Insulation of the attic overlap with their own hands

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In recent years, issues related to insulation and the heating of premises are acute. It's all about the high cost of energy carriers who are often selecting most of the income of people. Fortunately, many modern solutions allow sufficient resource savings, and sometimes to increase savings at all.

Surely the most important thing today is the insulation of various surfaces, which allows not only to maintain more heat in space, but also to banally save on energy resources. At first glance, it may seem that this question is quite complex, but in fact there are a large number of options related to the creation of high-quality and inexpensive heating.

This article will discuss the insulation of the attic overlap. This process is difficult to call difficult, so a person without experience will be able to conduct a full amount of work.


Attic and heating

Often it turns out that the attic of the house is not the best. We are talking about low temperatures that make practically impossible to find people in this space. If the attic is used as a small warehouse, there should be no special problems. A completely different situation, if it is a residential space.

  • It is necessary to take into account that when heating the attic you can spend a huge amount of energy resources, while not even a small effect. First of all, it is associated with winds and simply low temperatures operating outside.
  • High-quality insulation will allow even the very minimum of warm air inside the attic. In addition, if we are talking about the use of resources of your own boiler room, then there will be unprecedented savings.
  • The insulation of the attic overlap is advisable even during the construction of the structure. However, there are different situations, and often the question associated with insulation, simply no one pays attention.


Features of insulation of the attic overlap

  • It is important to pay attention to the standards associated with the insulation of the attic. Builders are often focused on standard SNIP II-3-79. With this official document, you can easily achieve optimal insulation for any structure.
  • But do not forget that new materials are constantly on the world, the effectiveness of which can differ significantly from classical solutions.
  • Experts who are taken to equip insulation are fairly large calculations associated with the specifics of the materials, the characteristics of the space. An average annual temperature is also played here.
  • But if we are talking about a small summer house, it's not worth considering too seriously to calculate the calculations and other aspects of the process. The most important is the choice of effective insulating material.

Using mineral wool for insulation of the attic overlap

Mineral wool is one of the most used materials for thermal insulation. The chaotic of mineral wool fibers provides a delay in warm air flows. This material is although not the most modern, but it provides good efficiency.

The main advantages of mineral wool:

  • Durability. Often the mineral wool for 15-20 years does not lose its initial efficiency. However, this value may vary depending on the place of use and material brand.
  • Security. Unlike many modern analogues, the mineral wool is not bold. Thus, the material can be used in almost any spheres, as a person does not face anything.
  • Density of material. Mineral wool has a dense structure, therefore efficiency here at a high level. This material is used in a wide variety of conditions starting by residential high-rise buildings, and ending with production shops and other structures.
  • Easy use. No serious preparation for mounting mineral wool is not needed, so people without experience can be insulated on the basis of this material. Despite this, a little familiarization with technology will not be superfluous.

An important disadvantage of mineral wool is moisture absorption. Therefore, it is worth understanding that without additional protection against water, this insulation will quickly come into disrepair, or simply will not give any positive effect. Also, mineral wool often occupies a lot of free space, so even for transporting such a cargo will have to make a lot of effort. Of course, without specialized transport it will not be possible to do.


Mineral Wool insulation technology

Warming can be either horizontal or vertical, or at some inclination. Mineral wool will not lose anything from this, so the technology from these factors will not change.

  1. At the very beginning, laying a vapor barrier film. It allows you to withdraw a pair that goes up from the dwelling. The film is sold in construction stores and has a special labeling with the instruction, so when laying problems should not occur. In the event that insulation occurs around the wooden beams, these elements should also be covered with a film, otherwise, with the time of the beam, it will simply begin to rot.
  2. The next stage is directly in the laying of mineral wool. With the help of a building knife (if necessary), the source material is adjusted for the necessary dimensions. The most important rule is the absence of any gaps between the two sheets or between the beam and sheet. Even the smallest gap significantly reduces insulation efficiency.
  3. Ultimately, it is necessary to equip waterproofing, but only if the lines of the attic is not initially protected by the waterproofing film.


Possible mistakes

  • It is advisable to pay attention to the thickness of the mineral wool sheet. In the event that the space is large, then thin sheets will not demonstrate any effect. And on the contrary, if the room is small, then there is simply no meaning in thick sheets of mineral wool.
  • The width of the mineral wool sheet should also correspond to the dimensions of the surface. If the material is laid between the lag, then not only the gaps may be. We are talking about laying the material "Vangest", which also creates a lot of problems. The main task is to adjust the size of the material under the surface that is insulated.
  • Condition of the material. The manufacturer may disrupt the technology of producing mineral wool. Not to become a victim of such trouble is not so easy. When buying should be unpacked one of the units of goods, to carry out a visual inspection, and simply "swell" cotton wool. The poor quality or defective goods will immediately give himself felt.

Other recommendations

  • Together with mineral wool, you can use foil, which is stacked after the film. Such a solution will allow a little reduced heat loss, this is especially true if each penny, spent on energy resources matters.
  • In the event that it is decided to lay mineral wool in 2 layers, there is a possibility of obtaining not the most positive effect, since the gaps between the sheets will make their own "black" matter. If you put the material in a checker order, then no problems will be, and the effectiveness of insulation will significantly increase.
  • Make insulation on the same level with various constructive elements that appear - not the most reasonable solution. It is necessary to lift the material about 400 mm above this area so that nothing bothered to obtain the most positive effect of insulation.

Insulation of the attic overlap overlap

Polyfoam is one of the most sought-after materials for insulation of both outdoor and internal. The material has virtues and disadvantages.

Positive aspects of foam

  • Waterproof. Unlike mineral wool, the foam does not present any surprises associated with water exposure. Even with direct effect, the material will remain in the initial state.
  • Price. Against the background of the remaining insulating materials, the foam looks quite attractive, as it is a cheap resource. Even if we are talking about a limited budget, to equip good thermal insulation based on foam on the basis of the same way.
  • Mounting. As in the case of mineral wool, mount foam simply.
  • Variety of products. Now on sale you can find a large number of types of foam and expanded polystyrene foam. It can only be noted that all this products have various features that will be useful in certain situations. Many people choose a foam based on its efficiency, but there are other parameters that have modern samples of this resource.


The main disadvantage is not the highest material efficiency. Of course, a good effect of the foam still demonstrates, but compared with many modern counterparts, the result is not so high. It can also be noted a flammability of the material, so it is insecable to use in the framework of many responsible buildings.

Features of the creation of thermal insulation coating

It is worth noting that the technology of laying foam is similar to using mineral wool, but it is worth remembering on some details.

  • Polyfoam is a dense material, often between sheets there are small gaps. Their presence means a significant reduction in isolation efficiency, so before the main works it is necessary to calculate all the sizes of the attic, where insulation is carried out, and analyze the dimensions of the insulation sheet.
  • As part of non-residential attics, the foam should be protected - covering the film. We are talking about the gradual destruction of the material if dampness, increased humidity and many other negative factors are present in the attic.
  • If the foam is used without additional coatings, then it can be easily damaged. It is necessary to take into account this factor during the operation of the attic room.

Insulation of the attic ceramzite

Recently, the ceramzite cannot be called a popular material, since its effectiveness is slightly lower than that of other heat-insulating materials, but this resource differs significantly from the rest of the insulation, which is very important.

Strengths of ceramzita

  • Natural material. Ceramzite is obtained by firing clay, so there are no synthetic components that are usually the main problem during operation.
  • Ecology. This advantage has a lot in common with the last item. It is important that this material can be used in any conditions, so it is not able to harm the health or life of a person.
  • Price. Ceramzite is easy to get, and it is inexpensive. Therefore, this resource will be a good solution if we have a small budget associated with the repair.
  • The weight. It should be borne in mind that the transportation of the ceramisit will not be any problems, as this light material. At the same time, we are not talking about sheets (in the form of which the remaining insulating materials are supplied).


However, an important disadvantage is that in too large amounts to deliver the material on the attic - not so easy. We will have to spend a lot of time before the ceramzite will be in place. In addition, many experts believe that clamzit is a morally obsolete thermal insulation material, but individual experts argue that there is still no decent analogue of the ceramis, since, as opposed to other resources, the ceramzite is bulk material.

Technology laying ceramzita

  1. At the very beginning, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the material. If the clamp is supplied in the form of plates, there may be cracks, chips and other damage. If we are talking about a small resource, you should only visually inspect the unit of material, and make some conclusions.
  2. Next, a doom is created, on the basis of which the draft floor will be imposed.
  3. On top of the plate there is a rash of a bulk material. The thickness of the layer should be about 300 mm, but not more. Immediately after rashes, moving along this surface can be without the slightest caution and restrictions.
  4. The last stage is to mount the rough floor. In addition, the surface can be simply pouring with sand-cement mortar, which will make the surface of the monolithic. Ultimately, we get insulation, which is almost impossible to damage.

Important peculiarities of the process

  • To ensure the high efficiency of the heat-insulating material, it is necessary to combine the granules of various sizes. In addition, this approach avoids problems associated with voids that are formed with the same granules.
  • A draft process can be carried out without restrictions. It should be borne in mind that the material is durable, so it can be moved, scatter and distribute on the surface by any convenient ways.

The rest of the nuances

  • If the clamzite is used on the basis of a wooden frame, then you need to be prepared for the fact that wood will begin to rot. Couples that rises when heating will gradually lead the framework into disrepair. Therefore, it makes sense to use the film, which, with proper installation, will protect the insulation and the entire building structure from moisture. In stores you can find many different types of films, each of which has special markings.
  • When using an additional foil insulation, you need to lay it with foil down. It will also protect wood from moisture.

Warming in the attic of sawdusts

Sawdust for insulation are used in rare cases, it should be paid to the fact that it is an inexpensive version, as well as practical if there is a warming of not the most important object in the country area or other private territory.

Strong sides of sawdust when insulation

  • Natural material. Obviously, wood has no components that can harm human health, and for insulating material it is very important. This can also include the absence of toxic impurities.
  • Availability. Purchase sawdust extremely easy. They are available in large volumes in almost every enterprise engaged in wood processing. Even in large volumes, the material will not be expensive for owners who want to insulate a dwelling or other structure.
  • The weight. Sawders have low weight, so they are easy to transport in any place. Of course, they occupy a considerable amount, so without special transport it will not work out.

The main disadvantage of sawdust lies in their flammability. Even the smallest source of fire can create enormous problems in which the entire structure will be at risk.


Wasteer laying technology for insulation

  1. At the very beginning, the initial material is prepared for insulation. To date, to create a full insulation, it will be necessary to mix sawdust with cement and water in a ratio of 10: 1: 1.
  2. The mixture that will work out and will be the basis for insulation. The sex of the attic is covered by this material, and after that the surface is aligned. Often the hosts believe that non-residential attics can be blinking with sawdust without any additional components. In fact, everything is not quite so. Even with the usual walking on the layers, gradually the material will be compressed and put into disrete to the concrete tie.
  3. You can build a wooden design with cells. Due to this solution, it will be possible to pour a solution with sawdust in each of the cells and ensure high thermal insulation efficiency. From above, cells can be covered with one or another material, after which there should be no problems related to operation.

Other features of the process

  • You should not ignore the information that sawdust must be mixed with the cement mixture. In this case, we get a complete unit of material that can be used without unnecessary warnings in any part of the dwelling. It is possible, a qualitatively compressed mass of sawdust and will demonstrate high efficiency in terms of thermal insulation, but in itself the condition of such a material cannot guarantee any longeons.
  • Compared with many other heat-insulating materials, the sawdust shows a much less impressive effect, so this resource cannot be used as a complete insulation of a large private house. However, many owners choose exactly sawdust due to their low cost and environmental friendliness.

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