Application of Gabions in Landscape Design

March 27. Repair and construction work, Plot. Views 3313. Comments To record the use of gabions in landscape design No

The use of gabions in landscape design gives limitless possibilities in creating various reliefs, allows you to turn a plot with poor vegetation in a blooming green oasis. In addition, with their help, stone and earthen buildings are performed, which over time will look like their nature created them. Let's look at what gabions represent themselves and how they are used in landscape design.

Gabions and their advantages

In the Gabion Device, everything is simple. Imagine a metal box from a grid woven stainless double twisted wire. If you fill it with cobblestones, pebbles or rubble, then it will be a Gabion (Gabion). These wonderful designs have been known for more than a century, but they used them only on an industrial scale: strengthened the ravines, roads, the banks of the rivers, they were used by the military, but today we can also create the landscape of our site, applying this magic invention.


Pluses Gabion structures have enough:

  • they are very durable;
  • differ in flexibility so much that they can be given almost any form;
  • durable. Over time, it is only stronger and more stronger, since it organically fit into the environment. Empty spaces are filled with soil and vegetation appears there;
  • have excellent water permeability;
  • absolutely eco-friendly;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • quickly mounted;
  • have noise absorbing properties;
  • cheap, if you compare with concrete structures.

What builds from gabions

The use of gabions in landscape design is the widest way. They can be applied for construction:

  • fences;
  • arbor;
  • small pavilions;
  • steps;
  • retaining walls;
  • furniture for the garden;
  • with their help create terraces and reservoirs.


Types of Gabion

Gabions are divided into types depending on their geometric structure. They are:

1. Boxed is a welded or straight container of a rectangular form with the following parameters:

      • width - 1OO - 2OO cm;
      • height - 50 - 100 cm;
      • length - 200 - 600 cm.

2. Flat, which have another name - Renault mattresses. At low height: 170-300 mm, they have quite large length. They are placed on a flat surface.

3. Cylindrical in the form of bags. This type of gabion is highly flexible. gabion-5-JPG

Montage of Gabion

Everything you need for installation is bought together with Gabions. To install them, you do not need to be a high-quality specialist:

  • to assemble gabions of box-welded welds, special spirals are used, which fasten their walls and lid;
  • to fasten the mesh boxes, a special strapping wire is used;
  • with each other, the gabions are connected by spirals or wire.

Brief Description of the Mounting Process

When Gabions are collected, you can install them in place, and for this:

  1. The design must be fixed in the place intended for it, using the stakes from the wood or anchor from the metal.
  2. Stop filling. At the same time, the tanks up to 500 cm high are filled immediately, and those above this value are filled in three receptions: first by 1/3, then the front and rear walls are connected with a screed or spacers. Next, the container is filled with 2/3 and again bind the walls. In the third stage, the entire volume of the stone fill.
  3. In the case when laying several layers of flat gabions is required, the lowest should be filled with a stone by 50 mm above the norm for the reason that it will give shrinkage.

On note: it is not necessary to buy a stone for gabions, they are filled with concrete debris, gravel, glass, etc. Landscape designers also advise that so selected fillers for gabions so that they do not stand out from the overall design, and harmonized with him.

Build a fence from Gabions


For construction, the fence will need:

  • a grid made by welding from a wire with a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 cm;
  • zinc dressing wire;
  • stone.

Construction process

So, proceed:

  • we celebrate the line on which the fence will be held;
  • the top layer of the Earth, the millimeters of 30-40 are removed;
  • lay the waterproofing layer;
  • i smell a mixture of gravel with sand;
  • well wet water;
  • compact;
  • install the columns;
  • we are tightening the columns with a grid, leaving free space;
  • we lay the stones into the formation of emptiness;
  • we carry out the installation of mesh or welded panels between columns;
  • do not forget to make partitions from the strapping wire at certain intervals as the stone styled.

That's all - the fence from Gabions is ready. Sometimes they fill the spaces between the stones with a mixture of the Earth and Sand and plant the curly plants. Beauty ... And most importantly, the Gabions do it yourself - the construction of an exclusive one, no one from the neighbors there is no such.

Gabions in the garden

Using gabions, you can completely transform your garden. Of them build:

  • color Vasons;
  • benches;
  • if there is a pond in the garden, then there you can build a small island from Gabions;
  • charmingly will look at the bridge, overlooking the pond on the supports from Gabion.


Gabions as fortification

Gabions are indispensable if you need to strengthen the slope or the shore of the artificial pond.

Strengthen the slope

The house on the top of the slope is good and not very simultaneously. Well because from the top is visible all the plot, and not very because the slope has a property with time to crawl. DSC04901.

Well hold the slope from the slaughtering of the Gabion. Stacking process:

  • surface level;
  • fall asleep sand or small crushed stone;
  • lay down the lower layer of gabions;
  • fill in a stone;
  • we strengthen the 1st layer, clogging the rods with a diameter of 2 cm in the corners;
  • stones at the top well trambam;
  • Subsequent layers fasten wire with a minimum diameter of 0.3 cm.

To strengthen the slope use and gabions made with their own hands:

  • metal frame is manufactured;
  • the mesh is stretched on the frame. It turns out a container;
  • from the slope is removed by the turf;
  • further the homemade gabions are stacked;
  • alternately filled with a stone, or rubble, or soil;
  • the soil as a filler is good because if it is tightly tamped and snowing with herbs seeds, then as a result of the strengthening of Gabions, it turns out a green lawn with a steel frame.

Important: if the surface of the slope is large, and the soils are intensively slid, then it is better to contact specialists who fulfill the calculations will determine the sustainability common, the ability of the structure to resist shift, deformation, tipping over.

Saw pond

If the pond on your site began to decrease in size due to the fact that the soil crashes from the shores, then they need to immediately strengthen. Read:

  • gabions boxes;
  • renault mattresses;
  • galvanized wire for ligament;
  • stone;
  • geotextile for waterproofing.

The work is as follows:

  • from the pond pump water;
  • we put geotextiles ashore around the perimeter of the pond;
  • we perform a pillow of sand in 100 mm thick;
  • on the pillow are stitching geotextiles;
  • we proceed to laying the strengthening structures. At the same time, there are flat gabions on the inclined shore, and on the burst - boxes;
  • gabions in each corner pinch stakes;
  • stacked stones.

The way to look like a reservoir after strengthening the shores of Gabions photo captured immediately after filling the pond with water. When the grass and flowers are trying through the containers with stones, the steel grid will become completely invisible.



To determine where and what to buy some gabions, you need to know who releases them than the characteristics of products, a manufacturer different. High-quality boxic gabions are produced by the manufacturer "Gabion McCafarri (Maccaferri) of the CIS." Quality is provided by strict control over the compliance of GOST 52132-2003 and TU 1275-001-42873191-2009. The manufacturer releases and gabions the price that is somewhat higher than usual, but they can be used in aggressive environments. In this case:

  • to protect the wire, GalFan coating is applied;
  • also additionally, the wire protects the sheath from polyvinyl chloride.

rIS.1 (4)

Gabions of all three types released Kingdelong from China, including structures reinforced, which:

  • have cells with a size of 0.8x1 cm;
  • move from wire with a diameter of 0.27 to 0.3 cm;
  • produced in the form of cube and block;
  • hexagonal cells.

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