Humidifier for home - choices

March 22. Useful advice Views 2391 Comments To record Air humidifier for home - choices No

Comfort inside the house is, first of all, in creating an ideal microclimate in it, not only the corresponding temperature regime, but also humidity. Our health depends largely with you, as the lack of moisture negatively affects the well-being of a person, the condition of his skin, immunite, etc. One of the easiest and most affordable methods for most populations to ensure the optimal level of humidity in any room is the use of various air humidifiers. What do such devices represent such devices? And most importantly, how to choose them correctly? - These are the main questions that are interested in many today.

The concept of an air humidifier and its main types

The humidifier for the home is the device, the main task of which is air saturation by moisture by spraying into the surrounding space of microscopic water droplets. Today, the domestic market offers customers a huge number of different moisturizers. For a person who first meets with a similar device, it can cause some confusion. Therefore, it is worth considering the main types of modern household humidifiers.


Depending on the principle of operation, humidifiers are: traditional, ultrasound and steam.

Traditional humidifiers

  • The principle of operation of such a device is the so-called "cold" evaporation when water from the tank falls on a special built-in evaporator grid inside the humidifier, where through the operation of the fan dissipates in the air.
  • When water in such an appliance is completely evaporated, it can work further as a regular fan.


  • Traditional humidifiers are available at almost every one, they will rather effectively cope with their main task in small areas.
  • At the same time, with the help of such a device it is impossible to control the level of humidifier, solely on the eye.
  • In addition, it is recommended to use only purified distilled water and regularly change the filter.


Steam humidifiers

  • Such air humidifiers, like traditional, have an affordable cost, so quite common.
  • Their principle of operation is based on evaporation of water as a result of its heating. Thus, water, evaporated, saturates the air moisture. When it is completely evaporated, the device automatically turns off, which guarantees absolute security in operation.
  • As a rule, steam humidifiers require manual control of humidifier, however, more modern models already have inside special embedded sensors, which help control automatic mode.


  • Among the advantages of such humidifiers is the possibility of using conventional water water, as well as the absence of the need to replace filters.
  • In addition, if desired, steam humidifiers can be used as an inhaler. However, they have one significant drawback - this is a high power consumption.
  • Also, do not forget about caution in operation, since with an inequimate circulation you can get a hot steam burn. This is especially true in families with young children or animals.


Ultrasound humidifiers

  • The principle of operation of such a humidifier is that due to the vibration of a special membrane inside it, the water molecules are pushed out, thereby moisturizing air.
  • Ultrasound devices are perhaps the safest.
  • They, in contrast to the steam, allocate pairs of temperature not higher than 40 degrees Celsius.
  • In addition, among the advantages can also be called silent operation, accurate control of air humidifier, compact dimensions and low energy need.


  • Some modern models of ultrasonic humidifiers have air ionization feature, as well as additionally equipped with remote controls.
  • At the same time, it is best to use distilled water to work. In this case, the formation of white condensate can be avoided, which settles on furniture and other surfaces in the house.


The main criteria for selecting air humidifiers for home


Today you can meet humidifiers for home that have different power. The choice depends specifically from the needs of a separate buyer.

  • For premises that need minor improvement of air quality, low-power devices are suitable, which are also less than energy.
  • But for the home with a very dry air it is better to choose more powerful models.



  • This is an important criterion that is necessary to take into account, especially those who have children in the house.
  • Based on it, specialists do not recommend choosing steam humidifiers, which, despite new developments, still have a high risk of receiving random burns.

Noise level

  • Air humidifiers are usually designed for 24-hour work, so when choosing such a device, it is important to take into account the noise of its work.
  • The best from this point of view is considered to be an ultrasonic humidifier.

Size and design

  • At first glance, such a criterion can be considered secondary, however, everything is important to take into account the size of this device and where you are going to place it.
  • In addition, the design of the humidifier also plays a role. It is desirable that he harmoniously combined with the interior of the room. For example, choosing a humidifier for the children's room, it is worth paying your attention to the models in the form of funny animals, cartoon heroes, etc.


Additional features

  • In addition to the main intelligence task, many manufacturers offer their customers with other additional features, such as humidifiers with flavoring function, indicator of water residue, as well as the possibility of inhalation, etc.
  • The cost of such devices can be somewhat higher than ordinary models, so it is necessary to proceed from the expediency of such a purchase.

Company manufacturer

Before making a final choice, it is still possible to ask the reputation of the brand, which released this humidifier.


Now the leader in the production of this category of goods is the Swiss company Plaston, which owns two famous Boneco and Air-O-Swiss brands.

  • They differ not only for good quality, but also classic design, reliability, durability, high efficiency.
  • Many Chinese manufacturers produce cheap copies of Boneco humidifiers.



  • The famous trademark that produces household appliances, including humidifiers.
  • As always, its products attracts modern design, excellent assembly quality, reliability, high functionality and of course efficiency.


Cooper & Hunter.

  • Chinese trademark, which produces air humidifiers for good quality home and at an affordable price.
  • They are also attracted by unusual design developments, as well as the functionality and efficiency of the tasks.



  • Domestic brand of household appliances, which has plants in China and Korea, where it produces modern air humidifiers for the house.
  • Products of this company features high quality, moderate cost, modern design, as well as a large list of additional features. Thus, some moisturizers models are able to cope with their main task, but also additionally equipped with coal, anti-allergy filters, have the possibility of air aromatization, etc.



  • Available at the price of a technician, which has a stylish design and good quality.
  • Air humidifiers for the house Vitek provide a sea of \u200b\u200bopportunities to buyers with a small energy consumed.
  • The company offers ultrasound models. Which are equipped with a nano-filter for water, air ionization function, have hydrostat, remote control, etc.


Swis Air.

  • Under this brand, modern ultrasound humidifiers are produced, which are highlighted by high quality, original design, efficiency in operation and greater functionality.
  • Most of the models are additionally equipped with a built-in hygrostat, the moisture intensity regulator, the low water level indicator, the instrument cleaning, etc.

Boneco E2441A.

More detailed about how to choose an air humidifier can be found in the video:

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