Siphon for shower cabin: device and connection of the siphon (plum)

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Currently, compact shower cabins have become increasingly in the bathrooms. This is done in order to save free space, because the booths occupy significantly less than the traditional baths. However, the installation of shower cabins is conjugate with some difficulties. So, first of all, it is required to competently consider water flow technology. The main devices responsible for this feature are shower siphons. We will tell about the rules of their choice and installation further.

Characteristics, Siphon Design


Siphon for the shower cabin is different called "ladder". This device is necessary in order for the smell from the sewage runoff to be seeded into the room. In addition, it provides unobstructed outflow of dirty water.

Modern siphons perform the role of hydraulic shutter. Their design does not allow air to penetrate the opposite direction. Most often the so-called plugs are used. They are very compact. Their dimensions are much smaller than the size of the structures with a water gate.

A siphon is intended to connect various plumbing devices. It does not apply only in those structures that have a built-in water lock and are connected directly to sewer.

The device and design features of the siphon are represented in the diagram:


Siphon for shower pallets has its own design features. The drain hole in it does not boil the plug. The correct operation of the device is ensured due to the presence of a water castle. The water from the siphon falls directly into the pipe and then flows into the general drain system. The device has a slightly curved shape. Such a bend allows the flowing water to linger for some time in the knee. As a result, the air located in the sewer runoff saturated with a large number of harmful gases does not have the ability to leak through the water castle and remains inside. Buy siphon for the shower can be in any construction store.

Siphon species


A hole for the installation of a siphon for a low shower pallet can be located both in the center and the edges. Therefore, the devices intended for water drain have some differences in the design.

There are several types of siphons:

  1. Simple. It has a simple design. A hole for a drain in such a device is sent directly to a flexible or rigid drain pipe. Such a siphon can be equipped with a collapsed knee. This greatly facilitates its purification from dirt. Sometimes the design of the device is mounted so that the siphon has the opportunity to self-clean.
  2. Auto. It is usually not equipped with a hydraulic shutter. It has a special plug located in the drain part. It does not allow smells from the sewage to go up. Automatic siphons are often equipped with special handles designed to control the operation of the plug.
  3. Click-Clack device. The closure and discovery of the drain occurs under the action of pressing the foot directly on the upper part of the device. The mechanism works with two types of clicks. When the first triggers the closure of the hole, during the second - its opening. The plug in such a siphon is located in the drain hole. It provides water outflow towards the base of the pallet.

There are also such devices depending on their design. So, distinguish several types of siphons:


  • Corrugated. Move from elastic corrugations. Can bend at any angle. Equipped with a special plastic retainer (plastic ribbon). The bending of the pipe here performs the role of hydraulic shutter. Such siphons are intended for installation in the most hard-to-reach places of the shower cabin. If you compare these devices with other types of siphons, then they are less reliable and durable.


  • Bottle. Most often installed in kitchen sinks. By its design, something resemble a bottle, which is why they received the appropriate name. They have large dimensions and at the installation occupy a pretty much free space. The expansion of the design presented in the form of a bottle allows you to delay a small amount of water in the siphon. As a result, the smells and gases from the sewage are not able to come back. Dust, dirt, garbage often accumulate inside such an expansion. However, the siphons of this species are very easily cleaned and disassembled. Before you unscrew and disassemble such a device, you should place an empty container under it. This is necessary in order for the water that accumulated in it does not spill on the floor.


  • Pipe (otherwise knee). Externally, such devices resemble the curved pipeline from plastic or from metal. Pipe siphons usually have the form of the letter "U" or "s". In such a design, water shutter is located in the bend area. Unlike corrugated devices, pipes are more durable and reliable. However, they do not differ in particular compactness.

Rules of selection of siphon


Before proceeding with the selection of the siphon, measurements and calculations should be carried out. After all, the incorrectly selected device to fit under the required dimensions and the design is very difficult. In addition, how correctly the siphon is installed, depends whether there will be a leakage in the future.

What should be paid when choosing a siphon:

  1. First of all, the size of the hole for the drain is taken into account. It usually has standard dimensions in diameter - 52, 62 and 90 mm. In order to ensure the tightness of the siphon, the holes should be performed properly, and when selecting to repel from this data.
  2. Corner bending a drain pipe. It usually equals 130-140 degrees. In some types of devices, the plum turning angle to the input pipe can be 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees.
  3. Measure the diameter of the drain pipe. It usually has standard dimensions - 40 mm.
  4. In order to prevent the occurrence of leaks, it is necessary to correctly choose the height of the siphon. For this, appropriate measurements are also made.
  5. Next, pay attention to the bandwidth of the device. This parameter is easy to measure yourself. To do this, consider the height of the water location in the pallet, as well as the dimensions of the inlet. At water level, about 15 cm is used to drain with a diameter of 90 mm. If this indicator is less than 12 cm, then the outlet opening of 62 and 52 mm wide can be used. In addition, take into account the width of the shower watering can. It should approach the dimensions to the diameter of the hole for the drain. Otherwise, the water will be stamped in the pallet.
  6. Plum rate. High is the speed of more than 30 l / min. Such devices are usually produced with a margin of "turbo-".
  7. If the diameter of the hole for a slight is small, then you should take care of the availability of access to clean the siphon from the existing dirt. Otherwise, it is better to buy devices equipped with self-cleaning feature.

Installation of siphon


Take care of draining arrangement stands during the installation of the shower. The installation process consists of the following priority of actions:

  1. The basis for the subset pallet is prepared.
  2. It is measured and an angle for draining the pallet is measured. To do this, first turn the design upside down. Then screw the studs in the desired holes that are connected to the shower. We prepare power mechanisms. We put on them limiters and clamps. Then we put them on the pre-installed studs.
  3. Install the siphon along with the elastic hose. Fix it.
  4. We carry out the adjustment of the power frame. This is usually done using a level. The frame should be set by several centimeters (2.5-3 cm) above the location of the bottom of the siphon.
  5. Fix power construction. This requires nuts of the desired size.
  6. We turn the pallet to the desired position. We place it so that the upper part of the siphon is placed higher than the sewage tee on 5-6 degrees. Consider the pallet height should exceed 20-21 cm.
  7. Then put the grid into the drain hole. We proceed with a special sealant.
  8. Perform a plug connection. Install the gasket.
  9. Connect and fix the tee in the right place. This will require a screw.
  10. We connect the siphon and removal together. All joints for preventing the occurrence of leaks thoroughly seal with gaskets.
  11. We insert the removal into the sewer tube. Fix his clutch. We proceed with a sealant.
  12. Connect the siphon and tee. We carry out a tightness of the design.

Read more The process of installing the shower cabin can be viewed on the video:

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