Treatment of trees in the garden

June 28. Plot. Views 2979. Comments To record Treatment of trees in the garden No

Trees, like any other living creature, are subject to various kinds of infectious diseases and other people. They may arise for various reasons, but most importantly, they negatively affect not only the state of the culture itself, but also on its ability to be fruit. If it is properly and timely not to carry out prevention, treatment of one or another disease, it may eventually lead to the loss of the whole harvest, as well as to the inevitable death of the culture itself. Therefore, each gardener must fully possess information about the likely diseases of trees in the garden, as well as basic measures to prevent and eliminate them.

Prevention of diseases of trees in the garden

It is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. Therefore, the most effective means in the fight against any diseases of fruit crops is their prevention. Before it starts it is important to figure out why trees are sick. Several reasons can be allocated at once:

  • various mechanical damage to the tree bark (brooms, chips, defects, etc.), which arise due to the influence of natural phenomena (strong winds, frost, precipitation), animals or humans;
  • parasite infection;
  • lack or abrasiveness of moisture;
  • wrong care, for example, using too much organic fertilizers.

Prevention of diseases of fruit trees should be concluded, first of all, in such events:

  • active wrestling of weeds;
  • regular trimming of trees, removing damaged and dry branches, leaves and fruits;


  • processing by antiseptic means of pruning places;
  • buying seedlings only in proven nurseries;
  • spring cookels of tree trunks;
  • treatment of trees in early spring with special compositions, for example, copper vigorous or burglar liquid;
  • lucm soil around the trunk.

If, in addition to the prevention, the tree is still ill, it is necessary to immediately begin to treat it.

Non-infectious diseases

Non-infectious diseases include various damage and cracks in the crust of trees, spins and broken branches, so-called frostsobyins and burns, as well as hollows formed as a result of improper treatment of wounds. Any trees like young and adults may suffer from such problems.

  • In order to eliminate them, it is necessary to clean the wound cleaning, to treat it with a disinfectant or a special antiseptic, for example, copper or iron vigor.
  • After that, nigrol garden or oil paint is applied.


  • Special attention should be paid to the dupels in which water constantly accumulates due to precipitation. If they do not care about them, then sooner or later the tree may die.
  • Therefore, it is recommended to remove chopper from the cavity with rotting wood, using the chisel or knife.


  • Then its surface is treated with an antiseptic, and when it dries, apply the paint or sealant.
  • The final stage is the filling of heap with sawdust or perlit. It is also suitable for a mixture of cement with clay.
  • Thus, create a peculiar seal, which, after drying, is painted with oil paint or olifa.


  • Another way to protect the hollow from precipitation is to build a protective visor over it, which will prevent the accumulation of moisture inside and ensure good ventilation.

Infectious diseases of trees

Any infectious diseases of fruit crops arise as a result of their defeat of harmful microorganisms (wood-solving mushrooms, bacteria, etc.). The most common diseases of the trees are a passage, fruit rot, black cancer, root cancer, chlorosis, powdered dew, leaf curlyness, bacterial rod, cockelosis, cytospose and some others.


The most common disease that manifests itself in the form of brown spots on young leaves, fruits with black dots and bubbles, swollen on shoots and tree bark. Most often an apple tree suffer from such a disease. To combat it, it is very important to collect all the leaves that fallen in the fall and burn.



The disease is subject to mainly apple and pear. The main symptoms are the appearance of brown spots on the fruits, their blackening and mummification.

Bright spotty or philostose leaf

Signs of this disease are small spots with disputes on the leaves. To overcome such a problem, you need to collect all infected leaves and destroy.

Black cancer

A fungal disease, which is more susceptible to old weakened trees. It affects the leaves, the fruits of the bark, the branches are manifested in the form of black spots and rot. Very often, such an infection is confused with other diseases. If her signs were noticed, then the tree is no longer possible to help.


Root cancer

Another dangerous and incurable infection that affects all the tree. This disease occurs on poor or slightly alkaline soil. Sour soil can stop the development of the disease.


The disease that occurs as a result of the absence of iron in the soil or the presence of excess lime. Also another reason is a high groundwater running and sharp temperature differences.

Puffy dew

This infection is manifested in the form of a white plaque on the leaves, inflorescences and shoots of a tree. At first, its manifestations can be achieved complete recovery. To do this, it is necessary to carefully remove the flare and carry out the antiseptic processing of the affected areas.

PowDery Mildew Fungi On Pumpkin Leaves
The tree infected with mushrooms is almost impossible to cure, so it is necessary to prevent such diseases in advance. If nevertheless, mushrooms or pitched leaves were seen on the tree, the branches should be removed immediately and destroy them immediately, and then make an injection or moisten the soil around the tree with a solution of systemic fungicide.

Bark Injection


More detailed about the treatment of trees in the garden can be found in the video:

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