Garden tracks from plastic bottles do it yourself

March 6. Useful advice, Plot. Views 14449. Comments to record garden tracks from plastic bottles with their own hands No

Plastic bottles when they accumulate a lot, become a real natural disaster in the country to the end of the season. This is the case when and throwing a pity and to delete nowhere. And do not go anywhere. Let's let them in the case: make the original tracks in the garden. Costs are almost no, the material is thrown, and comfort and beauty in the garden or in the courtyard will add. How to make garden tracks with your own hands from plastic bottles, now will understand.


Types of bottle tracks

This is where to raise fantasies: the material is such that, if you spoil, it is not a pity, although it is impossible to spoil, it seems impossible. Tracks can be done:

  • straight from the whole bottles;
  • from cut bottoms;
  • from the covers even.


Work although simple, but the tool is needed:

  • scissors;
  • bucket;
  • shovel.

From materials:

  • first of all, plastic bottles;
  • sand;
  • boards for the simplest formwork.

Everything is, now we decide on which path we have enough material and patience. And choosing finally, prepare the place.

Getting done

By performing garden tracks from plastic bottles, you make a garden, divide it into cozy zones.

How to make a garden path using whole bottles

  • Along the length of the future path digging a small trench;
  • put a formwork;
  • we put a broken brick or other similar waste;
  • fall asleep the earth;
  • trambam;
  • we arrange a pillow of sand;
  • again trambum;
  • bottles fall asleep sand;


  • compact the contents;
  • we put the bottles on the prepared basis by horizontally necks to the edges;
  • from above, we place the board and press, evenly indulging bottles;
  • in the spots of sand, mixed with cement;
  • we again put the board and well the trambam, and for this just go through these boards;
  • we remove the extra filler;
  • watering water;
  • when cement hardens, remove the formwork.

Nothing difficult, right? And so that the track is also pleased with the eye, it looked more aesthetic, you need to try more:

  1. If you have many bottles from under yogurt, then they themselves are beautiful and elegant. We are placing them as it is;
  2. Transparent water bottles, stuffed with sand look, how to say, not very, so:
  • in an empty bottle, put colored paper or foil, in general, what will come up and then the sand. At the same time, the paper, before you poke in a bottle, roll into the tube - it will place there and lay on the walls, but you can also mix the sand with pieces of elegant candy from sweets or the dye add and then the sand is painted. In other words: do everything that only fantasies is enough;
  • when you remove the formwork, you will see that the necks of the covers around the edges of the track look like something is not harmonious. And make a border: from the same bottles or bricks, or floral - only flowers choose such that their screens do not lie on the track, and then can and completely close.

You can put a border here such a figure, the material for which also serve as not entirely plastic bottles, then the lids are from them:


Healthy: want to get a snow-white track? Put at the chalk bottle.

Tracks from Dyshek


We act in such a sequence:

  • We take scissors and these most dodges cut off, leaving 1/5 from the bottle height;
  • in the same way, as in the first case, we make a trench, we will tamper the earth, weeping sand;
  • pour in the trench well. Sand must completely wet;
  • rounds pressed in the sand.

Keep in mind: what remains after cutting the bottoms do not throw away, but set aside. Spring from the remains of the bottle will turn out excellent guy:


Decorative garden tracks


Besides that the plastic bottle - cheaper material, it is also a waste-free. How to make a garden path with different parts of her body, we have already discussed, there were only cork. This work is as exciting and creative, that none of the family members will not leave indifferent. Plugs can be laid:

  • creating smooth coating;
  • ribs up, then get a longer path, but right rug for bare feet massage.

Problem may be the only thing that plugs need, well, very much, so declare to all the friends and acquaintances that are not released now plug and collected and delivered to you. Joint efforts to accumulate material on this track is quite real. To cap over time, not jump out, stacking technology little changed:

  • make a trench, but not continuous, but broken down into rectangles;
  • we are trying to drive support;
  • we do shuttering of boards, attaching them to the supports;
  • we put on the edges of the spacers for greater strength formwork. A distance of 100 cm;
  • put to rubble;
  • rammed;
  • sort cork focusing on color and size;
  • Preparing a mixture in a ratio of 1: 3 - sand and cement, glue, which glued ceramic tile - 1 part;
  • adding water slowly, followed by stirring. Everything should be quite wet, but in any case not liquid;
  • successively adding a mixture of sand, cement and adhesive in each rectangle;
  • laid quickly, pushing into the solution, the lid has not yet grasped the cement;
  • if the track consists of a strip, the pivoting, expand diagonal stripes.

Permissible under paving garden paths, stacked covers or cement, and in the wet sand, but then the strength properties are worse.

Important: in the manufacture of formwork, nails need to score so that the inside of the cap appeared and not acute part.

Covers can be laid out intricate patterns:

  • using scheme for cross stitch;
  • pictures, which are attached to the children's mosaic;
  • lay in disarray, that the first comes to hand;
  • to use his own imagination.


In addition to the track

Design of garden paths should be consistent with the overall design of the garden. Therefore, as well as possible to the article, will meet on the sidelines of a decorative path just such a fairy princess-frog sitting on a stone waiting for arrow shot from a bow good fellow:


It is also made from a plastic bottle. Work with it a little bit - just a couple of hours. Material need the following:

  • plastic bottle of 0.5 liters;
  • two bottles to 2 liters;
  • thin wire;
  • acrylic aerosol paint:
  1. Black;
  2. Green
  3. Yellow.
  • Brush;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • awl.


  • We make a marking line, retreating from the bottom of the bottle with a capacity of 2 l, 40 mm;
  • cut off exactly on this line;
  • from the next 2 liter containers also cut off the workpiece, but its height is 50 mm;
  • we use one of the cut upper parts for the manufacture of the front paws of the princes, and the other is for the rear. To do this, we first draw them, and then cut out;
  • all parts are painted green acrylic paint;
  • let dry the paint;
  • while drying is dry, take a bottle of 0.5 l;
  • from the neck lay 70 mm;
  • i pay off a toothed crown;
  • cut out;
  • krye the crown of yellow paint;
  • next comes assembly:
  1. Silo warm up;
  2. I piercing the crown cover and the center of the body (billet 40-mm height);
  3. We associate the part;
  4. Thrink the sides of the body of the body;
  5. In the lower part, smeared sand so that the wind does not wear a frog in the garden;
  6. A part of 50 mm height put into parts with a height of 40 mm;
  • draw a frog face.

Here is the garden and acquired your unique style. If someone tries to do something like this, then it will not work exactly in accuracy: it will be beautiful, but differently. Do not be afraid, dare, create, and suddenly, starting from the tracks, you will also want to build a house with bottles? Such examples are already there. And what? After all,: "The eyes are afraid, and the hands do."


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