How to restore old wooden doors

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Over time, any housing items are aging if not externally, it's just morally. As for the wooden interior doors, they may not look as best in a couple of years after they are installed. Wood is easily damaged, and in itself the condition of the tree does not become the best.

However, there are various techniques and recommendations that allow you to restore the door, set the restoration. If you do everything correctly, you can make an attractive externally virtually any door, even the most damaged. The exceptions are cases when the door is just broken, and it is impossible to restore something.

You need to be prepared for the fact that the recovery process may be difficult, since after the surface of the surface you need to apply paint or varnish, mount accessories, as well as carry out many other works.


How to restore Old Wooden Doors - Common Problems

It is worth understanding that interior doors can have quite a lot of problems, so it is advisable to establish them to start the restoration in the right direction.

  • Often we are talking about mechanical damage. Some kind of blow, strong slapping of the door - all this leads to not the best condition of the surface. Cracks can appear, dents, etc.
  • Moisture and temperature drops are also a common problem. In this case, the overall state of wood deteriorates sharply. The warning process begins, you can also detect various cracks, they can be small, but all over the area of \u200b\u200bthe door. In this case, even if you use special linings on top of the door, then after a short period of time, they will simply disappear. Accordingly, there is an urgent need for more radical measures.
  • The doors that were issued on the basis of the Fiber Plat can be given to all the above factors. Also frustles the fact that no coarse processing can be applied, since the material can quickly come into disrepair.

How to restore old wooden doors. Preparatory work

Before restoring the door, it is necessary to prepare.

  • First of all, you need to remove the door with the loops so that you can explore the cloth and roughly estimate the volume of work. It is interesting that it is impossible to say exactly how much strength and money will have to spend, but the approximate estimate is still possible.
  • The door is placed on a smooth clean surface on which it would be easy to restore.
  • The ideal option is to hold all the necessary work right in the workshop. It is convenient for at least a large list of tools is always present at hand.

It is worth noting that the repair is often limited to applying a varnish to the surface. In this case, you do not need to remove the door from the loops at all.

Overhead panels, which are also often damaged, can be removed without additional devices, so it may also be unnecessary to remove the doors.

If the restoration of the door implies surface processing work, then most likely will not be superfluous to protect the breath. In addition, they will not be superfluous and glasses, since small pieces of wood can get into the eyes.


How to restore old wooden doors. Removal of cracks and chip

It is the chips and cracks that are the main problem for most interior doors. The process of their restoration often consists of the following steps:

  • With the help of shallow emery paper, it occurs, as well as cleaning from dust after such a processing.
  • You need to purchase a putty, which is specially suitable for wood. On its basis, the magazine is masked by all those present.
  • As for the chips, it is probably the best option will be gluing the missing fragment. If it is not, you will have to fill out the emptiness with a putty. Small gaps are often filled with sealants or special glue.
  • After used to fill the chipping and cracks, the tool froze, you can proceed to the additional processing of these places. The sandpaper should also be shallow, but not like in the first step.
  • It also happens that the door has various curly elements. It is too difficult to engage in their recovery, so the best solution will replace these elements. It can take away a lot of time and effort if the manufacture is performed personally.

As for cracks and chips present on the doors from the fiberboard, then in this case you need to carefully shock all flaws with a putty on the tree. After that, it follows the grout, but only the smallest sandpaper, otherwise it can be very easy to damage the surface. All work is carried out manually, as the process is quite thin.

How to restore old wooden doors. Painting Doors

Often to restore the old doors only to paint them. However, everything is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. We are talking about some initial actions.

  • To begin with, the door surface must be cleaned so that there is no dust, dirt, as well as elements that are about to disappear or simply collapse.
  • Immediately after cleaning, it is necessary to produce primer on wood (deep penetration). Also on sale you can find special impregnations that will slightly improve the characteristics of the material.
  • You can also apply a veil on the surface. This is a composition that is capable of protecting wood from insects, as well as many factors associated with moisture and temperature drops. You can no longer do anything, since the composition retains an attractive externally structure of wood.
  • Paint is the best option, since even the most unattractive parts of the wood can be hidden behind its layer. To restore the door you need to use paint with special properties. For example, there will be a good version of water-repellent products. This kind of paint can be glossy, and matte, and satin.

For specialists, straight-color products is the ideal tool to create outwardly attractive doors. You can mix varnishes and paints to get the original texture, color and much more.


Door Removal

It often happens that the paint layer on the contrary, is superfluous, and he may probably hide many advantages of wood. In this case, it is necessary to remove the paint.

  • Often, flat doors are processed using a grinding machine. A small effort is applied to the old layer of paint has been removed. Practice shows that this is not the easiest process, since the door can be large, and on one site will have to carry out long processing. In addition, the use of grinding machine is always dusty. Using the respirator and safety glasses can be slightly reduced negative effect.
  • It is possible to remove the paint using chemicals. To date, there are many chemicals on sale that allow you to quickly and efficiently conduct a process. For example, the B52 means is a product that first is wetting the surface, for some time the reaction occurs, after which the paint layer is easily removed using a spatula. Fortunately, all these actions do not affect the wood. It should be understood that various solvents and other means negatively affect human health, so you need to be confident in full protection. Moreover, chemicals are not always able to compete with the mechanical processing of the surface. For example, if there are several old layers of paint, it will not be easy to remove them. Most often no positive effect will bring such treatment.
  • Also, many owners use their own products to remove paint. For this, caustic soda, water and oat flour are mixed. This substance is applied to the surface, and after about 40 minutes, paint is removed using a spatula.
  • The next way to remove paint is quite specific for those who have not previously encountered similar works. We are talking about a gas burner, the flame is made to the paint layer. We can say that this is a kind of, jewelry, as you need to try not to damage the wood. During this kind of work, a specific smell of Gary may appear. This suggests that you need to stop, otherwise the burned wood is not amenable to recovery.
  • A good way to remove the old paint is the use of a drill with a special brush nozzle. The effectiveness of this process does not cause any questions, but together with the paint you can remove the wood layer, which can create considerable problems. It is advisable to use several nozzles that will get the optimal result of the work.

How to restore old wooden doors, if the glass is damaged

Most often, interior doors have glass, representing peculiar decorative elements. They also perform a function associated with transmitting light into the inner rooms.

If the glass has cracks or other flaws, it is advisable to simply replace it, since the recovery will take a lot of time and forces that can be spent on a more useful case.

Together with the replacement of the glass, it is possible to work on the design. For example, you can use matte glass with one or another color.

  • First you need to withdraw the glass, and in this case you will have to remove the strokes. These are the elements that hold the glass. Most often, they are nailed, so they are easily removed by pliers.
  • You need to use a knife or a chisel to remove the contaminants present in the glass bed.
  • Glass, prepared for the door, must be thoroughly washed. Drying is happening by rag. If curious cutting is needed, then we are talking about the creation patterns from the cardboard.
  • The installation of glass occurs in gloves, as even the most smooth outward edges can seriously damage hands.
  • The strokes are desirable to cut down new, since the old will definitely have flaws associated with the extraction of nails.
  • The glass is fixed in the opening, after which the strokes are nailed with small nails.

Many problems may appear if the door has a hidden fixation. With this situation, you will have to fully remove the door and spread the bolts. Such a specific design has significant disadvantages associated with possible loss of tightness after the glass replacement.


How to restore old wooden doors. General Strengthening Door

It happens that such that the doors are already more than a couple of dozen years, and she tribal fumbled. However, this does not mean that the door must be dismantled. Sometimes it is enough to build the door as well as the boxes. All this is done strictly to cosmetic events.

  • During the long years of operation, the door can be slightly deformed. This may be due to temperature drops or due to negligent use. Get rid of deformations will be possible only by removing the excess layer of wood with the plane. With the help of a joinery metal corner, you need to be treated so that everything corresponds to the initial geometry.
  • It also often happens that the door shook a little. This is a common phenomenon for old doors. The main problem is that a clearance is formed between the door and the box. It does not allow you to cover the door tightly. To solve the problem, you need to use plywood or thin board. Wood carved and attached to the door end. Accordingly, if the dimensions are correctly fitted, the problem must be solved. The main difficulty is that it is not so easy to find a fane or wood, whose thickness would be perfect for the gap. In extreme cases, a file can be useful, with which you can make an adjustment.
  • If the door, in general, is a bit harp, or just the wood is already outdated, you can use metal corners. They can be placed all over the perimeter of the canvas. These elements are decorative, but it is worth understanding that they must correspond to the fittings, so ultimately the repair will be quite large-scale work.
  • It also happens that for some reason, the damaged elements of the canvas are separate parts. That is, they are attached or based on glue, or with the help of nails or other fasteners. In this case, it will be necessary to simply remove these elements, and fasten new ones. Perhaps you will have to order similar elements in a particular organization, but this will significantly improve the appearance of the doors. Approximately the same situation with accessories. Over time, its condition deteriorates, but nothing prevents it from replacing it. In the end, it is necessary to do everything so that the elements used to create a certain style between themselves, otherwise there is no particular sense in these events. In construction stores selling whole sets of fittings, and they will definitely be useful.
  • At the edges of the canvas, the top layer can be squeezed slightly, which is quite thin. Practice shows that to strengthen the doors it is enough to use PVA glue. It will also be necessary to fix this part of the web to make a dense bond.


How to restore old wooden doors. Laminating doors

For the most positive effect of restoration of the door, it is advisable to produce lamination of the canvas. It is about pasting the surface of the door with a special film or veneer.

  • Specialists advise you to ignore cheap products of this profile. For example, an inexpensive PVC film quickly will lose its initial properties and becomes the main cause of the unattractiveness of the appearance of the doors.
  • The best solution will be the purchase of a special "self-adhesive" film D-C-Fix. Numerous customer reviews indicate that such a surface will serve as faithfully for ten years.
  • The film is produced in the form of rolls, the width of which can vary from 45 to 67 cm. As for the cost, then this is sufficiently inexpensive products that all owners can afford.
  • Based on the film, you can create various decisions related to the decor. We are talking about a film that imitates wood, stone or other materials. We must not forget that the color of the canvas must correspond to the fitness.
  • Film sticking occurs carefully. The process is similar to the sticking of any other surfaces. The deposit of material definitely various bubbles are detected, which are removed by punctures using a needle. Responsibly should be smoothing the film, since under the light of flaws can be clearly visible.
  • Door lamination can be carried out on the basis of a veneer. To do this, use an iron or another device that would heat the material and fixed it on the canvas. The key is supplied in the form of small canvases that need to merge and get a beautiful surface. The main advantage of the veneer is that after all the works, the door can look truly attractive - as a new one.

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