • sealing film (used EVA);
  • solar cells (protected from overheating by four diodes);
  • protective film;
  • frame.

The most common silicon solar modules with a maximum power of 40-260 W.

Solar modules are connected in parallel and sequentially that when a breakdown of one element does not result in the deterioration of the entire battery. Such a combination of compounds helps to achieve the highest power and strength of the battery.

system scheme

Principle of operation of the system of autonomous electrical support

Photocells fold from two sheets covered with silicon and other elements. The top sheet is made with an elaborate electrons, and the lower - with a disadvantage. When bright sunlight enters the photoelectric converter, the interaction occurs between silicon plates, which causes the movement of the electrons and converts the energy of the Sun into electricity.

The solar cells that make up the battery are converting solar energy that can be used for home appliances or accumulate in battery devices. The most effective and long-term servants are lead and helium batteries.

The process of discharge and recharging the battery occurs under the "supervision" of the controller. It turns on to work when charging batteries by 90%: when data is received on their almost complete charging, the controller reduces the battery charge rate. The optimal indicator of the discharge of the batteries is 20%.

In situations where the batteries are charged completely, a resistor is connected to the solar electrical system system - to absorb excess power.

The batteries produce a current with a constant voltage that is not suitable for most electrical appliances (except LED lamps and portable gadgets). To convert it to a voltage current to the system, an inverter is installed.

Scope of application

Environmentally friendly electricity supply systems - transformed energy of the Sun, are applied everywhere: solar panels can be found not only as sources of energy of road signs and video and cameras on the tracks and streets of cities, but also on the roofs of houses. The solar battery for the cottage and the country cottage is a great option, because the need for electricity in such a seasonal housing coincides with the period of its maximum efficiency. The roofs installed on the roofs are able to provide fully all housing electrical acceptors, as well as to serve as a reserve option for power supply.

sun Stan

Solar panels apply:

  • in the plates of the planet inaccessible to electrification;
  • in space;
  • to save resources in residential buildings;
  • in machinery and cars;
  • for the accumulation of energy and recharging portable devices;


a car

It is worth noting that every year this source of environmentally friendly electricity is cheaper, thanks to the successes of scientists that are constantly improving the materials used, which should have their cost and increase their service life. The cost of network electricity, on the contrary, grows every year. Therefore, the payback period of solar cells when using them in everyday life, it is steadily decreased, which cannot but rejoice.


Varieties of solar cells and their cost

  1. Thinking photocells. They differ cheap, but not too productive. They work even under cloudy weather and they do not affect the angle of falling sunlight. It occupy a large area than other types of panels and, despite their ease, rarely apply for household needs.
  2. Multi-star elements. Just more than the previous ones, but more efficient. Suitable for non-intensive illumination.
  3. Monocrystalline photoelectric components. The most common in home use due to its performance. Depend on the brightness of solar lighting, but light and durable. The most expensive.

You can purchase photocells as in sets for self-assembly and ready-made systems from private firms, which also provide services for their installation. The cost of the solar cell module, depending on the size, power and type of elements begins from 1800-2000 rubles for 30 W. The cost of 1 kW of the installed capacity for poly- and single-crystal elements is 200-250 thousand rubles. Modules manufactured using amorphous silicon, cheaper - 120-150 thousand rubles per 1 kW of power. The price, of course, also depends on the manufacturer.


How to calculate the power of solar panels

If it is thorough to approach the equipment of its dwelling equipment with solar batteries, it is necessary to determine the total capacity of all devices that consume electricity in it. Calculate the energy consumed by each consumer for a certain period. To do this, make a list of each instrument, write down how many hours it works per day, and multiply the nominal power by the number of alleged hours of operation. Then fold all the indicators and get the power of the entire system. To find out the nominal power - refer to the passports of electrical appliances.

You still need to consider what the battery capacity will be. To do this, analyze what period in the clock on the photoelectric batteries will not fall the sun rays.

The battery power directly depends on the amount of sunlight entering the photocells, and their temperatures (with an increase in the temperature of the photoelectric element, the production of energy decreases by an average of 0.45%).

When assembling solar battery, it is selected with its own hands in the amount of power providing the total power of all energy consumers in the spike.

How to independently make a sunny battery


So, the choice of solar cells and their quantity is made, now you can proceed directly to the solar battery assembly. It is recommended to discourage photocells very carefully, too hard to press the soldering iron - it is fraught with a split element and output from the working condition.

There are photocells with soldered guides - in this case, soldering will be less. If such it was not, then prepare for painstaking and requires maximum accuracy of work. Try not to apply a lot of tin to the place, in order not to burst the element. First you prepare the place where the conductor is a pencil, we apply tin and attach the conductor. We sleep all the elements among themselves.

soldering conductor

scheme photoel

solar circuit

At the end of soldered elements are placed in the frame. It is made of aluminum corners, glass or plexiglas, more importantly, to shield helped to protect solar cells from overheating. To use the frame and chipboard or plywood. Photovoltaic cells are fixed on the front side of the frame, and are soldered to the extreme wider conductors. Solder diodes - one for each ¼ of the photocell. Determine the "+" and "-" system.

After assembling the structure to be sealed, after checking its efficiency. You can use universal silicone sealant.


Installation of solar panels on the roof

To accommodate the solar modules can be used as the roof itself, and special frame system. In the first case, the angle of inclination of the batteries will be fixed that would cause difficulties with their operation during the period of reduced solar activity or determine the choice of type of solar cell that does not depend on the intensity of sunlight. In a second embodiment for mounting the solar battery structure used with the regulation of the inclination angle (from 15 ° to 60 °) to a different number of modules. Batteries can be installed on any roof - from the metal roof to soft tile.

Pros of frame systems:

  • The simplicity and speed of installation;
  • Small labor;
  • Long useful life (25 years);
  • They can be installed on the roof or on the ground;
  • High quality systems.


Pros and cons of solar cells and systems based on them

What good will give you the use of solar panels?

  1. Single monetary investment gradually pay off, and your home will be provided with a stand-alone backup power system for years to come. high-quality battery life at full power is 25 years, after this period, the power will fall by only 20%.
  2. Perfect solution for summer homes, used during the summer.
  3. Regardless of the overall network and the peak loads and associated power outages.
  4. Ecological purity of produced energy.
  5. Maintenance is reduced to a seasonal cleanse the modules from dust and dirt.
  6. System availability for improvement (easy to add batteries and accumulators).
  7. Installing solar panels can be made on any part of the home, and even on the ground.


  • Quite slow return;
  • The dependence of the energy storage of solar weather some types of solar cells;
  • The cost, although every year and decreases, but continues to be high.

at home

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One answer to the installation of solar panels

  1. Andrey:

    Cool, good solution, for the construction of the house on the seashore where there is no nearby electricity, plus add the installation of water desalination with the Osmus method and all live and not credit not the flesh 😉

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