How to make a swing in the country

April 15. Useful advice, Plot. Views 2524. Comments to record how to make a swing in the country No

Swing at the cottage is not only a place for children's entertainment and fun, but also a great way to rest after working in the air. It has been proven that the effect produced on the human body with swings contributes to pacification, reduced stress and rapid rest. So why not get such a useful adaptation at home? In this article we will tell how to choose and build a swing at the cottage.

Types of swing

If you think that all the same swings are the same and differ only with sizes and materials, you are very mistaken. There are many different designs, among which you can choose the optimal option for your needs.

Distinguish the following types of swing:

  1. Stationary - based on the design is durable beams or frames. They are installed on a cement foundation or bought into the ground so that the arch of the swing is fixed in place. Side racks can be of different shapes, but the most popular - in the form of the letter "A". Usually, such a swing is made quite long and wide so that 2-4 people can be fit at once. The optimal option is to install a bench with a back as a seat.
  2. Portable - there are a frame or suspended type. They are quite stable, but in contrast to the previous type of swing, they can be transferred to a more comfortable place or hide in bad weather. Portable swings are not intended for active riding and more suitable for relaxed recreation.
  3. Suspended - in most cases there are a simple seat (with a back or without a s) suspended on ropes or chains. Make such a swing in the country with their own hands easier than simple, since any fir-handed materials are suitable: old tires, pallets, boards, etc.
    The video shows how easy it is possible to make comfortable and original pendant swings:

Choosing materials

Garden swings can be made literally from anything: wood, plastic, metal, cloth, etc. But each material has its own performance characteristics to be considered when planning the design of the swing. If you want to build stationary swings, the fabric is better not to use, because it will be constantly subjected to atmospheric phenomena (the scorching sun, rain, night frost) and very quickly come into disrepair.

Cast-iron forged parts will serve for a single decade and do not lose the initial appearance at all, but they will have to pay for such pleasure. The optimal option is wooden swing from boards or bars. They require minimal care, periodic minor repairs and can serve faithfully for many years.

For children, plastic or rubber structures are suitable, covered with removable covers that can be changed and erased as contaminated. If you still want to use the fabric, say, make a swing-hammock, then make the design to be removable. So you can remove it into the house during the rain and extend the deadlines. Use cloth for sewing covers, capet or pillows for swing.

The optimal combination is a metal tree - such a design will endure even the most severe wintering. Wooden swings for the winter should be covered with a film to prevent direct contact with foliage and snow. Otherwise, rotting can begin, and even the most nice varnish will not help save wood.

How to make stationary wooden swing

Below will be set out the detailed master class on how with your own hands make spacious swings for 3-4 people. This option is suitable for relaxing near the decorative pond, swimming pool or in the shady fruit garden.

What instruments and materials will be needed to build a swing at the cottage:

  • saw;
  • plane;
  • lobzik;
  • screwdriver;
  • grinding machine;
  • pine boards and bars;
  • carbines;
  • fasteners (selflessness);
  • welded thick chain;
  • weather-resistant transparent varnish (yacht).

The length of fasteners and the size of the carbines should be selected in accordance with the parameters of the used boards and bars. Consider that in addition to our own weight, the swing should withstand the average weight of 5-7 people, even if it is designed for a smaller number of people.


  1. First you need to make a drawing of a dacha swing, where exactly present the future design and calculate the required amount of materials and fasteners.
  2. All the boards and bars to handle the placled and polish, so as not to drive themselves the offering during work. The corners of the boards are best drowning and make more smooth - it will give the design more stylish look and reduce the risk of injury.
  3. At first, it is necessary to collect the seat-bench, making three angular parts on the frame and placing them at the same distance from each other.
  4. Then the backrest is attached to the angular details and transverse seats are fixed. Armrests are attached from the corners.
  5. On the vertical details of the frame cutting the grooves at an angle.
  6. Connect the racks in the form of a large letter "A", having another bar between them to enhance the stiffness of the structure.
  7. After assembling the swing to handle all the parts impregnated for wood (versa), wait for drying and coat with transparent varnish.
  8. After that, on the sides of the seat-shop to attach screws with fasteners for carbines.
  9. From above, you can install a transverse bar with a frame for pulling the awning.
  10. On the back side of the upper crossbar to attach corners with the "ears" for chains.
  11. Next, it is necessary to preplify the swing on a concrete basis or bury the rack into the ground to the depth of at least 30 cm. It remains only to pull the awning and experience new swings in practice!

Important moment: If you make stationary children's swings on this scenario, the seat is best fixed from the support beams at a distance of at least 30-40 cm so that the child will not accidentally cover the child during riding.

Pallet pendant swings

Pallets can be useful not only during the transportation of goods and goods, but also in the household. It turns out magnificent swings, and if you attach a droplet of creativity, you can get the original and stylish decoration of the summer cottage. Here we will describe how to make a swing at the cottage from building pallets and offer some very interesting solutions.

To create the simplest suspension design, you will need a pallet and a thick strong rope (you can rope, steel cable or chain). You can hang the swing on the thick branch of the tree. If such a branch is not observed on the site, you will have to make a reference rack, as in the case of stationary swings.


And if you have no one, but two or more Palet, you can make a truly "royal" swing, equipping them with a back, armrests and putting up soft pads ...

In any case, the pallets must be stabbed, covered with a mourn and transparent weatherproof varnish. If there are children in the family, you will lead them to work and endure the boards with acrylic paints (then cover with varnish).



How to fix the swing to the support

There are several proven and reliable ways to attach a swing (bedrooms, shops, etc.) to the bars of support. By choosing any of the following ways, you can make stable and safe adults or children's swings for giving.

Methods for fastening the swing:

  1. Brous grabs with carbine - in building stores you can find special fasteners focused on rolling bars with a round coverage of carabin or on the bars of rectangular cross-section with square coverage.
  2. Through - drilling timber and carbine tool. This requires special long anchor fasteners for through mounting. One of the most common and reliable options for fixing.
  3. Method 4 points - chains or ropes are attached to the 4-point seats. In the case of a bench, it is 2 points on the sides of the seat and 2 - on the back.
  4. The original solution will make a cross-cutting rope mounting to the transverse beam. This method is not only simple and reliable, but also gives the design of some decorativeness.
  5. Rake holders - the seat fastening occurs not with the help of a cable or chain, but through durable wooden plates. They, in turn, can sit on the pin, which will turn as the swing, or overlap on the transverse sliding metal frame.

Unusual Garden Swing: Photo

Finally, we suggest you see the photo of the dacha swing, which, perhaps, will inspire you to create an original design.

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In order to build comfortable and beautiful swings, it is not necessary to spend the fabulous amounts. You can use the most unexpected programs. We have already described the option with pallets, but another original feed - swing from old doors:


In the attic, the old unsuitable skate or snowboard was poured? Inhale the second life in it and make an unusual swing:


Probably the easiest and cheapest option - swing from the old tire:


Do not hurry to throw away the old chair - it will work out very comfortable pendant swings:


Very cute and unusual children's swings for cottages (from old wheels you can make a deer, horses and even a dragon!):

nS uzz

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