Wooden floor on lags: design and installation

December 9. Repair and construction work Views 2352. Comments To record Wooden floor on lags: Design and installation No

Many people prefer materials that will bring maximum comfort and safety for their health into residential premises. One of these materials is a tree, which creates a cozy and warm decor in the house. In our article we will tell about the nuances of the wooden floor device on the lags.

Features of the choice and application of wood

So that the floor covering has served the maximum period of time, close attention is paid to the correct choice of material. The best option for the floor is coniferous wood (spruce, pine, larch, fir). This is explained not only to the fact that these breeds of wood are characterized by a magnificent sighting view. Coniferous wood is even characterized by increased wear resistance and durability.


In the case of a wooden floor covering, it is necessary to purchase wood, which has bright shades with a natural pattern and natural glitter. For this purpose, both expensive options (red wood or nut) are suitable, and cheaper products (oak, alder or aspen).

The main requirement that is presented to the tree is its dryness. Raw material whose humidity exceeds 20%, it is prohibited to use. This is fraught with the floor with the occurrence of large slots in the coating, through which cold air will come. Since wood is cut off, it must be purchased with a 15-% reserve.

Before use, all wooden elements are necessarily processed by an antiseptic agent, with which their premature rotting, the occurrence of fungi and the appearance of harmful insects is prevented. Experts recommend using universal compositions that will additionally protect the wooden floors from fire and corrosion arising from the contact of wood with nails or self-drawing.

Main Nuances Floor Device Using Lag

One of the fairly common technologies is the installation of a wooden floor on the lags. Lagas are called wooden bars, which serve as the basis for the finish coating. Bars are placed in perpendicular position to the on top of the boards.

The wooden floor on the lags has the following advantages:

  • uniform load distribution over the entire surface;
  • availability of ventilation at the bottom of the structure;
  • excellent noise absorbing and thermal insulation qualities;
  • the possibility of laying between lags of insulation and communication lines;
  • easy to replace the damaged area.

Bruks have a cross section of a rectangular shape. The height of the wooden floor lag must exceed their width of 1.5-2 times. The specific size of the lag for the wooden floor depends on the installation step of the bars, the thickness of the heat-insulating material and the width of the span of the room.


For example, when laying a lag at a distance of 0.6-0.7 m from each other, their cross section will be:

  • with a span size up to 2 m - 11 * 6 cm;
  • up to 3 m - 15 * 8 cm;
  • up to 4 m - 18 * 10 cm;
  • up to 5 m - 20 * 15 cm;
  • up to 6 m - 22-18 cm.

The lag installation step depends on the thickness of the finish coating. When using thin boards, the lags are placed closer to each other (0.3-0.4 m). In the case of the use of a massive board, the lag fixing step can be increased to 0.8-0.9 m. Having calculated the optimal distance between the lags, the nuances of the insulation mounting should be taken into account.

Based on the thickness of the floorboards, there are the following indicators of the optimal distance between lags:

  • board thickness up to 2 cm - Fastening step 0.3 m;
  • up to 2.5 cm - 0.4 m;
  • up to 3 cm - 0.5 m;
  • up to 3.5 cm - 0.6 m;
  • up to 4 cm - 0.7 m;
  • up to 4.5 cm - 0.8 m;
  • up to 5 cm - 1 m.


Montage Lag.

The design of the wooden floor by lags involves the use of various bases: wooden beams, earth or concrete surface. Regardless of the type of draft floor, two rules for fixing Lag are observed:

  • they should be located in a single plane;
  • the whole design should be characterized by maximum strength.


Wooden beams

Installation of lag on beams can be carried out in one of two ways:

  • by mounting the side of the beams;
  • by laying on overlap.

The first method of installation is better to apply when the beam floor is very uneven. To align the lag, installed on the side of wooden beams, the construction level is used.

When attaching the lag over the beam overlaps, there will be a lining with which the bars are aligned in a single plane. Installation of lag is carried out across the beams.

To screw the bars, screws are used, which have a length greater than 2.5 times the width of the lag. To prevent the cracking of the bars, first in them are made of smaller diameter holes, rather than the size of the screws.

Earth surface

Installation Lag on the soil involves the implementation of the following actions:

  • alignment and tamping soil;
  • determination of the location of the support columns;
  • foundation device under columns;
  • creation of brick columns;
  • installation of lag.

When determining places for the location of the columns, the most extreme lags are mounted at a distance of 5-15 cm from the walls.

The foundation for columns must be sizes:

  • length - 0.4 m;
  • width - 0.4 m;
  • height - 0.2-0.3 m.

The foundation should be above the ground level by 5-8 cm.


To pour the foundation, a small part of the soil is removed. The bottom of the dumped pits is covered with rubble and sand (10-15 cm). The formwork is constructed. The base is reinforced by several metal pins.

In order for the columns to have the same height above the ground level, the cord is stretched between them. After grappling a concrete solution, a brickwork is carried out. Ruberoid is stacked between bricks and concrete.

Fastening the lag to the posts is made using pre-made mortgage elements. You can use fasteners, which are fixed with screws to the tree, and to the column anchors.

During fixation of the bars, their horizontal position is necessarily checked. The maximum deviation is allowed within 1 mm per 1 m. If the bars are saved significantly, the wooden pegs are put under them. When drinking, the upper part of the lags is grunted by the plane.


Concrete base

The installation of the lag on the concrete surface consists of such steps:

  • ruberoid flooring;
  • distribution of lag throughout the base;
  • fixation of bars;
  • warming grounds.

With the floorproofing flooring, a reliable connection of the joints is carried out using a tape. The distribution of lag begins with laying two bars near the opposite walls. The remaining lags depending on the stiffness and thickness of the finish coating are placed with a certain step.


If the lags in length are less than the size of the room, then they should be mounted in the junction. Moreover, if the floor is exposed to large loads or high bars apply, then it is necessary to make end-cuts. So lags will be better fixed.

After laying two extreme bars, a fishing line is stretched between them, which is a guide for mounting the rest of the lag. In the bars and in the concrete base holes are made. They laid dowels and screwed screws with a step of 0.7-0.8 m. If necessary, the pieces of boards are put under the bars.

After installing the lag, heat insulation works can be made. Installation of insulation (mineral wool, foamizole or extruded polystyrene) is carried out between the bars.


Lag sheathing board

Laying the wooden floor on the lags begins with the very far corner. There is a temperature gap of up to 1 cm near the walls, which will subsequently close the plinth.

The most responsible stage is the installation of the first row of the boards, which will be the starting point for subsequent rows. Moreover, it is not necessary to navigate the walls, because they can be uneven.

The first row of boards is placed in spike to the wall. The boards are fixed to lags with screws. From the side of the groove, screwing the screws occurs at an angle of 60º. Cutting the boards is made in such a way that their joints are in the central part of the lag.


The subsequent rows of flooring are joined with previous boards using a pre-cooked gasket that boils with a hammer. As a gasket, you can use a cropped piece of board. When boarding boards, one part involuntarily pops up from the groove. To prevent this, it is used by clamp, with which the board is attracted through the gasket.

The second and the next rows are fixed only from the side of the groove. So the screws will be invisible. Before screwing the screws, it is recommended to pre-drill holes. In this way, you can save the board from splitting and press them as close as possible to lagas. If the finish coating is planned over the boards, the screws can not be screwed at an angle. This will significantly reduce the process of laying boards.

It is better not to use nails. After some time, the boards will begin to break out, which will lead to a unpleasant surface of the surface. If it is decided to navigate the board with nails, then they must have a length of 7-10 cm.

At the final stage, grinding and painting of the wooden floor are performed with the subsequent installation of plinths.

Video on the creation of a wooden floor on the lags:

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