We are preparing lawn by winter. Autumn work on the lawn

March 18. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 2613. Comments To write a lawn for winter. Autumn work on the lawn No

In the autumn, each owner of the lawn should have a set of events aimed at preparing it for winter. Only the quality of their conduct guarantees a decrease in the financial expenses for the arrangement of lawn in spring. In addition, autumn works lead to the improvement of the qualities of the lawn itself, which will delight with its beauty for a longer period.

Stages of the preparation of lawn by winter

The main purpose of a lawn care in the fall lies in ensuring effective herb restoration after the winter. Work should be carried out before the emergence of frosts. Start rapidly strut lawns.

At the same time, the height of herbal cover should be higher than usual. Before the onset of winter, it is in the range of 5-7 cm. Such height leads to the maximum ventilation of the lawn and does not allow the spread of mold. Air flows must most of them penetrate the soil. For this reason, all the leaves of the grass are removed from the lawn.


Be sure to decrease the amount of irrigation. The lawn should water once:

  • in 9-10 days - with cool and dry weather;
  • in 6-7 days - with warm and dry weather.

The closer to winter, the less time to water the grass.

There are main stages of lawn care at autumn time:

  • aeration;
  • last haircut;
  • feeding;
  • cleaning;
  • ventilation;
  • mulching;
  • hald grass.

Aeration and haircut

Aeration of lawn precedes the entire complex of autumn work. It solves two main tasks:

  • improves the drainage quality of the soil, removing the water in the deepest layers;
  • promotes better oxygen flow to the roots of grass.

For aeration will need forks. With their help, the soil is punctured to a depth of 20 cm. The number of soil punctures depends on whether a lawn was held on a lawn or not:

  • 5-6 punctures - when the lawn did not go;
  • 10-12 punctures - when using a lawn for walking or lying.

When aeration should be lifted to the small height of the turin. Do not worry due to the fact that the appearance of the lawn will be slightly sloppy. Revised lumps of soil will acquire a normal one after 3-4 days.


The last haircut largely depends on the weather. In most cases, it coincides with the end of October or the beginning of November. The haircut of grass before the beginning of winter is a prerequisite for the safety of the lawn.

The height of the herbage is 5-7 cm. If the lawn does not cut for the winter, then under the snow there will be sick. If there are short edging, the plants will not receive the optimal amount of oxygen. The lawn haircut is done in such a way that it is for 3-4 cm. It is forbidden to cut grass straight before frosts. Such an herbage simply will not be restored.


The most important for lawn in the fall are potash and phosphoric fertilizers. Potash connections:

  • provide effective growth of plants;
  • improve the stability of the lawn to diseases and drought;
  • do not allow the loss of painting herbs.

For lawn, complex fertilizers or potassium sulphate are used.

Phosphate fertilizers:

  • strengthen the root system of grass;
  • stimulate the growth of plants shoots.

You can replenish the grass phosphorus using complex fertilizers, superphosphates or bone flour.

The most optimal time to feed the lawn is before the rain. Fertilizers should be avoided with a continuous drought. If the precipitation does not occur long enough long, the herb is carried out as follows:

  • lawn is watering;
  • the grass completely dries;
  • earth remains wet;
  • fertilizers are entered and absorbed into the ground;
  • lawn is abundant after 1-2 days.

As for feeding nitrogen fertilizers, this process should be done very carefully. Their abundant contribution can provoke a rapid growth of grass with spending all life potential. This will lead to poor plants wintering, which will worsen the decorative properties of the lawn.

It is necessary to use only nitrogen fertilizers that have a slow action. Their application occurs in early autumn. The greatest effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizers will bring a lawn victim from the strongest summer drought.


All fertilizers are entered evenly. It is impossible to make bodies of plants that are accompanied by the occurrence of brown spots. This work is carried out using special spreaders. About the correctness of the feeding is testifies the dim green color of grass.

Cleaning and venting

One of the components of the successful preparation of lawn by winter is its purity. For regular surface cleaning, you can use:

  • ordinary garden broom;
  • rables having spring teeth.

The lawn is necessarily purified from the fallen foliage, old grass and coniferous needles. Such a removable layer is called felt. Its presence leads to:

  • insufficient water intake;
  • bad ventilating herb;
  • the emergence of very dense turf;
  • the appearance of grass diseases;
  • reducing the process of growing the root system.

The elimination of felt not only increases the decorative properties of the lawn, but also holds to the correct development and growth of the lateral shoots of plants. Leaves that fall from the trees, in the fall must be carefully removed from the entire site. If they leave them, after winter, the lawn will simply won't. Due to the lack of oxygen, it will sweep away.

If there are plots with flowers, they are also prepared for the winter. If there are sick plants, they are burned. They can not fill a compost bunch. The bulbous and rooted plants are digging and subject to storage.

It is recommended to carry out and ventilating the lawn. Thanks to him:

  • improved soil drainage;
  • new roots appear;
  • increases sustainability for dry weather.

The process of ventilation is carried out using a special tool called as a scarifier. The steaming of the compacted land is performed with a slightly wet soil.

Mulching and hurrying grass

Immediately after conducting, you can make a mulching of the lawn, thanks to which:

  • the evaporation of water from the soil is reduced;
  • the maximum density of herb in the new year is created;
  • frosty days are supported by the optimum temperature of the upper layer of grass;
  • improvest resistance to heat, humidity, weeds and diseases;
  • laying the site


The mulching process itself consists in sprinkling the site with a special composition, which depends on the type of soil. In the presence of heavy soils with a high clay content, the ratio of peat, garden land and sand is 2: 3: 5. When sandy soil is dominated in the area, the proportions will be as follows:

  • 2 pieces of sand;
  • 4 pieces of garden land;
  • 4 parts of peat.

All components are thoroughly mixed and equally distributed on the lawn.

Autumn is the sometimes of the year when it takes attention to some "suspicious" areas of lawn. In particular, when it was proposed on it, it is necessary to sow new grasses seeds. There are two conditions for performing this work:

  • sowing seeds are made in wet land;
  • seeds must match the type of herb.

In the presence of sick grass, the entire infected site is subjected to a fungicide processing. It is quite suitable for Fundazole. Due to it, plant disease is prevented, and the lawn will take the frosty days even better.

Care in winter

It seems to many that, having fulfilled the entire complex of autumn works, you can forget about the lawn until spring. But it is not so. This volume of work, as in spring or autumn, will not naturally be. But without care to the lawn in winter, too, do not do.

The main activities on the arrangement of lawn in winter are:

  • prevention of loads on the site;
  • removal of ice crust.

At the occurrence of frosts, it is not recommended to disturb the grass. While there is no snow cover, the grass is subject to various damage. And this is fraught with the appearance of disease.


Yes, and in the presence of a small carpet of snow, the lawn should not be subjected to loads. Otherwise, there is a danger of extincting the site. On the lawn you can walk only when the thickness of the dropped snow exceeds 25 cm. The most optimal option is when throughout the winter the lawn is covered with snow. It does not need to be removed. You can clear only the tracks.

At the occurrence of thaws, the formation of a small icy crust. It leads to insufficient air flow to grass. As a result, the grass begins to spew. For this reason, the ice crust must be broken. You can use rakes or carefully like a lawn covered with ice.

The video for the care of a lawn in the autumn:


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