Installation of solid fuel boiler

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For the heating of country houses, near which there is no line of the main gas pipeline, as a rule, boilers are used with the possibility of solid fuel (coal, peat, firewood, household garbage, pellets or briquettes). Most often used solid fuel boilers for long burning. It should be borne in mind that such systems are firewood due to open burning processes and when installing requires compliance with a number of mandatory rules, allowing to ensure safe operation and protection against fire.

Heating systems designed for solid fuel

The boiler on hard fuel is a cast iron or steel unit with a combustion chamber. This camera is an open type, so the boiler connection scheme and accessories should be developed and installed, taking into account the requirements for open systems:

  1. To exit combustion products, you need to connect the boiler to chimney with a natural product.
  2. Such a system can only work on the water, the use of other coolants is unacceptable.
  3. Be sure to install an expansion tank at the top point of the heating circuit.

Among the owners of suburban cottages are the most in demand of the heating system with a closed contour. But we draw attention to the fact that the solid fuel boilers are strictly prohibited by closed systems. This requirement is due to the fact that with an increase in the temperature of the water, the system occurs a noticeable increase in the volume and increase in pressure.

In the gas boilers, the uncontrolled extension of the coolant prevents the thermostat, which instantly turns off the burner in an emergency. In contrast to gas models, in a solid fuel boiler chamber, the burning process is more inert: even when the thermostat is triggered and the cessation of oxygen supply to the furnace after complete overlap of the flap, the water temperature may increase in the heating circuit.


This contributes to a large heat capacity of solid fuel in comparison with the gas and the impossibility of instantaneous cessation of its combustion. In the opening system, an excess water, with a strong overheating, simply turns through the expansion tank or a special discharge tube. If the closed circuit is used, the increase in pressure in the pipes to a critical level can lead to damage (rupture).

Place the installation of solid fuel boilers

First of all, the installation of a solid fuel boiler and the installation of the system begins with the determination of the required power, depending on the heating area and calculating the necessary parameters of the room in which the equipment will be installed.

Attention! To install open firebox boilers, it is required to highlight and equip a separate room - boiler room. To do this, it is desirable to highlight the place on the ground floor or in the basement.

heating system

The room should meet the requirements for fire safety and sanitary standards. In the boiler room there must be a supply of electricity, water, equipped with forced ventilation and chimney is installed.

If you wish, you can carry out the installation of a solid fuel boiler with your own hands, since, as opposed to the installation of gas equipment, it does not need to match the supervision services. But this does not mean that when installing equipment of this type, it is possible to deviate from the installation rules, construction standards and safety requirements:

  1. Under the solid fuel boiler, a solid and even base is necessary, which provides the location of its housing strictly vertically. The optimal option is to pour a screed of concrete for this, although the unit is often installed on a solid non-flammable plate.
  2. From the rear surface of the boiler to the walls, it is necessary to withstand the distance - not less than 0.5 m and at least 1.25 m - to the front wall.
  3. In the boiler room, the floor and walls should be treated with fireproof and vapor-proof coating with the indications of the fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours.
  4. Supply ventilation is a prerequisite. It may be a window or a special hole in the wall at the calculation of 8 cm area per 1 kW of the boiler power.
  5. The boiler room should be in the amount of at least 15 m 3, and ceilings have a height from 2.5 m;
  6. In the ceiling or wall (depending on the type of chimney) it is necessary to make a hole where the pipe will go. Its inner diameter should coincide with the diameter of the throat of the boiler at the exit.


Installing a solid fuel boiler.

A solid fuel boiler is connected by a special scheme. It should be noted that the types of schemes are several, and they must be considered in each particular case. But the main components and stages of the installation are always constant.

When installing a solid fuel boiler, pay attention to the following nuances, which may further affect the efficiency of heating equipment:

  1. The quality of thermal insulation of the room.
  2. The direction of the wind and its strength.
  3. The quality of the fuel used and the efficiency of its combustion.
  4. The design of the chimney (this is the most important point so that the heat does not "fly out" into the pipe).

Main steps

The circuit of the installation of a solid fuel boiler contains radiators and heating pipes, the heat unit itself, the expansion tank, the heat accelerator, the circulation pump and the automatic elements: air and safety valve, pressure gauge, thermostat.


The necessary connections of the auxiliary equipment and directly the installation of the boiler itself is carried out in the following order:

  1. Preparation of the foundation and placement of the boiler with mandatory observance of all the required distances to the walls. Proper adjustment of the position of the housing vertically and horizontal.
  2. Installing a TEN if they are included in the installation of the unit. To do this, the boiler should have special seats for these electrical heaters, which is placed the thermostat.
  3. Attaching heating pipes. All connections for convenience of service and operation must be carried out through intermediate special stop valves. The joints of the joints should be sealed with flax or plumbing ribbon.
  4. Subject to the system from electricity, it is necessary to set the ground and connect all the necessary wires.
  5. Installation of instruments and safety sensors. Depending on the configuration and type of solid fuel boiler, it is installed: thermostat, air valve, pressure gauge, thrust sensor, safety valve, other equipment. This group of instruments is always placed before locking devices.
  6. Layout layout. The knee in the connecting places are sealed with heat-resistant characteristics. The cross-sectional area, height and diagram of the chimney installation should give good natural cravings, so it is impossible to retreat from the recommendations from the operational instructions to the installed boiler.
  7. Checking the presence and correctness of the internal elements in the firebox of the boiler: Mixing dampers, chammed stones, stubs for cleaning, grate and other elements.
  8. Filling with water heat circuit. The water pressure at the initial stage is set slightly above the worker. This is necessary to test the heating scheme for leakage and serviceability.
  9. Resetting the water pressure to the worker, setting the desired position of the dampers in the chimney and in the furnace, the laying of firewood, briquette or pellets.

You can start the boiler to start only after the execution of all listed operations. First, it is necessary to set fire to the laid fuel, and after a few minutes (from 10 to 15), cover the damper damper. On the desired level, the thermostat is exhibited when the temperature is 80-85 ° C. Now for a comfortable climate in the house, it is enough to ensure that the presence of fuel and periodically add it to the boiler firek.


Recommendations for the use of the boiler

When operating a solid fuel boiler, in contrast to gas equipment, some combustion products remain inside the unit. After a certain time, they must be removed, as well as carry out preventive care to increase the efficiency of the combustion process:

  • It is desirable to removed from the walls of the soot depositing boiler once a week. Experts were calculated that the soot layer in 1 mm thick reduces the boiler power by 3%. It is always necessary to carry out cleaning on a cooled boiler.
  • The power of the boiler may decline due to filling the ash grille ashes. In this case, it is necessary to move a little burning coals. There are boilers in which a special lever is installed for this. If necessary, it is also possible to make an emergency fuel reset.
  • To improve the circulation of water on a thermal contour, it is recommended to use a special pump. When installing the pump in front of the entrance to the boiler (in the return), the efficiency of its operation increases due to a faster passage of the coolant on the highway and returning to the boiler to the boiler, therefore, it will be spent less energy on its heating, and the room will be heated faster and more efficient.
  • It is necessary to keep under observation and thrust in the chimney. It is desirable for this regularly, at least once a year, to carry out its cleaning. That part of the chimney, which passes through the unheated premises, must be inspired to prevent the formation of condensate, which can freeze and prevent the output of combustion products;
  • with an increase in the street air temperature and good warming of rooms, it is necessary to set a smaller boiler performance for efficient fuel consumption.

heating system

How to combine a solid fuel boiler with a closed heating system

Installing a solid fuel boiler in a closed system is prohibited. There are models that are resistant to high pressure and have a structured container to remove excess coolant. But before installing such an aggregate, you need to get a qualified consultation of specialists who will carry out the necessary calculations and equipment testing.

Attention! The only available method of combination is the use of the heat exchanger, which will split the system into two contours. The first outline open, in which the boiler will be and the expansion tank, and the second circuit is closed, with membrane tank and radiators.

In order to accurately understand how the installation of solid fuel boilers is performed, it is best to watch the video presented here:

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