How to properly care for the alpine slide?

March 7. Plot. Views 3148. Comments To record how to properly care for the alpine slide? No

Alpine slides in the garden are a place where various plants live. In most cases, they are accustomed to small-sided soils and other complex conditions. But this does not mean at all that they do not need to care for them. To achieve the maximum attractiveness of the mountainaria, it is necessary to perform a whole complex of work.

Season - the main criterion for plant care

Alpine hill care rules depend on the time of year. For many owners of the country area, the hottest sometimes is spring. But it has nothing to do with the mountaineering. Do not disturb the plants in the spring. They can be damaged. This is especially true of bulbous plantings.

Alpine Gorka

The appearance of weeds in the mountaineering occurs significantly later than in the garden. For this reason, the initial departure for plants is carried out in the summer. Or rather at the end of July. Deletes on the Alpine Hill:

  • flower loving;
  • damaged leaves;
  • fruits with seeds that ripen.

When the fruits act as the main decoration of plantings, it is necessary to provide control over the ripening of seeds. Otherwise, they may appear in places that are not suitable for proper cultivation of colors. To trim the flowers and leaves, use the sharp secateurs. This work is done so that there are no sticking hemp. That is, shoots are cut into the lowest permissible point.

The beginning of autumn is a period of completing all operations to form roots of plantings. They must completely grow up to the first frosts. In autumn days, fading leaves are necessarily cut and removed. The remaining overloading foliage can lead to the appearance of fungal diseases. In addition, it worsens the attractiveness of the Alpine slide at the cottage. Trimming should not be subject to evergreens.

How to disseminate plants

As for planting plants in Alpinaria, it is better to spend it in May or August. But there are a number of conditions that you need to follow:

  • do not land seeds with too hot weather;
  • landing is not made late autumn;
  • when placing seedlings in cracks, adjacent stones are slightly shifted;
  • when the root system is located between large stones, small stones are placed under them;
  • after planting colors, the soil is mulched.

To obtain a full-fledged planting material, it is best to plant seedlings and seeds in the evening, early in the morning or on any cloudy day. To avoid damage to plants, digging the bulbs and rhizomes is made only by forks.

The "kids" of bulbous colors are separated and cleared on a separate bed. They must be correctly formed. The bulbs are stacked at a depth, which is three times more of their height. Bulb flowers with tender skin (lily) do not immediately disappear. They must be stored with the peat soil. Dense bulbs (daffodils, tulips, crocuses) are carefully dried and stored in packets from paper.


Cutting thick roots (irises) is carried out using a sharp knife. Each cut part should be placed by a bunch of leaves or live kidneys. The scenes on the roots should dry. After which it is processed with a crowned coal. This method prevents the formation of pathogenic bacteria.

Green plants that multiply by dividing the bush are planted as follows. Sharing a bush is only manually manually. The plant is divided into two or several parts very neat. Forbidden:

  • damn roots;
  • sharhe up with them all the land.

Usually the landing of the bush is carried out immediately after division. If for some reason it is impossible to do this, it is drawn in the garden on the shady area.

Seaming plants that multiply cuttings occurs by selection of only normally developed kidney shoots. Shoots cut off. The best rooting of cuttings is achieved in the presence of high humidity of air and warm moisturized soil.

Watering, mulching and making fertilizers

An important factor in creating a beautiful alpine slide is the right watering of plants, which must be accompanied by high-quality soil mulch and fertilizer. Arid weather often leads to the death of many plants. For this reason, during their landing, it is best to use the soil mixture, which is characterized by increased moisture intensity.

Watering the plantations is carried out by conventional water. For most plants, it must be a bit heated by sunlight (but not overheated). Although there are exceptions to this rule. For example, violets and bells are poured only with warm water, and high-mountain buttercups and soldanells are cold.

If there is a soil with high acidity, the best solution will be the use of melt water. With a strong warming of the alpine slide, the solar rays are watered in the morning or evening. This will be prevented the occurrence of burns of various plantations, starting with coniferous plants and ending with small rhododendons. For such a mountaineering, drip watering is most suitable in automatic mode.


The mulching layer contributes to the creation of an attractive appearance of the decorative alpine slide and provides a prosperous growth of vegetation. As a mulch, you can use:

  • stone crumb;
  • small gravel.

The mulch layer is subjected to mandatory update at least once a year. Thanks to the mulched layer:

  • the rapid evaporation of moisture from the soil is not allowed;
  • the root of the root of plants occurs.

Fertilizers should be made, taking into account the specific features of the plants. Often fertilizers made on the whole site lead to too intensive growth of vegetation. This is accompanied by all methods of competitive struggle.

High plants begin to shadow low plantings even more. And this is fraught with their extinction. Therefore, the best option will be the use of fertilizers only for plants that really need feeding.

"Problems" Alpinaria and methods to eliminate

In the process of using the Alpine slide, a number of unforeseen difficulties may arise. They must be resolved in extremely short time. The main problems of the normal growth of the Alpine slide plants are:

  • insects and animals;
  • freezing and wringing alpinaria;
  • wetting and drinking slides.


The greatest harm to the plants bring animals. The presence of a stone mound is very attracted by field mice and moles. Their elimination should be done without delay, since their beloved delicacy will be the bulbs of flowers. Catching Capacins that are installed in each died hole will help. To destroy mice, the bait with poison will be required.

Ants and Medveda are also a problem for mountaineering. You can get rid of ants with the help of pesticides. They abundantly watering an anthill. Medvedok destroyed with poisoned granules that break into the ground. Chemicals are destroyed and snails with slugs that love to emblorict decorative plantings.

Mounting Alpinaria In most cases, it became a consequence of a honest winter, accompanied by constant cold wind. Sometimes even snow is blown away from the slide. The freezing of plants and the spring has to re-engage in planting new colors. You can prevent this phenomenon by:

  • shelters of planned plants;
  • installations around the mountaineering shields against the wind.

The main reason for sprinkling the slide is the underfloor material (polyethylene film, straw, sawdust), which did not remove the plants in a timely manner. This usually happens with a sharp warming. Live plantings begin to choke without sufficient air. If the plants are covered with a film, then in sunny weather it is necessary to do ventilating. For this, the film opens from two sides.

Wetting Alpinaria occurs with intense snow melting. A large amount of melt water leads to damage to the bulbs of flowers. It is possible to prevent the coordinated wetting of the slide by means of a drainage system. Water will take timely from the site, without damaging plants. Especially expedient and in demand, this system will be on the soils with a high clay content.

Due to the alternation of frequent frosts with thaws, the alpinaria can occur. When turning water into the ice, its expansion occurs. The plant is slightly pushed out, remaining when melting in a new position. Typically, such a phenomenon is characteristic of plantings that did not have time to root well. You can avoid drinking:

  • with the help of timely transplantation of plants;
  • with soil containing large impurities in large numbers.


How to care for stones

Stones for alpine slide also require care. It is almost always associated with the end of winter and the elimination of its consequences. Significant temperature differences are accompanied by freezing the water in the ground and the existing small cracks. As a consequence, the process of displacement of stones with solving deep clefts.

This process leads to a latter root of planting and washing the soil. Stones that are badly damaged should be replaced with new ones. It is impossible to make them complete destruction. Close up of cracks between stones is carried out by sequential implementation:

  • laying small stones;
  • falling asleep grounds;
  • watering and mulching.

Alpine slide care video:


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