House of Sandwich Panels: Building Technology

November 16. Construction Views 1398. 1 comment To record House from Sandwich Panels: Building Technology

In modern conditions, construction materials are increasingly found, which for several years have not been practically applied. This suggests that progress does not stand still, corporations all the time work on the search for the most optimal construction resources that will correspond to a number of requirements. Sandwich panels are exactly the modern construction resource, which in recent years has become applied in almost all new buildings.

It should be borne in mind that today there are practically no worthy competitors at the sandwich panels. This is a safe material, practical, inexpensive, as well as reliable. However, the most attractive advantage of the sandwich panels is versatility. This material can also be used in the construction of a large production price, and when the private house is erected. Accordingly, there are no restrictions. Moreover, the material looks modern, so it will have to taste most of the owners.

In this article, we will analyze the use of sandwich panels during the construction of a private house. Looking a little in advance, it should be noted that the material presented is worthy of only positive feedback.


Features of the sandwich panels

To begin with, it is worth considering the structure of the sandwich panels. From the title it becomes clear that this product has several layers. Most often these are the three components: two sheets of hard material (it can be metal or PVC), and the insulation in the middle. The design is quite simple, but it is necessary to create a dense and durable connection between metal panels and the insulation is often very difficult. In this case, the sandwich panels will be indispensable.

It also also that there is a lot of variations of sandwich panels. We are talking about a large selection of insulation materials, as well as basic facial surfaces. Due to this, it is possible to choose exactly the material that is most suitable under the conditions presented. Moreover, you can combine several types of material, which allows you to significantly transform the room. The fact that the sandwich panels already have insulation means that the building process will pass incredibly quickly, and this is especially important in the construction of industrial facilities.

Next, consider the main positive sides of the sandwich panels in more detail. It must be said that there is a lot of benefits of this product.

Positive sides of sandwich panels:

  • Low cost. As already mentioned, everyone will be able to buy a sandwich panels, especially if the scale of construction is small, then the material will not be easily needed. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the sandwich panels are often cheaper than separately purchased PVC panels (or metal) and insulation. Accordingly, under such conditions, the choice is obvious.
  • The shortest time of work. Often, during construction, the layer of heat-insulating material is selected separately, and the lamp is created in advance, and after a number of events, plastic or metal panels are styled. This process takes a lot of time. And the installation of sandwich panels is both the arrangement of the insulation, and the installation of the outer panels. Builders with such a situation can save a huge amount of time, and it should be considered. Such conditions significantly simplify the construction process and for beginners, which may never be engaged in such things.
  • High quality material. Verified manufacturers supply a sandwich panel in the form of sufficiently dense and reliable units of the material, which is incredibly difficult to disclose each other. This also speaks that in the construction process it will be very difficult to allow at least the slightest error, since the insulation will not be deformed, and the metal (or plastic) panels will simply be afraid.
  • Safety and environmental friendliness. The sandwich panels are often manufactured on the basis of completely safe materials, which, moreover, do not release toxic substances during burning. However, it is necessary to further consult about this, since manufacturers can apply various resources when producing this product.
  • Strength panels. We have already said that the sandwich panels differ in high quality, but the strength is a slightly different side of the question. The thing is that the material goes along with a hard insulation, so it will be very difficult to damage the panel. Moreover, some manufacturers ensure that the panels will be in excellent condition even in the case of dangerous natural phenomena, including a hurricane.

As for the weaknesses of the material, many noted that the sandwich panels have not the longest life. In this regard, the material is significantly lagging behind the brick or concrete slabs. The manufacturers themselves note that without any problems, the sandwich panel can be operated for 30 years. For many this period, it is enough, and then you can re-edit, but already new products.

Separately, I would like to note that some sandwich panels are distinguished by low ecology. The fact is that individual insulation are in their composition resin and other additives that can negatively affect human health. It should be understood that the material can be isolated from the indoor room, so the problem of environmentally friendly is not always in the first place.

Well, the last serious disadvantage, which one should definitely say again refers to safety. Again, some types of sandwich panels are easily burning. As already mentioned, such unpleasant things should be additionally consulting with the manufacturer. Surely, many have heard stories about how multi-storey houses covered with sandwich panels light up, and stop the fire is incredibly difficult.


Sandwich panels

  • OSP-based sandwich panels. Such panels have two outer wood chips. It is worth noting that this is a great option for those housing that the owners plan to further sow. The thickness of the chip is quite modest - up to a few millimeters. Despite the fact that the data of the panels are made on the basis of wood, the material is distinguished by good moisture resistance, therefore in some cases it can be used as the main external plating.
  • Panel based on polystyrene foam. The main advantage of such products is excellent thermal insulation, as the polystyrene foam is 98% consists of carbon dioxide. However, on the thermal insulation, the positive aspects of the material and end. The material is easy to burn. Moreover, the mice will often be seized in such products. Often people acquire this material because of its low cost.
  • Sandwich panel based on mineral wool. This option of panels is the safest and practical. Features well, if such material "shields" have such a material. It is good that mineral wool-based sandwich-panels are not combustible, they are also completely safe for human health. Unfortunately, such products are not used very often, since mineral wool has too much weight, which complicates construction work. Specialists say that the mineral wool panels are up to 2 times more expensive than production based on polystyrene foam.

If the sandwich panel is necessary for the construction of non-residential premises (garage, workshop), then polystyrene is completely coming as insulation. However, if we are talking about a full-fledged residential building, it is best to give preference to mineral wool. As for the external layers of products, the choice is not fundamental. And wood chips, and metal - excellent options for finishing the structure.


Creating a house from sandwich panels

To begin with, it is worth keeping in mind that the construction of the house from the Sengwick panels is a responsible process. The thing is that it is pre-strengthened to strengthen the foundation, as well as create a durable overlap.

  • The design of the walls starts with the laying of the guide board. The dimensions of the board depend solely on which sizes have a sandwich panel. It is worth watching the horizontal installation of the board. To do this, use the construction level. The installation of sandwich panels begins with an angle.
  • The installation of the first angular panels is the most responsible process, since it is precisely from it that the quality of all activities related to the arrangement of the sandwich panels depends.
  • The guide board must have special grooves that allow you to highlight the panel. After installing the corner panels, it is necessary to immediately fasten them to the guide board with screws. The step between the fasteners should be about 150 mm.
  • Between itself, the sandwich panel can also be fastened using self-tapping screws. In this case, you need to follow the lack of even the slightest gaps. In height, the step between the fasteners should be within 400-500 mm.
  • In the same way, all other panels are mounted. It should be borne in mind that everything must be done gradually. Each panel when installing must be treated horizontally, and any flaws immediately correct, as it will later make some changes will be very difficult. Between the guide boards and panels, the free space can be filled with the installation foam, and between the units of the material in this article, the timber or the board can be placed, after which the fastening with self-draws occurs. Such simple tips will allow you to confident that the construction will be reliable.

After all these events, you can safely begin the construction of the rest of the house. It is also a huge advantage of the structure created on the basis of sandwich panels, in front of the concrete structure, which is often the weeks should gain the necessary strength.

It is also interesting that after installing the panels, you can easily cut window openings. Of course, builders recommend to do it before construction, but there should be no problems with this. But it is necessary to develop a detailed plan in advance on which such events will be held. It is best to attract specialists to cutting out windows and doors, as it is very easy to make a mistake, but it will not be possible to correct it.


Sandwich panel roof

On the basis of the SENVID-PANE-PANELES, the roof is created in the event that arrangement of the attic. For a cold roof, it is absolutely no need to use insulation, as this will not give any effect.

Often the roof is completely performed from the sandwich panels. In this case, the installation occurs from the edges of the surface and continues throughout the area. At the same time, special attention is paid to panels. They should not have any holes or even the slightest gnesks between the elements, since precipitation can easily destroy the entire design.

Most often, the sandwich panels are stacked on rafters. Moreover, the mount here is happening again on the basis of self-tapping screws. This is a gradual process in which rafters are erected in parallel with the installation of panels.

This process is characterized by simplicity for the reason that there is no need to equip some additional layers. The panels have a high-quality surface that performs the role of roofing material, as well as additional insulation, which is densely between the layers of the metal. At the same time, wood panels are often used, but in this case, without creating a full-fledged roof, it is not necessary.

Many people make a choice in favor of sandwich panels to create a roof for the reason that the windows can be equipped based on such a surface. They are cut in the same way as in the case of walls, but with such a situation, you should think about the additional isolation of the window opening, since the water can get inside, and then the entire structure is under threat.

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One answer to the house from the sandwich panels: construction technology

  1. Anton:

    We decided to reconstruct the facade of the house outside the city. The sandwich panels were chosen as a facing material. Ordered them here Since I read a lot of positive feedback about the company "Steel-Pro". In general, everyone was satisfied with everything: the quality of the panels at the height, the price of products is average on the market, delivery is fast. Recommend

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