Rack made of drywall do it yourself

April 21. Repair and construction work, Construction Views 4293. Comments to write rack from drywall do it yourself No

Not in vain, drywall is considered a unique building material, it is used both for repair work and the creation of various designs. Modern interiors are most of their original solutions and a non-standard approach, so you can see stands, tables, and even drywall cabinets.

This allows you to get the necessary furniture on individual measurements without large financial investments. Therefore, it is worth considering how to make a rack of plasterboard with your own hands, because the work will not take much time and effort.

Initial task


To determine the necessary materials and tools it is worth considering the design, its appearance. It is important to determine in advance:

  • functional task. After all, there are racks for storing various things, placement of household appliances or decorative crafts. In each case, the desired shelves width is selected, it may be necessary to organize additional lighting;
  • the location of the future design. It is pre-prepare a space for a rack, in any case, the floor and walls must be smooth, without strong irregularities, open wiring and sticking nails.

The selection of materials is compiled depending on the design assignment, the list of necessary fasteners and the type of drywall is drawn up. After all, sheets may differ not only with dimensions, but also properties. To build a rack in a room with normal conditions, a typical plasterboard is quite suitable with a thickness of 12.5 mm thickness, but G CCLV preferences for the kitchen or bathroom. In the case of the planning of the curvilinear design, the sheets of a small thickness (6.5-9.5 mm) must be applied, and a 18 mm thickness is used at large loads.

List of resources used


When working with plasterboard, the following tool is required:

  • metal scissors;
  • drill;
  • knife with removable blades;
  • pencil;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • putty knife.

Materials will need:

  1. galvanized partition profile and arched view;
  2. self-tapping screws and dowels;
  3. glKl sheets;
  4. perforated corner;
  5. mounting grid;
  6. putty;
  7. schucker.

Construction construction - step-by-step instruction


The process of creating a shelving of plasterboard consists of stages:

  1. Removing the measure and development of the design scheme.
  2. Purchases of materials.
  3. Construction of the frame.
  4. Fastening coating.
  5. Finishes.

The first thing is to make up the scheme of future shelves, for this remove the measurements and noted on the sheet. The convenience of such a plan consists in the ability to adjust the size of the elements, to pre-see the finished rack. Also easier are calculated all components for the process.

The necessary materials are acquired in a standard construction store, all design elements are common and financially available.

Cross shelves can be built in two ways:

  • separate installation;
  • directly complex design.

Double function


A convenient option that performs several functions at once is the drywall shellage. It helps to divide the space into separate zones, and the shelves present allow you to place the necessary items.

For the construction of such a type of rack, a similar algorithm of actions is required, the only difference is the way of the frame of the framework.

  1. At the beginning, create a sketch of the desired design, the dimensions of the elements are chosen at will.
  2. The markup begins with the floor, the arrangement of profiles mark. Then they carry out the contours on the walls and the ceiling.
  3. Next collect the framework. To obtain the necessary strength of the profile, it is fixed to the floor, ceiling and walls. Initially, the holes in the floor are drilled and a dowel is scored, screw the profile of screws, the step between which should not exceed 1 m. In the same way, the guide is installed on the ceiling. The rack profile should enter the guides at least 20 mm, the installation is carried out with a frequency of no more than 600 mm. To strengthen profiles, a timber is used, simply insert it in the rack. It remains to place jumpers, they are fixed according to the already compiled scheme, do not forget about the niches for the shelves.
  4. The sheathing can be carried out by one-piece plasterboard, followed by cutting holes in the location of the shelves, or sliced \u200b\u200bin advance with pieces of material. In any case, before screwing, the edges of the cuts of sandpaper are treated for high-quality joints. The fastening of the sheath is carried out by small self-drawing.
  5. It remains to carefully process the collected design, for this, the reinforced ribbon is fixed at the joints, the perforated corner is cut on the corners and covered with putty. A thin layer of plaster is applied to the entire surface and cleaned with a skin. On top are ground and stained with water-emulsion paint.

Mounted products


If you wish to have built-in racks from drywall perform a niche in which the desired amount of shelves insert. To do this, make marking on the walls according to the scheme, then it is erected and cutting the frame. The optimal sizes for the shelves are the depth - 20-50 cm, width - up to 2.5 m.

  1. At first, the bearing columns are installed, for this, it is placed using the level of the profile fasteners on the floor and the ceiling.
  2. Next, it is screwed to the wall by self-draws, the rack profile is already inserted into it. Fastening to the wall is provided by dowels, and with each other fixed with screws.
  3. It remains only to sew a prepared frame of plasterboard and conduct finishing work.

Original solution


The finished rack can diversify the existing setting in any room, the originality of the design will give round or curved forms. To do this, you will need a special ceiling profile 60x27 mm, it is rented in advance in accordance with the selected radius. Getting a round outline requires cutting profile to sectors that are already bend in the right direction, subsequently slices are connected by self-draws. Also apply special plasterboard with sheet widths of not more than 600 mm. With different thicknesses, it is recommended to choose a certain radius, so with a thickness of 9 mm it will be at least 50 mm, and at 12.5 mm - 1000 mm.

To ensure a successful result, it is important to make a template for which the elements of the future design will be made. It consists of sidewalls and spacers, while the radius of the template should be a slightly smaller formable surface.

Specialists are offered two ways of bending of plasterboard: wet and dry. Wet flexible is easily carried out independently at home. For a start, sheer pierces the holes to the depth of the third part of the thickness with the interval of 10-20 mm, put the blanks with punctures up and wetted with a sponge or brush. It is necessary to wet until the water stops absorbed into the surface. It remains only to bend a leaf on the template and leave drying away for a day.

In another case, cuts are made on the workpiece up to the back of the back side of the back side, the frequency of cuts depends on the required radius of curvature. Plasterboard with cuts are laid on the template and shapklide, give dry. So it turns out the designs of various shapes that decorate the work done.

Slise and decide on the selected rack, various literature, images on the pages of Internet resources. Many ideas are offered on thematic forums, and some people have their own vision of space design. Therefore, it does not matter where to find a photo of racks from drywall, the main thing is the ability to build it yourself.

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