Montage of drywall do it yourself

April 22. Interior decoration, Repair and construction work Views 2851. Comments to record installation of plasterboard with your own hands No

Many finishing materials are very popular with plasterboard. There is nothing surprising. Plasterboard is simply indispensable when the creation of walls, ceilings and partitions need to spend the minimum amount of time. Moreover, the created reliable and durable design can be replaced at any time. On the peculiarities of the installation technology of plasterboard just will be discussed in this article.







The main types and advantages of the material

Permanent innovative developments contributed to the increase in types of plasterboard. Nowadays, there are such varieties of material:

  • normal;
  • refractory;
  • moisture-resistant;
  • acoustic;
  • with special hygienic properties.

The refractory drywall is better to use in the area, which is characterized by very dry climatic conditions.

One of the main components of the moisture resistant material is a special paper impregnated with additives against fungi. Its installation is made in wet rooms that should be ventilated.

A distinctive feature of acoustic drywall absorption of both inner noise in the room and external.

The innovation industry is a finishing material that has elevated hygienic properties. Such a plasterboard, which has bactericidal components, does not allow penetration of harmful bacteria and substances through the walls.

Plasterboard has many advantages. The main ones are:

  • lack of "dirty" methods of surface finishing (concrete, plaster);
  • applying minimum physical efforts;
  • prolonged operational period;
  • perfect surface alignment;
  • absolute security for a person (no toxic components);
  • attractive appearance;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • obtaining the surface of any configuration;
  • the possibility of finishing with various finish coatings (painting, wallpaper, decorative plaster, tile).


There are two main methods for fastening drywall:

  • on glue formulations;
  • on the frame base (metal profile or wood crate).

Plasterboard sticking

This method is the fastest. The only condition is the presence of a smooth surface. The height differences should not exceed 2 cm. Due to the dense fit of the plasterboard sheets to the surface of the surface, the stagnation of the material should be carried out in small rooms.

Mounting drywall is made after:

  • conducting posting work;
  • identifying and eliminating irregularities;
  • cleaning and determining the level of sheet leveling;
  • surface priming.

Plasterboard sheets are also subjected to priming. Perlvix can be used as adhesive composition. Its application occurs with a toothed spatula. Laying of glue is produced along the middle part and around the perimeter of the sheet.


The maximum reliability of plasterboard is attached by using a dowel-nail. Their impaired is carried out when the glue will dry completely.

There is one more option, how to save room space when working with plasterboard. Mounting foam applies to fastening the material on the walls. First, the surface should be prepared:

  • remove the old coating;
  • walls covered with primer.
  1. Sheet of plasterboard is applied to the wall. Uniformly drilled holes in it 7-9. Made labels on the wall in the drilled holes. They are inserted into the plug. From inside the plasterboard 10 cm from the holes made glued pieces of foam. It will act as a spring element for aligning the sheet.
  2. The harvested sheet of drywall is applied to the wall and is fastened with screws. Previously follows the screws to wear washers. It is so prevented by the impact of foam on the screw: she will not be able to sell his hat in plasterboard. Using the level and screwing / unscrewing of screws, the location of the sheet is adjusted. Such a procedure is done with each sheet.
  3. At a distance of 2-3 cm, small holes are made from each screw. They are just a mounting foam. Its quantity should be such that the diameter of the "stains" of foam between the sheet and the wall was 12-15 cm. The foam is pumped into each hole made. After the foam dry, the screws are twisted and the washers are removed. Screws are screwed into place and drip in a sheet of plasterboard. Holes and seams are closed with putty.

Framework and Material Installation

A more popular way to finish the ceiling and walls by plasterboard is the creation of a frame base. Material profiles or wooden bars can be used as a material for its device. It is better to use metal products. They are stronger and easier. Yes, and the tree should be dried and perfectly smooth. The last criterion is often impossible to perform.

Installation of plasterboard on the ceiling provides for use:

  • guide and ceiling profiles;
  • connectors and extension cords for them;
  • suspensions;
  • dowel-nails and selflessness.

First, the layout of the level of the ceiling created is carried out. It comes with a basic surface. In the event of an alignment of the ceiling, the indent is made minimal. To do this, you just need to determine the lowest point of the ceiling. If you plan to use embedded lamps or air ducts, you will have to increase the distance between the old and new ceilings.


Perhaps marking works are the most responsible stage. If they are spent inaccurately, it will be difficult to create a high-quality ceiling. Markup is recommended to be carried out with a laser level. Thanks to it, you can draw a smooth horizontal line on the walls. It serves as the basis for the proper fastening of the guide profile.

The fastening of the guide profiles to the walls is carried out using a dowel-nail. Mounting step is 55-60 cm. Ceiling profiles are connected to the grooves in the grooves. Based on the size of the room, they must be cut or build up.

The distance between the ceiling profiles is:

  • 40 cm - for moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • 60 cm - for ordinary material.

This spacing allows without any problems mount 120 cm wide plasterboard. Heavy moisture resistant material is mounted on two profiles extending in the middle portion of the sheet. For conventional plasterboard fastening is enough one profile which extends through the middle of the sheet.

Due to the presence of ribs, ceiling profile is characterized by good strength. But often this is not sufficient to fully support the weight of gypsum boards. For this reason, their effective attachment involves the use of suspensions across the ceiling area. They will securely hold the profile in a certain position. Suspensions are placed above the profile with a pitch of 50-60 cm.

After fixing suspensions laterally to the profiles should pull cord. The distance between the joined profiles and the suspensions should not exceed 1 mm. The ends of the suspensions, are in favor of the profiles are bent. Connect longitudinal profiles with cross occurs in increments of 45-60 cm. At the intersections of their suspensions are not needed.

When a frame is created, you can start installation of drywall. This work is best done with an assistant. One person will hold the material, and the second - to connect with established profiles.

When attaching the first row with the whole gypsum board, the second row starts from the cut portion of the material. Joints should not be the same. Compound plasterboard with transverse and longitudinal profiles by means of screws. Step of screwing is 10-20 cm.


The final stage is the installation of drywall puttying joints and hats of screws. To subsequently no cracks, it is best to use tape-serpyanku. It fits into the seams between the sheets.

Embedding joints in the following order:

  • flush with sheets of putty fills the seam;
  • putty is applied on top serpyanka;
  • she smoothed the work piece until until no longer visible in the putty.

For sealing the corners, too, can take advantage of serpyanku. But it is best to decorate their perforated corners with glued serpyanku.

Upon completion of sealing of the surface, the joints will be a little act. Their thickness is 1 mm. This disadvantage is eliminated by using fine sandpaper or a sanding machine. Grinding is carried out irregularities on the surface after drying putty.

Frame fixation technology of drywall to the walls is almost identical to the installation on the ceiling material. The main distinctive features are:

  • using a rack profile instead of the ceiling;
  • a greater step of screwing the screws when attaching plasterboard sheets (25 cm).

Nuances of working with plasterboard

There are several subtleties that must be followed in the course of working with plasterboard. In particular, they should be attributed to:

  • cutting drywall;
  • laying insulation and electrical cable;
  • sliding putty.

To cut drywall, a sharp stationery knife, hacksaw and a special cutter are used. The first tool is used when cutting the finishing material along the line, the second - to cut the curvilinear blanks. Cutter is more expedient to use with very large amounts of work.

The process of cutting plasterboard sheet itself provides the following actions:

  • applying a long rail line;
  • abso paper and gypsum on one side;
  • presses on the sheet from the side of the cut;
  • wake-up plaster core;
  • cutting the bottom layer of paper.


Cutting edges of plasterboard sheets is carried out at an angle. This increases the area of \u200b\u200bseams, which subsequently close with putty. At a distance of 5 mm from the extreme part of the sheet, the line is drawn, and the excess material is cut off.

If you plan to warm the walls and the ceiling of plasterboard, then it should be taken care of in advance. The heat insulation works are carried out immediately after creating a frame, until the installation of plasterboard sheets is carried out. As a heater, mineral wool or glass gamble is usually used.

Like the thermal insulation material, an electrical cable is laid before fastening the plasterboard. To avoid problems with wiring in the future, it is placed in a plastic non-flammable corrugation or in a metal sleeve. Immediately cut holes under the submersionists and other lighting devices. Cable through holes.

Special attention should be paid to the preparation of putty. This is best done manually. Often putty, which is involved using high speed nozzles, is characterized by rapid grasp and decrease in the quality of the solution. After using a portion of putty, the next damn it must be accompanied by a thorough cleaning of the container.

Mounting video of plasterboard:


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